Movies by Lovecraft
Shout, fear and pray for mercy: the 20 most scary movies based on the works of HP Lovecraft
Watch movies and study of the worlds Howard Phillips Lovecraft. But bear in mind that the big Hollywood is not very fond of contact with lavkraftianskimi matter, because most of these tapes filmed inexpensively delivered ascetic and require the viewer a special mystical excitement, to feel the concepts and enjoy the atmosphere.
If among the readers wound someone unfamiliar with the HP Lovecraft have to explain. This Pope Cthulhu. The writer, who invented so many horror stories about Cthulhu Necronomicon and interplanetary gods that his fright horror classic named posthumously.
The latest wave of
The Last Wave, Australia
Director: Peter Weir
Starring: Richard Chamberlain
Prominent Australian director Peter Weir created a picture of the apocalyptic visions about the role in the destiny of Australia could play the ancient deities and spirits who lived on its territory. Beautiful, rainy and frightening lack of optimism ethnic thriller.
Evil Dead
The Evil Dead, US
Director: Sam Raimi
Starring: Bruce Campbell
Classics of the genre from the demonic Sam Raimi in the ranks of moviegoers nice by the fact that introduced into the consciousness of the audience knowledge about the "Necronomicon", previously available only to ardent followers of the cult of Lovecraft. However, we must consider the fact that the word does not sound in the film - "The Book of the Dead" is called "Natura Demont." And the name "Necronomicon Ex Mortis" announced only in the following two series of the trilogy.
Re-Animator, US
Director: Stuart Gordon
A screen adaptation of Lovecraft's short story cycle, and part-time - one of the most meat videoepohi movies. I must admit that the story of the rescuer, to resurrect the dead in the morgue - not the strongest portfolio in the writings of HP Lovecraft, so that the film very much should be expected. This is still a product of his era, defiantly staring in 1985, but now only cause a slight nostalgic curiosity. However, if you want something with beer Halloween - why not "Re-Animator"? We mention another sequel, "Bride of Re-Animator" (1989), which is quite far departed from the literary source, but still had got its share of well-deserved success. 1986
From the outside
From Beyond, US
Director: Stuart Gordon
Just a year after the success of "rescuer" Stuart Gordon appeared in public with another adaptation of Lovecraft, which, however, went almost unnoticed. In the story, scientists, adventurers create resonator opens a portal to other dimensions, of which our world is seeping dirtiest, which alone makes that kills, maims and drives people crazy. Cinema is hopelessly out of date is not that now, but after a couple of years after. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy statement Lovecraft story from the team of honest and dedicated authors.
The nest of spiders
Il nido del ragno, Italy
Director: Gianfranco Gianni
A little known and apparently underrated Italian horror filmed in the tradition and spirit ardzhentovskoy "Suspiria". You see, as a researcher, a theologian from Dallas arrives in Budapest to study the writings of his companion, and immediately gets into the network of the ancient religious order. With Lovecraft this movie combines the idea of a planetary, international divine worship, which is separate from all other religions, is identical in all corners of the world, and thus remains an absolute mystery to the uninitiated.
The Resurrected, USA / Canada
Without much enthusiasm and spark, but still quite digestible movie, delivered by one of the most voluminous works of HP Lovecraft's "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward." The case is not much of a genuine, but giving space to intimidate the viewer: the researcher becomes the owner of the ancient recipes of eternal life, and begins to put a very unpleasant experiments in the basement of his mansion. As it should be in every second of film Lovecraft, not without showing a psychiatric hospital.
Cronos, Mexico
Director: Guillermo del Toro
Starring: Ron Perlman
The early and not very familiar to a wide audience the picture Guillermo del Toro shows his irrepressible urge to lavkraftianskoy mystery and atmosphere. No wonder that Del Toro has been worn for many years with the idea to put the "Mountains of Madness", but have not yet found adequate funding. "Chronos" - a film about how the damn thing enslaves even the strongest person. Although the script was written from scratch, this film - a great opportunity to see and feel how to look for any statement of the average Lovecraft story in the hands of the master-class. Very atmospheric, picturesque and very, very sadly.
In the Mouth of Madness
In the Mouth of Madness, US
Directed by: John Carpenter
Starring: Sam Neill
One of the most powerful lavkraftianskih movies in film history, oddly enough, basically completely original and takes us to some of the specific stories of Lovecraft. Rather, it is a kind of rethinking of his books on the screen of the gross - all at once. The tape is put the master of this case John Carpenter, and the plot is sent to the agent of a god damn hinterland to meet with the author of the novels of horror genre. Well, as usual, he is witnessing the apocalyptic ritual of opening the gates to other dimensions, populated by monsters.
Dagon, Spain
Director: Stuart Gordon
Tape directed by Stuart Gordon, who probably lived in the closet with books Lovecraft - Gordon fact responsible for such films as "Rescue" and "outside", which were discussed above. "Dagon" is based on the short story "The Shadow over Innsmouth," in which a boat with tourists nailed to the gloomy town inhabited by geeks. Further, as usual with Lovecraft, heroes have extremely unpleasant acquaintance with bloodthirsty prehistoric sea deities. Original story perelopachen very pretty, but decide it is good or bad, I advise you to yourself, a gift that bypass by this film does not succeed.
Masters of Horror: Dreams in the Witch House
Masters of Horror: Dreams in the Witch-House, Canada / US / Japan
