The time I accidentally threw a banyan into meat changed everything in my kitchen.
For as long as I can remember, I've always been with different spices and spices on you. So it's not surprising that anise I thought it was the same spice. However, it turned out that this was not the case.
Badian looks like little stars. Anise, in fact, is just small seeds with tails. This spice reminds me of small dried gooseberry fruits. How to use them and what dishes are best to add, I tell you in detail further in the article.
Let’s start with definitions, to remember once and for all how anise and badyan differ from each other. It's simple! Badyan is a dry fruit, it is collected from a tree. Anise is a seed harvested from an annual plant.
These spices are grown differently, but they are similar in their aroma. This is why they are often confused. Anise began to be used in cooking many years ago. Spice was added mainly to various hot drinks.
Badyan smells more spicy and pronounced. He has. sweetishIt can be used to prepare both sweet and salty dishes. The main feature of this spice is that it skillfully emphasizes the taste quality of any cooking.
And how beautiful the Badyan looks! The asterisks consist of 6 or 8 pointed segments in which the seeds are located. It is in them that the taste and aroma of the spice is concentrated. When buying a badyan, be sure to check if these seeds are in the stars.
The smell of badyan also resembles something in between fennel, thyme and cloves. However, the aroma of this spice is much more powerful and richer. Therefore, for the preparation of one dish, as a rule, 1-2 stars are enough. Very economical!
It is also used in cooking. ground. It's a rich brown powder. It is also consumed for a very long time: just one pinch of such a seasoning is enough to make the taste of the dish play with new colors.
In what dishes can be added badyan In Asian countries, badyan is very popular. There it replaces the usual bay leaf. So it is most often added to meat and fish dishes, and with its help reveal the taste of vegetables. It is ideal to add this spice to dishes that take a long time to cook. It can be some spicy vegetable broth or stewed on a small fire meat with vegetables.
The longer the banyan stays in the dish during slow cooking, the better it will reveal its aroma and taste properties. Before serving the dish, the spice is often taken out - it has already fulfilled its main function.
Try to add badyan to the broth: vegetable, meat, fish or mushroom. Also, the spice is perfect for cooking spicy beef, veal or pork. In addition, fragrant stars can be added during cooking cereals and legumes: buckwheat, rice, bulgur, lentils, chickpeas, peas.
Boldly prepare various sauces, marinades for kebab or pilaf with a badyan. Ground spice can also be added to dough for baking and drinks, whether it is mulled wine, tea or coffee. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can spoil the taste of the finished dish. I also recommend experimenting and adding badian to homemade jam or jam.
How to store badjan so that it does not spoil Any food product has an expiration date. Badian is no exception. So that it retains its alluring aroma and savory taste as long as possible, it is important to store it correctly. For this, it is enough to transfer the spice into glass jar with a lid or in a sealed container. Keep the badyan in a dry and dark place. The kitchen locker will do the best.
By the way, Badyan has a lot of useful properties. My colleague Kristina Mironiuk told what qualities this fragrant oriental spice has. You will find interesting material on the link.
Tell me, do you use badyan in cooking? It would be great if you shared your signature recipe with this spice. I'll see you in the comments!

Badian looks like little stars. Anise, in fact, is just small seeds with tails. This spice reminds me of small dried gooseberry fruits. How to use them and what dishes are best to add, I tell you in detail further in the article.
Let’s start with definitions, to remember once and for all how anise and badyan differ from each other. It's simple! Badyan is a dry fruit, it is collected from a tree. Anise is a seed harvested from an annual plant.
These spices are grown differently, but they are similar in their aroma. This is why they are often confused. Anise began to be used in cooking many years ago. Spice was added mainly to various hot drinks.

Badyan smells more spicy and pronounced. He has. sweetishIt can be used to prepare both sweet and salty dishes. The main feature of this spice is that it skillfully emphasizes the taste quality of any cooking.
And how beautiful the Badyan looks! The asterisks consist of 6 or 8 pointed segments in which the seeds are located. It is in them that the taste and aroma of the spice is concentrated. When buying a badyan, be sure to check if these seeds are in the stars.

The smell of badyan also resembles something in between fennel, thyme and cloves. However, the aroma of this spice is much more powerful and richer. Therefore, for the preparation of one dish, as a rule, 1-2 stars are enough. Very economical!
It is also used in cooking. ground. It's a rich brown powder. It is also consumed for a very long time: just one pinch of such a seasoning is enough to make the taste of the dish play with new colors.
In what dishes can be added badyan In Asian countries, badyan is very popular. There it replaces the usual bay leaf. So it is most often added to meat and fish dishes, and with its help reveal the taste of vegetables. It is ideal to add this spice to dishes that take a long time to cook. It can be some spicy vegetable broth or stewed on a small fire meat with vegetables.

The longer the banyan stays in the dish during slow cooking, the better it will reveal its aroma and taste properties. Before serving the dish, the spice is often taken out - it has already fulfilled its main function.
Try to add badyan to the broth: vegetable, meat, fish or mushroom. Also, the spice is perfect for cooking spicy beef, veal or pork. In addition, fragrant stars can be added during cooking cereals and legumes: buckwheat, rice, bulgur, lentils, chickpeas, peas.

Boldly prepare various sauces, marinades for kebab or pilaf with a badyan. Ground spice can also be added to dough for baking and drinks, whether it is mulled wine, tea or coffee. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can spoil the taste of the finished dish. I also recommend experimenting and adding badian to homemade jam or jam.
How to store badjan so that it does not spoil Any food product has an expiration date. Badian is no exception. So that it retains its alluring aroma and savory taste as long as possible, it is important to store it correctly. For this, it is enough to transfer the spice into glass jar with a lid or in a sealed container. Keep the badyan in a dry and dark place. The kitchen locker will do the best.

By the way, Badyan has a lot of useful properties. My colleague Kristina Mironiuk told what qualities this fragrant oriental spice has. You will find interesting material on the link.
Tell me, do you use badyan in cooking? It would be great if you shared your signature recipe with this spice. I'll see you in the comments!
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