Public transport freebie is over (27 photos)
Calls for respect for the Constitution, active opposition police unprecedented unity of society and even fighting off their detainees "paws bloody regime" - will not see even Dissenters. Correspondent civil community photojournalism "Ridus News" ottenki_serogo went to check the correctness of Fare.
Ten years of the penalty for ticketless travel in the Moscow transport was 100 rubles, and two years ago in connection with the Law "On Amendments to the Administrative Code," inspectors general have lost the right to punish and passengers could only "politely" ask stowaway pay the fare with the driver or get off at the next stop.
To the new penalties Moscow gets used hard.
The working day starts with the controller to communicate with the soldiers of the 2nd operational regiment of militia - to make the passengers to the new amount of punishment in 1000 rubles, you can only use them. June 27, amendments to the capital Code of Administrative Offences, increasing the penalty for ticketless travel in the Moscow public transport.
There are two types of controllers working in tandem. The first - from the State public institutions - MAS "Organizer transportation": siniyaya shape, badge, ID-book. They have the right to fine.
The second type - the controller Mosgortrans: white form, a certificate on the ribbon and BUNCH - portable monitoring device. Can not be fined, but they are probably even more dangerous for the "birds" because they have the right to withdraw "Moscow Social Card».
Each of them must have dress-time job with the specified work and routes.
According Mosgortrans daily from 20% to 30% of their passengers go "rabbits" in me is hard to believe, but the inspectors claim that there is absolutely free riders in each bus. Distributed over the interior: two supervisors, three police officers. Minibus 2nd operational regiment of militia standing on end, ready to quickly drive up to take a passenger in resisting separation. This is not a demonstration event for journalists, I was the only representative of the media.
Located inside the controller does not even need to look for incoming passengers, "hares" are defined by the sound of the validator - social card sounds different than a travel pass. By age estimated the probability of a passenger if he could have it.
The first catch - a stranger "social." First, the controller Mosgortrans is the act of removing the card and sells a ticket for 28 rubles, then the controller CCU writes a receipt for payment of the fine. On the spot to take "punitive" money no one has the right - the passenger has 30 days to do so at any branch of Sberbank.
Virtually all of the passengers caught declare that they have no passport. The logic is simple - there is no document, no one to make the report. In this case, call the police, but this "bunny" just ran away, without waiting for her arrival. Catch nobody even tried - a task controller is not to punish, but to explain to instill the idea that travel must be paid. During the years of freebies on this forgotten.
Get under the validator passengers called "dives". These two guys were soldiers. He was released without penalty.
Most of the "hares" states that they are disabled or go to the hospital, but this woman slapping «Prada» once said that she works in the Office of the President and, of course, no passport.
While waiting for the minibus to secession, it include a bag recorder, began to ask the controller to go with her to the bathroom to change some of the personal hygiene. Trying to provoke a bribe in the booth?
Shame experience less than ten percent caught. The reaction of the vast majority - a sharp negative. This man, who promised to find me later and sort of invasion of privacy, "First Black got, then you - the state, and now press the camera!" When he saw the controller, quickly made his way to the turnstile and punched his ticket, which he holds in his hands on the photo.
He did not know that before entering the cabin supervisor always says through the validator during his appearance - all tickets punched later - invalid.
Seeing calling controllers, 2-3 passenger necessarily "suddenly" decided to leave, about the same number of people standing at the bus stop to go to change their mind. Police is annoying, they jokingly offered to first block the exits from the bus, and then go.
Elegant scheme ticketless travel - go to someone else's social sphere, and the controller show student transport card does not pass. BUNCH - portable device controller reports that the card is not charged with money and last pass along it was in December.
For a new social security card, its present owner will spend at least a month, and, of course, all this time will not be able to enjoy the benefits. On the second occasion, he will lose them forever. It is worth noting that foreign social sphere for children under 10 years are not selected - they usually belong to large families and low-income families.
Once again: on the spot, no penalty is taken ever! Only issued a receipt.
- Controllers fake cops bought form! - Says the man with a strange social card
At convenient for direct stops sometimes accumulates a crowd controllers. The girl was not lucky to get it to her. She actively dials someone not wanting to submit documents. How then we realized she just buying time. Later, when she was released, here come unrealistic stranded and brother, grabbing our hands, running between us, not letting go, will scream that his sister lost her first social card on the bus, then tossed her, and now she inspectors extort 30 thousand rubles. - Yes I Do! I confirm that I am a witness! - Suddenly declares sitting at the bus stop man, before this explained to me that in our country dual control is prohibited when the turnstile already checked the passenger.
This behavior of passengers at the end of an eight-hour shift for me there was no wonder they always, I repeat - always take the side of "hare". For them stowaway - a form of protest against the system, "Billions of Russian export, as they are for a ticket shake!" "Ten men with guns on one, do not you ashamed?" - The most innocuous statements that I heard that day. One kontrolershu even bitten on the chest girl, asserting violation of their "constitutional rights" when checking fare. - Release the baby! - Require citizens, beating the young man of 1991 birth.