The episode of the television series is very badsome Horror Masters of Horror - if you want to join him, try especially the series "cigarette burns" set by John Carpenter. But at the moment we are interested in the episode "Dreams in the Witch House," based on Lovecraft's story "Dreams in the witch's house", written in 1932. Student takes little room in a dilapidated shack, where due to the architectural circumstances occur closing of our world with the other dimension, from which comes the witch regularly and requires new victims. The series is not long, but knows his stuff, and a bloody imprint on the minds of the audience guarantees.
Call of Cthulhu
The Call of Cthulhu, US
A screen adaptation of one of the founding myths of Howard Phillips Lovecraft done in a laconic and very competent format stylization old silent movie. The director tried to tape looked as if lifted in 1926 - a year of first publication of the novel "The Call of Cthulhu." The book is carefully transferred to the screen with the preservation of not only the letter but also the spirit of the work. This is not surprising, given that the project was created with the participation of HPLovecraft Historical Society - the official international club lavkraftovedov and ktulhopoklonnikov.
Last winter
The Last Winter, USA
Cast: Ron Perlman, James LeGros
Bitterly cold Arctic thriller. History shows us how geologists doburilis to those sections of the oil burial (because you remember that oil - it is the remains of prehistoric flora and fauna), where rested unfriendly spirits arhidrevnih monsters. Cinema slowly, and at first overly chatty. But by the middle of the film fountain of verbiage plugging and begins the good old game of survival. Here there is still an actor Ron Perlman, who got a very controversial character.
Midnight Express
The Midnight Meat Train, USA
Starring: Bradley Cooper, Brooke Shields, Vinnie Jones
Here it is, a mystery of nature: why the translators have called this film "Midnight Express", while as the original name, and the story itself is sent to the butcher's train. The main action takes place in the underground, where empty trains are operating unbeaten silent butcher. The picture is very, very bloodthirsty, but the story has a tendency to sag in places. A truly lavkraftianskie ideas are revealed only in the final, which deserves a half hour wait.
The Burrowers, US
Western about how the Wild West, a white man received a clash with the ancient forces of the sinister machinations of ordinary Indians. Artistic merits of the tape does not shine, but always nice to once again think about what we have taught Lovecraft - in this world is repeatedly being older and stronger than any civilization.
Yellow brick road
Yellowbrickroad, US
Several overexposed picture that it would be appropriate to ram into a format of 40-minute horror series. The meter is full story of how tourists researchers went into the woods on the way cursed, unsuccessfully looking for a way back, tired of excessive monotony. However, this thriller has a pair of ideas and images that are remembered for a long time and lead the viewer into a state of hopelessness lavkraftianskoy.
Die Farbe, Germany
German cinema is not rich on the story "The Colour Out of Space". A good example of the on-screen drama of decadence and dying man under the influence of unknown cosmic forces. Watch the movie is, but we must realize that no hint of action are not envisaged.
Cabin in the Woods
The Cabin in the Woods, US
Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Sigourney Weaver
Bright post-modern, conjured lavkraftovskimi writings, and delivered on the script Joss Whedon ("The Avengers," "The mission of Serenity"). Although this vigorous parody on all kinohorrory time not inclined to adjust the viewer to a serious mood, yet the final revelation give zaboristye reference to the ideas of a proto-gods, traditionally inherent in the worlds of Cthulhu and his friends.
Whispering in darkness
The Whisperer in Darkness, US
Cloth of director Sean Brannan - the same man that has put the mute "The Call of Cthulhu." Canonical short story "The Whisperer in Darkness" is embodied again in black and white uniform, but with sound and full-fledged timing. This is the story of how the aliens recruited earthlings, promising to reveal their marvelous secrets of the universe, but at the same time completely dominate the flesh and of the mind. Stylized pattern is clearly a scientific fantasy genre 1940-50-ies, hence several wooden acting is clumsy and scenery and special effects. And the best registry lavkraftovskih kinodostizheny it gets easy, even if the authors have allowed themselves to some creative liberties.
Europa Report, US
Cast: Sharlto Copley
Ktulhofily for some its purely religious reasons like this movie, although at first glance his connection with the works of HP Lovecraft is not obvious. I think that they perceive this inexpensive, predictable and very slow film as a kind of journey to the space home Cthulhu. History is a video report on the flight of the first expedition to the sixth moon of Jupiter, where of course, nothing good is waiting for them.
Secret experiment
Banshee Chapter, Germany / USA
A curious video, woven on the grounds already mentioned hereinbefore the work of Lovecraft "outside" (also known as "From the depths of the Universe"). The picture tells the story of how the adventurers among young people experiencing the secret military drugs then become the object of persecution creatures from parallel universes. Painting affordable and little-known, and yet is one of the highest-quality productions in lavkraftovskom style. A special highlight plot gives the image of half-witted writer freak, clearly written off with Hunter S. Thompson.
Watch movies and study of the worlds Howard Phillips Lovecraft. But bear in mind that the big Hollywood is not very fond of contact with lavkraftianskimi matter, because most of these tapes filmed inexpensively delivered ascetic and require the viewer a special mystical excitement, to feel the concepts and enjoy the atmosphere.
If among the readers wound someone unfamiliar with the HP Lovecraft have to explain. This Pope Cthulhu. The writer, who invented so many horror stories about Cthulhu Necronomicon and interplanetary gods that his fright horror classic named posthumously.

