Your birth month will tell you how well you cook.
How to become a cookWho cooks deliciously? It is not necessary to receive higher education or study at special courses. Astrologers believe that it is enough to be born under the correct zodiac sign. And you won't have any problems cooking.
Today's edition. "Site" How your birth month affects how well you cook. Check whether the stars are accurate in your case and how well they describe the culinary abilities of your loved ones.
Some people without professional training are able to create delicious dishes. It seems that they have a real talent that allows you to set a tasty table, even if at hand the minimum of products. Does the birth month really matter?
April birthday parties have in their cookbook only a couple of dishes that can cook. And they believe that in addition to conventional scrambled eggs or simple sandwiches, they do not need anything. Moreover, these dishes in their performance are quite tasty, because it is difficult to spoil eggs or a sandwich. For something more interesting, these people are missing.
May (6/10)
They know how to follow the recipe and observe all the subtleties. They are always fed, and they are fed delicious food. Unfortunately, May cooks are in no hurry to master complex dishes, so it is pointless to expect masterpieces from them. However, next to such a person you will not disappear. June (10/10)
They know good food, they know how to cook themselves. Even if there seems to be chaos in the kitchen, it is not. After all, June birthday parties completely control the situation, creating their masterpieces. Alas, but often guests they feed delicious dishes, and they are forced to do something simple and cheap.
July (0/10)
Cooking is not about the July hostess. Of course, they can cook simple dishes with recipes. However, when you need to improvise, change something and rule in the process, you get a vague result. Although there are probably lucky exceptions among these “cooks”. August (-100/10)
They do not like to cook and do not know how to do it. It happens that a person is as far from any processes as possible. Although they hate the kitchen, they are happy to try dishes prepared by more masterful chefs. Yeah. may criticize.
September (1/10)
If they cook, they try to do it at once in large volumes, so as not to be at the stove longer. And even better, if you can order food or eat somewhere in a cafe. Who cooks best? October (11/10)
These are the chefs that everyone admires. From an inconspicuous supply of products, they are able to create something amazing. In the kitchen, they do not cook, they create. Each time they find inspiration in the process. Even the most difficult dish they cook brilliantly the first time.
November (8/10)
The kitchen doesn’t scare them, they take on the challenge. In the kitchen, November cooks easily control all processes, which is not surprising. After all, these people begin to master the basics at a young age and work hard to raise their level as high as possible. December (-1/10)
In this case, something to burn or digest is common. All their attempts to cope with the kitchen stove fail miserably. As a result, December birthday parties either get used to their constant failures, or flatly abandon culinary affairs.
The best chefs are born in June, October and November, and the worst in July, August and December. Tell me if it matches your life experience. And also read, How to Become a Good Level CookEven if you don’t have the right talent.
Today's edition. "Site" How your birth month affects how well you cook. Check whether the stars are accurate in your case and how well they describe the culinary abilities of your loved ones.

Some people without professional training are able to create delicious dishes. It seems that they have a real talent that allows you to set a tasty table, even if at hand the minimum of products. Does the birth month really matter?
- January (7/10)
A score of 7 out of 10 shows that January birthday parties make good cooks. Their kitchen is always in order, they manage everything, their dishes almost never burn. However, experiments such cooks do not like, something new is rarely cooked. They would try pampering the family with carrot cake or kiwi jam. But instead, they cook chicken in the old-fashioned way and cut the weary olive even for the festive table. - February (4/10)
Why cook when you can make a sandwich or order a pizza? This approach characterizes these people well, for whom each cooked dish is akin to a feat. It is not surprising that good chefs from February birthdays are rare, they are inattentive to the little things. For example, they often forget to even get a bay leaf from a pan immediately after cooking. And this oversight almost always spoils the taste of the same soup. - March (3/10)
These people can only create in the kitchen when they are inspired. However, this is rare. Often, March birthdays consider cooking as a routine, do not try to develop in this direction. Perhaps they should try new dishes to arouse interest in creating really tasty food.
April birthday parties have in their cookbook only a couple of dishes that can cook. And they believe that in addition to conventional scrambled eggs or simple sandwiches, they do not need anything. Moreover, these dishes in their performance are quite tasty, because it is difficult to spoil eggs or a sandwich. For something more interesting, these people are missing.
May (6/10)
They know how to follow the recipe and observe all the subtleties. They are always fed, and they are fed delicious food. Unfortunately, May cooks are in no hurry to master complex dishes, so it is pointless to expect masterpieces from them. However, next to such a person you will not disappear. June (10/10)
They know good food, they know how to cook themselves. Even if there seems to be chaos in the kitchen, it is not. After all, June birthday parties completely control the situation, creating their masterpieces. Alas, but often guests they feed delicious dishes, and they are forced to do something simple and cheap.

July (0/10)
Cooking is not about the July hostess. Of course, they can cook simple dishes with recipes. However, when you need to improvise, change something and rule in the process, you get a vague result. Although there are probably lucky exceptions among these “cooks”. August (-100/10)
They do not like to cook and do not know how to do it. It happens that a person is as far from any processes as possible. Although they hate the kitchen, they are happy to try dishes prepared by more masterful chefs. Yeah. may criticize.

September (1/10)
If they cook, they try to do it at once in large volumes, so as not to be at the stove longer. And even better, if you can order food or eat somewhere in a cafe. Who cooks best? October (11/10)
These are the chefs that everyone admires. From an inconspicuous supply of products, they are able to create something amazing. In the kitchen, they do not cook, they create. Each time they find inspiration in the process. Even the most difficult dish they cook brilliantly the first time.

November (8/10)
The kitchen doesn’t scare them, they take on the challenge. In the kitchen, November cooks easily control all processes, which is not surprising. After all, these people begin to master the basics at a young age and work hard to raise their level as high as possible. December (-1/10)
In this case, something to burn or digest is common. All their attempts to cope with the kitchen stove fail miserably. As a result, December birthday parties either get used to their constant failures, or flatly abandon culinary affairs.

The best chefs are born in June, October and November, and the worst in July, August and December. Tell me if it matches your life experience. And also read, How to Become a Good Level CookEven if you don’t have the right talent.
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