Ten years of the penalty for ticketless travel in the Moscow transport was 100 rubles, and two years ago in connection with the Law "On Amendments to the Administrative Code," inspectors general have lost the right to punish and passengers could only "politely" ask stowaway pay the fare with the driver or get off at the next stop.

To the new penalties Moscow gets used hard.

The working day starts with the controller to communicate with the soldiers of the 2nd operational regiment of militia - to make the passengers to the new amount of punishment in 1000 rubles, you can only use them. June 27, amendments to the capital Code of Administrative Offences, increasing the penalty for ticketless travel in the Moscow public transport.

There are two types of controllers working in tandem. The first - from the State public institutions - MAS "Organizer transportation": siniyaya shape, badge, ID-book. They have the right to fine.

The second type - the controller Mosgortrans: white form, a certificate on the ribbon and BUNCH - portable monitoring device. Can not be fined, but they are probably even more dangerous for the "birds" because they have the right to withdraw "Moscow Social Card».

Each of them must have dress-time job with the specified work and routes.

According Mosgortrans daily from 20% to 30% of their passengers go "rabbits" in me is hard to believe, but the inspectors claim that there is absolutely free riders in each bus. Distributed over the interior: two supervisors, three police officers. Minibus 2nd operational regiment of militia standing on end, ready to quickly drive up to take a passenger in resisting separation. This is not a demonstration event for journalists, I was the only representative of the media.

Located inside the controller does not even need to look for incoming passengers, "hares" are defined by the sound of the validator - social card sounds different than a travel pass. By age estimated the probability of a passenger if he could have it.

The first catch - a stranger "social." First, the controller Mosgortrans is the act of removing the card and sells a ticket for 28 rubles, then the controller CCU writes a receipt for payment of the fine. On the spot to take "punitive" money no one has the right - the passenger has 30 days to do so at any branch of Sberbank.

Virtually all of the passengers caught declare that they have no passport. The logic is simple - there is no document, no one to make the report. In this case, call the police, but this "bunny" just ran away, without waiting for her arrival. Catch nobody even tried - a task controller is not to punish, but to explain to instill the idea that travel must be paid. During the years of freebies on this forgotten.

Get under the validator passengers called "dives". These two guys were soldiers. He was released without penalty.

Most of the "hares" states that they are disabled or go to the hospital, but this woman slapping «Prada» once said that she works in the Office of the President and, of course, no passport.

While waiting for the minibus to secession, it include a bag recorder, began to ask the controller to go with her to the bathroom to change some of the personal hygiene. Trying to provoke a bribe in the booth?

Shame experience less than ten percent caught. The reaction of the vast majority - a sharp negative. This man, who promised to find me later and sort of invasion of privacy, "First Black got, then you - the state, and now press the camera!" When he saw the controller, quickly made his way to the turnstile and punched his ticket, which he holds in his hands on the photo.

He did not know that before entering the cabin supervisor always says through the validator during his appearance - all tickets punched later - invalid.

Seeing calling controllers, 2-3 passenger necessarily "suddenly" decided to leave, about the same number of people standing at the bus stop to go to change their mind. Police is annoying, they jokingly offered to first block the exits from the bus, and then go.

Elegant scheme ticketless travel - go to someone else's social sphere, and the controller show student transport card does not pass. BUNCH - portable device controller reports that the card is not charged with money and last pass along it was in December.

For a new social security card, its present owner will spend at least a month, and, of course, all this time will not be able to enjoy the benefits. On the second occasion, he will lose them forever. It is worth noting that foreign social sphere for children under 10 years are not selected - they usually belong to large families and low-income families.

Once again: on the spot, no penalty is taken ever! Only issued a receipt.

- Controllers fake cops bought form! - Says the man with a strange social card

At convenient for direct stops sometimes accumulates a crowd controllers. The girl was not lucky to get it to her. She actively dials someone not wanting to submit documents. How then we realized she just buying time. Later, when she was released, here come unrealistic stranded and brother, grabbing our hands, running between us, not letting go, will scream that his sister lost her first social card on the bus, then tossed her, and now she inspectors extort 30 thousand rubles. - Yes I Do! I confirm that I am a witness! - Suddenly declares sitting at the bus stop man, before this explained to me that in our country dual control is prohibited when the turnstile already checked the passenger.

This behavior of passengers at the end of an eight-hour shift for me there was no wonder they always, I repeat - always take the side of "hare". For them stowaway - a form of protest against the system, "Billions of Russian export, as they are for a ticket shake!" "Ten men with guns on one, do not you ashamed?" - The most innocuous statements that I heard that day. One kontrolershu even bitten on the chest girl, asserting violation of their "constitutional rights" when checking fare. - Release the baby! - Require citizens, beating the young man of 1991 birth.