The latest wave of
The Last Wave, Australia
Director: Peter Weir
Starring: Richard Chamberlain
Prominent Australian director Peter Weir created a picture of the apocalyptic visions about the role in the destiny of Australia could play the ancient deities and spirits who lived on its territory. Beautiful, rainy and frightening lack of optimism ethnic thriller.

Evil Dead
The Evil Dead, US
Director: Sam Raimi
Starring: Bruce Campbell
Classics of the genre from the demonic Sam Raimi in the ranks of moviegoers nice by the fact that introduced into the consciousness of the audience knowledge about the "Necronomicon", previously available only to ardent followers of the cult of Lovecraft. However, we must consider the fact that the word does not sound in the film - "The Book of the Dead" is called "Natura Demont." And the name "Necronomicon Ex Mortis" announced only in the following two series of the trilogy.
Re-Animator, US
Director: Stuart Gordon
A screen adaptation of Lovecraft's short story cycle, and part-time - one of the most meat videoepohi movies. I must admit that the story of the rescuer, to resurrect the dead in the morgue - not the strongest portfolio in the writings of HP Lovecraft, so that the film very much should be expected. This is still a product of his era, defiantly staring in 1985, but now only cause a slight nostalgic curiosity. However, if you want something with beer Halloween - why not "Re-Animator"? We mention another sequel, "Bride of Re-Animator" (1989), which is quite far departed from the literary source, but still had got its share of well-deserved success. 1986
From the outside
From Beyond, US
Director: Stuart Gordon
Just a year after the success of "rescuer" Stuart Gordon appeared in public with another adaptation of Lovecraft, which, however, went almost unnoticed. In the story, scientists, adventurers create resonator opens a portal to other dimensions, of which our world is seeping dirtiest, which alone makes that kills, maims and drives people crazy. Cinema is hopelessly out of date is not that now, but after a couple of years after. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy statement Lovecraft story from the team of honest and dedicated authors.

