Entertainment at the office
1. Go to everyone working at the computer, and ask "do not find you have several gigabytes of free disk space?»
2. Loud otrygnite sitting at the computer, and then loudly asked: "Where we have wipes for cleaning monitors?»
3. Come to work before anyone else, gather all of the keyboard, put to him on the table, clasp their hands and loudly declared: "My! I'm not giving it!".
4. Arriving at work before anyone else, zaparolte all BIOSes after removing them 3, 5-inch drives, and then loudly announced the emergence of a super dangerous virus, the first sign of infection which is the inability to work with the flop.
5. Kill all the documents queued for printing on the Networking the printer.
6. vtulit each in MS Word Options "AutoCorrect" word "Chief" is replaced by "charges", "accounts department" ... "thief", "and" ... "in any", "to" ... "in the ass."
Prepare press and breathe deeply. It will be very funny ...
7. Take any magazine in the horn on the front of astonished colleagues sneak up to someone and shout rude voice in the ear of the poor man: "Once the teeth are not cleaned ?!»
8. Repeat step 7 on a regular basis. Then ask the victim if he shaves every day.
9. Replace on someone computer text the "revolving inscription" (a screen Seiver) «OpenGL» on «PopuMYL?»
10. Distribute all anonymous threats in the mail: "A bottle of kefir - or your life!", Then there will not ask out loud if anyone kefirchik.
11. Sit goromko hurt sopite pretend that pulls on the hair at from the imaginary beard and loud mumble, "I - Hottabych!»
12. Write in a corner on the glass Xerox obscenity thin layer of colorless varnish or epoxy. On the photocopy it is much more noticeable than in the glass!
13. Pretend that fell asleep for a while quietly pohrapite "dream" loudly and abruptly, muttering, "I hacked the Pentagon satellite ...
No, do not ... Not the balls ... I do not know, honestly, let me set me up ... ... "then name the surname of one of your colleagues.
2. Loud otrygnite sitting at the computer, and then loudly asked: "Where we have wipes for cleaning monitors?»
3. Come to work before anyone else, gather all of the keyboard, put to him on the table, clasp their hands and loudly declared: "My! I'm not giving it!".
4. Arriving at work before anyone else, zaparolte all BIOSes after removing them 3, 5-inch drives, and then loudly announced the emergence of a super dangerous virus, the first sign of infection which is the inability to work with the flop.
5. Kill all the documents queued for printing on the Networking the printer.
6. vtulit each in MS Word Options "AutoCorrect" word "Chief" is replaced by "charges", "accounts department" ... "thief", "and" ... "in any", "to" ... "in the ass."
Prepare press and breathe deeply. It will be very funny ...
7. Take any magazine in the horn on the front of astonished colleagues sneak up to someone and shout rude voice in the ear of the poor man: "Once the teeth are not cleaned ?!»
8. Repeat step 7 on a regular basis. Then ask the victim if he shaves every day.
9. Replace on someone computer text the "revolving inscription" (a screen Seiver) «OpenGL» on «PopuMYL?»
10. Distribute all anonymous threats in the mail: "A bottle of kefir - or your life!", Then there will not ask out loud if anyone kefirchik.
11. Sit goromko hurt sopite pretend that pulls on the hair at from the imaginary beard and loud mumble, "I - Hottabych!»
12. Write in a corner on the glass Xerox obscenity thin layer of colorless varnish or epoxy. On the photocopy it is much more noticeable than in the glass!
13. Pretend that fell asleep for a while quietly pohrapite "dream" loudly and abruptly, muttering, "I hacked the Pentagon satellite ...
No, do not ... Not the balls ... I do not know, honestly, let me set me up ... ... "then name the surname of one of your colleagues.