Funny stories of young mothers

 - I went for a walk with her two-month baby in the playground. I sit, drink juice, read a magazine, not bothering anyone, except that pedestrians are mown once. Half an hour passed by husband and sympathetically said, "Let's go home, darling." I looked in the mirror - and I was in curlers .... large and colorful!

 - To go to a birthday to her friend in a restaurant. All of yourself - make-up, nails with rhinestones (molded in two nights), but that's out of the house picked up a package of garbage and throw forgotten. And hang it on the door in the subway, where the last door. And then on top of the soiled diaper. No one said. Well, when I came with him to buy flowers, a saleswoman in a choked voice noticed. And that would come to the restaurant so with flowers and diapers.

 - It is hard to consider the spoon with the mixture, as already put into the bottle. She found out, until I impose, count aloud. Approximately one-one-one, a second spoon throw, two-two-two, and so on ... They sat down to drink tea, I think it's the husband at me strange looks ... Sugar poured into a cup and say aloud with expression, one-one-one ... Well, what else was at home, not in a cafe or a party ...

-I Once in output in the wild early hour left on a small sleeping husband and rushed to a nearby store to some nonsense type of bread, milk. After a while realized that I not only do kata trolley back and forth like a wheelchair, so I did it (the trolley) aloud, I said: "Now we will go, take dad green apples, he loves them very much, and then we'll go over there for milk ... »

 - At first, she could not wait for my daughter to fall asleep, and slept sitting with her in his arms while feeding. I wake up from what she was crying, shove her chest, but she still whimpers, then watch her head on the other side, and I'm trying to feed the ass.

 - I'm going with the older daughter near the pond (s 9 years old), Max (1, 5 years) at home with Dad.
I: That's ducky quack-quack
Annie silent
I: And there you see, a dog ran aw-aw
Anya silent
I: And this machine. As the machine says? BBC machine says.
And then as a joke
Anna: Mom, do you talk to anyone?

Husband comes home from work and asks tea. I quickly ran to the kitchen to make tea, poured it on the machine in the bottle, and gave to her husband)))

At our house parrot, very tame and loves attention, but when something displeased little bite. I took him in my arms, talking to him, there was something he did not like started to bite. I have it immediately began to swing, bounce, and saying: "Psst, softly, all is well"


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