The nest of spiders
Il nido del ragno, Italy
Director: Gianfranco Gianni
A little known and apparently underrated Italian horror filmed in the tradition and spirit ardzhentovskoy "Suspiria". You see, as a researcher, a theologian from Dallas arrives in Budapest to study the writings of his companion, and immediately gets into the network of the ancient religious order. With Lovecraft this movie combines the idea of a planetary, international divine worship, which is separate from all other religions, is identical in all corners of the world, and thus remains an absolute mystery to the uninitiated.

The Resurrected, USA / Canada
Without much enthusiasm and spark, but still quite digestible movie, delivered by one of the most voluminous works of HP Lovecraft's "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward." The case is not much of a genuine, but giving space to intimidate the viewer: the researcher becomes the owner of the ancient recipes of eternal life, and begins to put a very unpleasant experiments in the basement of his mansion. As it should be in every second of film Lovecraft, not without showing a psychiatric hospital.

Cronos, Mexico
Director: Guillermo del Toro
Starring: Ron Perlman
The early and not very familiar to a wide audience the picture Guillermo del Toro shows his irrepressible urge to lavkraftianskoy mystery and atmosphere. No wonder that Del Toro has been worn for many years with the idea to put the "Mountains of Madness", but have not yet found adequate funding. "Chronos" - a film about how the damn thing enslaves even the strongest person. Although the script was written from scratch, this film - a great opportunity to see and feel how to look for any statement of the average Lovecraft story in the hands of the master-class. Very atmospheric, picturesque and very, very sadly.

In the Mouth of Madness
In the Mouth of Madness, US
Directed by: John Carpenter
Starring: Sam Neill
One of the most powerful lavkraftianskih movies in film history, oddly enough, basically completely original and takes us to some of the specific stories of Lovecraft. Rather, it is a kind of rethinking of his books on the screen of the gross - all at once. The tape is put the master of this case John Carpenter, and the plot is sent to the agent of a god damn hinterland to meet with the author of the novels of horror genre. Well, as usual, he is witnessing the apocalyptic ritual of opening the gates to other dimensions, populated by monsters.

Dagon, Spain
Director: Stuart Gordon
Tape directed by Stuart Gordon, who probably lived in the closet with books Lovecraft - Gordon fact responsible for such films as "Rescue" and "outside", which were discussed above. "Dagon" is based on the short story "The Shadow over Innsmouth," in which a boat with tourists nailed to the gloomy town inhabited by geeks. Further, as usual with Lovecraft, heroes have extremely unpleasant acquaintance with bloodthirsty prehistoric sea deities. Original story perelopachen very pretty, but decide it is good or bad, I advise you to yourself, a gift that bypass by this film does not succeed.

Masters of Horror: Dreams in the Witch House
Masters of Horror: Dreams in the Witch-House, Canada / US / Japan
The episode of the television series is very badsome Horror Masters of Horror - if you want to join him, try especially the series "cigarette burns" set by John Carpenter. But at the moment we are interested in the episode "Dreams in the Witch House," based on Lovecraft's story "Dreams in the witch's house", written in 1932. Student takes little room in a dilapidated shack, where due to the architectural circumstances occur closing of our world with the other dimension, from which comes the witch regularly and requires new victims. The series is not long, but knows his stuff, and a bloody imprint on the minds of the audience guarantees.

Call of Cthulhu
The Call of Cthulhu, US
A screen adaptation of one of the founding myths of Howard Phillips Lovecraft done in a laconic and very competent format stylization old silent movie. The director tried to tape looked as if lifted in 1926 - a year of first publication of the novel "The Call of Cthulhu." The book is carefully transferred to the screen with the preservation of not only the letter but also the spirit of the work. This is not surprising, given that the project was created with the participation of HPLovecraft Historical Society - the official international club lavkraftovedov and ktulhopoklonnikov.

