The awakening of Cthulhu
Cthulhu woke up and scratched himself behind the second leg left ear. I really wanted to eat.
- Potyagushechki! - Exclaimed joyfully ancient monster, grin, sharp teeth in a smile, and jumped out of bed. The bed was an antique, styrennye 60 or 70 million years ago from a friend of a dinosaur. To be the conscience of this fact is not tormented Cthulhu: dinosaur was stupid bed - perfect. And then - still dinosaurs were extinct, and so gentle and vulnerable suzestvam as Cthulhu, by drinking before the brain of the people want a normal, healthy and sound sleep on a good bed. Otherwise, the mood then to zero, this is followed depryasnyak, and as a result, and sweet moment, which is a nice monster to wait several thousand years, turns into a tedious duty. So Cthulhu gleefully jumped on the bed, bit floating by tiger sharks, and crawled ashore.
On the beach it was dirty. Two seagulls, giving Cthulhu squeamish look something nasty contemptuous voices and shouted, proudly raised his head, flew toward the garbage. The ancient monster has left this dismissive gesture unnoticed - gulls memorized it in person, and after the destruction of mankind is going to take this type of flying zhrachki closely.
Suddenly blew a gentle breeze, and brightened Cthulhu. The smell of youth, joy and optimism was strong, bright, expressive, and the monster smiled happily anticipating familiarity with new wonderful world.
Frowning girl seven years put aside a bucket and shovel, he glanced suspiciously at the monster, and then struggled tugged the ancient depths of the horror of the Tentacle.
- Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah! - Cthulhu shouted and hopped on one leg.
- Real - respectfully said the girl, carefully studying the remaining tentacle in hand. - Where did you get it?
- Where did you get, there is no more - angrily monster, and reached for a comb. He did not like being jerked behind tentacles - this hairstyle always spoiled.
- Zhadnyyyyyyyyy - respectfully handed the girl. - I, too, so I will. I do not lap! - And knocked on the forehead of Cthulhu metal spatula.
- What are you doing ?! - Surprise monster. And it fell.
- I was just for prevention. And then suddenly you want to take a bucket, Ali something. And I do not like it. Listen, and you strong - girl with respect looked at the purple lump on his forehead swollen Cthulhu. - Others were unable to say anything.
- Heredity is good, - whispered Cthulhu. - Sweetie want?
- Maniac, what? - Respectfully asked the girl, and to be sure kicked the depths of horror in the kidney area. Kidney was not there. But there were other, no less important organs. When the conversation continued, the voice sounded weaker Cthulhu. And somehow thinner.
- Not a maniac I - Cthulhu carefully stood up and moved away from the girl. - I Cthulhu, the ancient depths of horror, I came that would destroy mankind, and drink his brain. And do not beat me! - Crazy, huh? - Respectful girl looked around the monster look. - I love these. Dad always said that in life you need to have an example to follow. And I like tentacles. Also such wish.
- I'M NOT GIVING IT!!! - Cthulhu jumped in fright.
- What is something you are nervous - respectfully girl sniffed. - At right. I would even say - of course. And nazhrutsya tablets all - and do not care a breeze. Ears they tie a bow - and citizens though henna. However, a shame. When I grow up, I will, too nervous. Honestly.
- Listen, - Cthulhu carefully looked around. - What, then all of these?
- What are "these"? - Surprised girl.
- Well, these are small, with pigtails and dresses? - Cthulhu tentacles moving uneasily, waiting for an answer.
- Yes, no, - the girl disappointed sigh, sat down and began to build a ballistic missile from the sand. - The rest of the worse. You are important to them in the eye does not get. They'll all materialistic - in the extreme. Money, money, everybody wants. You have a rare, unique, with tentacles. They see - immediately or in a museum, or as souvenirs. Brrr ... Although ... Maybe even souvenirs and anything out! Hey, how about you - as souvenirs!
- Against - strongly objected Cthulhu. - I do not like when I was - as souvenirs. Honestly. And in general - my place to go.
- It's always - hlyupnula disappointed girl. - Only zavyazhesh someone valuable relationships catches. One word - a man. Home to him, you see, it's time. But is not it time you ... But Cthulhu it is no longer heard. He quickly raced to the dark depths of the ocean straight to his beautiful, cozy bed. Waking up the next time he was not going to. Never.
