"Stuffed chicken egg"
1. Put the eggs into the pan in cold water. Bring to a boil over medium heat, gently stirring occasionally (this should leave the yolk in the center of the egg). Bring to a boil and cook about 2 minutes about.
2. Close the lid tight and turn off the heat. Leave for 25 minutes. Gently Put the eggs in a bowl in ice water and again leave for 5-10 minutes.
3. Peel the eggs, rinse under cold water and pat dry with a paper towel. Cut a thin layer of protein on the one hand, that the future could be a chicken. Curved knife cut off a third of the eggs, remove the yolk (possibly a knife would have cut the yolk inside and get it with a spoon, so as not to damage the protein).
From egg yolks cook stuffing.
4. Stuff the cooked mixture of proteins and close the cut "cap." Attach 2 sliced olives circle for "eye", lightly press them into the stuffing.
5. Insert the center olives 2 thin sticks of carrots or peppers for "pupil».
Carrot make "legs" and attach them to the bottom.