Last winter
The Last Winter, USA
Cast: Ron Perlman, James LeGros
Bitterly cold Arctic thriller. History shows us how geologists doburilis to those sections of the oil burial (because you remember that oil - it is the remains of prehistoric flora and fauna), where rested unfriendly spirits arhidrevnih monsters. Cinema slowly, and at first overly chatty. But by the middle of the film fountain of verbiage plugging and begins the good old game of survival. Here there is still an actor Ron Perlman, who got a very controversial character.

Midnight Express
The Midnight Meat Train, USA
Starring: Bradley Cooper, Brooke Shields, Vinnie Jones
Here it is, a mystery of nature: why the translators have called this film "Midnight Express", while as the original name, and the story itself is sent to the butcher's train. The main action takes place in the underground, where empty trains are operating unbeaten silent butcher. The picture is very, very bloodthirsty, but the story has a tendency to sag in places. A truly lavkraftianskie ideas are revealed only in the final, which deserves a half hour wait.

The Burrowers, US
Western about how the Wild West, a white man received a clash with the ancient forces of the sinister machinations of ordinary Indians. Artistic merits of the tape does not shine, but always nice to once again think about what we have taught Lovecraft - in this world is repeatedly being older and stronger than any civilization.

Yellow brick road
Yellowbrickroad, US
Several overexposed picture that it would be appropriate to ram into a format of 40-minute horror series. The meter is full story of how tourists researchers went into the woods on the way cursed, unsuccessfully looking for a way back, tired of excessive monotony. However, this thriller has a pair of ideas and images that are remembered for a long time and lead the viewer into a state of hopelessness lavkraftianskoy.

Die Farbe, Germany
German cinema is not rich on the story "The Colour Out of Space". A good example of the on-screen drama of decadence and dying man under the influence of unknown cosmic forces. Watch the movie is, but we must realize that no hint of action are not envisaged.

Cabin in the Woods
The Cabin in the Woods, US
Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Sigourney Weaver
Bright post-modern, conjured lavkraftovskimi writings, and delivered on the script Joss Whedon ("The Avengers," "The mission of Serenity"). Although this vigorous parody on all kinohorrory time not inclined to adjust the viewer to a serious mood, yet the final revelation give zaboristye reference to the ideas of a proto-gods, traditionally inherent in the worlds of Cthulhu and his friends.

Whispering in darkness
The Whisperer in Darkness, US
Cloth of director Sean Brannan - the same man that has put the mute "The Call of Cthulhu." Canonical short story "The Whisperer in Darkness" is embodied again in black and white uniform, but with sound and full-fledged timing. This is the story of how the aliens recruited earthlings, promising to reveal their marvelous secrets of the universe, but at the same time completely dominate the flesh and of the mind. Stylized pattern is clearly a scientific fantasy genre 1940-50-ies, hence several wooden acting is clumsy and scenery and special effects. And the best registry lavkraftovskih kinodostizheny it gets easy, even if the authors have allowed themselves to some creative liberties.

Europa Report, US
Cast: Sharlto Copley
Ktulhofily for some its purely religious reasons like this movie, although at first glance his connection with the works of HP Lovecraft is not obvious. I think that they perceive this inexpensive, predictable and very slow film as a kind of journey to the space home Cthulhu. History is a video report on the flight of the first expedition to the sixth moon of Jupiter, where of course, nothing good is waiting for them.

Secret experiment
Banshee Chapter, Germany / USA
A curious video, woven on the grounds already mentioned hereinbefore the work of Lovecraft "outside" (also known as "From the depths of the Universe"). The picture tells the story of how the adventurers among young people experiencing the secret military drugs then become the object of persecution creatures from parallel universes. Painting affordable and little-known, and yet is one of the highest-quality productions in lavkraftovskom style. A special highlight plot gives the image of half-witted writer freak, clearly written off with Hunter S. Thompson.