The Story of a passenger
Late at night I'm pinned to the airport "Domodedovo". Good vechnostroyaschiysya airport and greeted me a happy announcement that the registration for the flight from Moscow to Krasnoyarsk airlines "KrasAir" started and I can calmly and without waiting to change color beautiful ugly little blue ticket on boarding and go into the business lounge to drink beer. I must say that I, as an ordinary Soviet passengers flying economy class. -Good evening! - I smiled happily cute dvchushke on registration. - I have no baggage, so long you will not torture. That's the ticket, passport, let me please place on 1 row next to the window. One or one and ef.
Excuse me, but I can not - the little girl smiled. These places - your airline and discover they can only representative.
-Uvazhaemy Representative - I even took off his dark glasses - please be so kind as to open the place for me 1 "and».
-This Is what else? - Surprised representative.
-To I was sitting there! - I was surprised.
-This Place for passengers with cradles! - I screamed representative.
I do not see here any cradle, and on the first row - 9 seats. where you have so many cradles?
-No, I will not reveal. Wait for the end of the registration.
-Don't I want to wait for anything.
A young man is, you fly economy class and still have the audacity to demand something!
That is, he said nothing. I razsvirepel. Actually, I sviripeyu only in two cases. When I do not give to move from business class to economy and back when I was accused of, I bought the most expensive ticket. -Ah well! - I shouted, what drew the attention of others - or you immediately open it to me a place or podryvate your ass run in office and carry me out numbered form the airline called "Leaf recall passengers", which I am pleased to write to you - amateur, ham and I hate you.
-Poshel Forums - briefly said the representative.
And then I noticed, as are massive skillfully removes badge and hid it in his pocket.
-Nemedlenno Introduce yourself! - I yelled and pulled out his cell phone - or I'll call security. You - an impostor. UNUSUAL for registration !!!
At my aunt screams came running - airport administrator.
He's fucking sent me and does not want to represent - I complained.
-A Th I presented to you - poburchal are massive - I'm with you not going to get acquainted.
On the way to the central office nazvanivaya KrasAir I raced to the airline representative at the airport on the 5th floor.
-I Sent a fuck !!! - I shouted the senior-change - immediately book reviews. Or me! I!!!
-Do You get. Bye. Require here the devil knows what.
Listen, that you allow yourself, I'm not your boy. I ...
-Go On dick - affectionately he told senior on change and smiled.
-In This point, I just got through to the central representation of "KrasAir».
-I Sent a double fuck! - I yelled in hysterics so that my aunt on the wire responded nemdlenno.
-Go Fuck ...
Sitting in the same plane, I paid in addition the flight attendants and moved to Business Class.
He demanded the book of complaints.
-What Do you want to write? - I asked the stewardess.
What the fuck I sent everything in your airline.
Is a regular, properly - glad stewardess and I almost did not let her in the face - well - she said - I still write and write system area. I was also sent.
Me and my girlfriend sat on the chair, took out a pen and began to write. History was obtained mesmerizing.
I went over and I was sent to fuck, then I went out there and I was again sent to fuck, and then I called and they sent me back fuck.
-And Then I got on a plane and the stewardess on speakerphone sent me to fuck - continued my friend and raskhohatalas - the next day I got a call.
Dmitriy? Yes! Dmitry, fuck you fuck - Marinka jiving tough coming up with a variety of situations in which I would be still able to send to the dick.
After 2 days I phoned the deputy Abramovich.
-From The name of the airline, - he said, - I would like to ...
-Poslat Fuck me? - Fligmatichno I asked.
The next day, the representative of the airline, who called his name and hid beydzhiki, fired.
Excuse me, but I can not - the little girl smiled. These places - your airline and discover they can only representative.
-Uvazhaemy Representative - I even took off his dark glasses - please be so kind as to open the place for me 1 "and».
-This Is what else? - Surprised representative.
-To I was sitting there! - I was surprised.
-This Place for passengers with cradles! - I screamed representative.
I do not see here any cradle, and on the first row - 9 seats. where you have so many cradles?
-No, I will not reveal. Wait for the end of the registration.
-Don't I want to wait for anything.
A young man is, you fly economy class and still have the audacity to demand something!
That is, he said nothing. I razsvirepel. Actually, I sviripeyu only in two cases. When I do not give to move from business class to economy and back when I was accused of, I bought the most expensive ticket. -Ah well! - I shouted, what drew the attention of others - or you immediately open it to me a place or podryvate your ass run in office and carry me out numbered form the airline called "Leaf recall passengers", which I am pleased to write to you - amateur, ham and I hate you.
-Poshel Forums - briefly said the representative.
And then I noticed, as are massive skillfully removes badge and hid it in his pocket.
-Nemedlenno Introduce yourself! - I yelled and pulled out his cell phone - or I'll call security. You - an impostor. UNUSUAL for registration !!!
At my aunt screams came running - airport administrator.
He's fucking sent me and does not want to represent - I complained.
-A Th I presented to you - poburchal are massive - I'm with you not going to get acquainted.
On the way to the central office nazvanivaya KrasAir I raced to the airline representative at the airport on the 5th floor.
-I Sent a fuck !!! - I shouted the senior-change - immediately book reviews. Or me! I!!!
-Do You get. Bye. Require here the devil knows what.
Listen, that you allow yourself, I'm not your boy. I ...
-Go On dick - affectionately he told senior on change and smiled.
-In This point, I just got through to the central representation of "KrasAir».
-I Sent a double fuck! - I yelled in hysterics so that my aunt on the wire responded nemdlenno.
-Go Fuck ...
Sitting in the same plane, I paid in addition the flight attendants and moved to Business Class.
He demanded the book of complaints.
-What Do you want to write? - I asked the stewardess.
What the fuck I sent everything in your airline.
Is a regular, properly - glad stewardess and I almost did not let her in the face - well - she said - I still write and write system area. I was also sent.
Me and my girlfriend sat on the chair, took out a pen and began to write. History was obtained mesmerizing.
I went over and I was sent to fuck, then I went out there and I was again sent to fuck, and then I called and they sent me back fuck.
-And Then I got on a plane and the stewardess on speakerphone sent me to fuck - continued my friend and raskhohatalas - the next day I got a call.
Dmitriy? Yes! Dmitry, fuck you fuck - Marinka jiving tough coming up with a variety of situations in which I would be still able to send to the dick.
After 2 days I phoned the deputy Abramovich.
-From The name of the airline, - he said, - I would like to ...
-Poslat Fuck me? - Fligmatichno I asked.
The next day, the representative of the airline, who called his name and hid beydzhiki, fired.