- Potyagushechki! - Exclaimed joyfully ancient monster, grin, sharp teeth in a smile, and jumped out of bed. The bed was an antique, styrennye 60 or 70 million years ago from a friend of a dinosaur. To be the conscience of this fact is not tormented Cthulhu: dinosaur was stupid bed - perfect. And then - still dinosaurs were extinct, and so gentle and vulnerable suzestvam as Cthulhu, by drinking before the brain of the people want a normal, healthy and sound sleep on a good bed. Otherwise, the mood then to zero, this is followed depryasnyak, and as a result, and sweet moment, which is a nice monster to wait several thousand years, turns into a tedious duty. So Cthulhu gleefully jumped on the bed, bit floating by tiger sharks, and crawled ashore.
On the beach it was dirty. Two seagulls, giving Cthulhu squeamish look something nasty contemptuous voices and shouted, proudly raised his head, flew toward the garbage. The ancient monster has left this dismissive gesture unnoticed - gulls memorized it in person, and after the destruction of mankind is going to take this type of flying zhrachki closely.
Suddenly blew a gentle breeze, and brightened Cthulhu. The smell of youth, joy and optimism was strong, bright, expressive, and the monster smiled happily anticipating familiarity with new wonderful world.
Frowning girl seven years put aside a bucket and shovel, he glanced suspiciously at the monster, and then struggled tugged the ancient depths of the horror of the Tentacle.
- Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah! - Cthulhu shouted and hopped on one leg.
- Real - respectfully said the girl, carefully studying the remaining tentacle in hand. - Where did you get it?
- Where did you get, there is no more - angrily monster, and reached for a comb. He did not like being jerked behind tentacles - this hairstyle always spoiled.
- Zhadnyyyyyyyyy - respectfully handed the girl. - I, too, so I will. I do not lap! - And knocked on the forehead of Cthulhu metal spatula.
- What are you doing ?! - Surprise monster. And it fell.
- I was just for prevention. And then suddenly you want to take a bucket, Ali something. And I do not like it. Listen, and you strong - girl with respect looked at the purple lump on his forehead swollen Cthulhu. - Others were unable to say anything.
- Heredity is good, - whispered Cthulhu. - Sweetie want?
- Maniac, what? - Respectfully asked the girl, and to be sure kicked the depths of horror in the kidney area. Kidney was not there. But there were other, no less important organs. When the conversation continued, the voice sounded weaker Cthulhu. And somehow thinner.
- Not a maniac I - Cthulhu carefully stood up and moved away from the girl. - I Cthulhu, the ancient depths of horror, I came that would destroy mankind, and drink his brain. And do not beat me! - Crazy, huh? - Respectful girl looked around the monster look. - I love these. Dad always said that in life you need to have an example to follow. And I like tentacles. Also such wish.
- I'M NOT GIVING IT!!! - Cthulhu jumped in fright.
- What is something you are nervous - respectfully girl sniffed. - At right. I would even say - of course. And nazhrutsya tablets all - and do not care a breeze. Ears they tie a bow - and citizens though henna. However, a shame. When I grow up, I will, too nervous. Honestly.
- Listen, - Cthulhu carefully looked around. - What, then all of these?
- What are "these"? - Surprised girl.
- Well, these are small, with pigtails and dresses? - Cthulhu tentacles moving uneasily, waiting for an answer.
- Yes, no, - the girl disappointed sigh, sat down and began to build a ballistic missile from the sand. - The rest of the worse. You are important to them in the eye does not get. They'll all materialistic - in the extreme. Money, money, everybody wants. You have a rare, unique, with tentacles. They see - immediately or in a museum, or as souvenirs. Brrr ... Although ... Maybe even souvenirs and anything out! Hey, how about you - as souvenirs!
- Against - strongly objected Cthulhu. - I do not like when I was - as souvenirs. Honestly. And in general - my place to go.
- It's always - hlyupnula disappointed girl. - Only zavyazhesh someone valuable relationships catches. One word - a man. Home to him, you see, it's time. But is not it time you ... But Cthulhu it is no longer heard. He quickly raced to the dark depths of the ocean straight to his beautiful, cozy bed. Waking up the next time he was not going to. Never.
Shooting a new movie to promote Sony Bravia. Breathtakingly
No, it's not a cake in the form of meat, the meat in the form of a cake))