Terms call men and women.

1. When talking with a man, try first to tell about the most important and only then talk about the details.
2. If a man interrupted the conversation, do not become isolated and offense. Tell him that it is important for you, but the quiet and, most importantly firmly.
3. instead of "I feel" or "I feel" better to say "I think" - this will give more weight to the words.
4. Do not talk too loud and fast. Finish the sentence, reducing rather than increasing the tone, it will give confidence to your speech.
5. Remember, constant questions impression interrogation.
6. Do not apologize too much, especially for the fact that he has no relationship to you. Instead of "I'm sorry" is better to say "How dare they!". You immediately become an ally.
7. Learn to disagree with everything the man said, if you are sure they are right. To defend their point of view. This you call up respect.
8. Let's speak to the man. Do not interrupt him, and attentive to all of its arguments.
The most important thing in communication between men and women - is to learn to listen to your partner and hear what he has to say. This is the highest degree of mutual understanding, to strive!