Secrets of successful business woman.

The road to success starts with goal setting. Without a clear definition of it, you will not be able to move on, so take some time to it, to find out what you actually want out of life. Then you have to way to your goals that contribute to the other secrets.
Your appearance. Every look in the mirror and your reflection in the eyes of others should please you. In creating the image of a successful woman can not be trifles. She has time to monitor their appearance, and its appearance - is an example of well-groomed. Manicure, hairstyle, make-up - everything has to be in perfect condition. Remember, it's appearance creates a first impression, and it is important in the business world.
Properly dispose of his time. Very often, women have to literally "torn" between domestic concerns and building a career. At the same time, many hours at work go to waste talking on the phone with friends, chat on the Internet. We must learn to share the time that you devote to home, work and yourself. During "for himself" including a visit to the hairdresser, gym, cinema and theater, variety shows, meetings with friends. This is very important in order to feel successful. Do not get hung up on any one aspect of your life - be it work, family or leisure. Harmonious their union - the path to comprehensive development and success.
Your social circle. Communicate with the people that you really like. Do not waste time on something that you hate so minimize the amount of communication with people who violate your peace of mind, a negative impact on you. Tell them directly that you do not like dealing with them, and if they do not want to change, think over whether to continue a relationship with them.
Make new friends, look for the people with whom you can talk on the topics important to you. Especially important to establish contacts in the areas in which you plan to achieve success. These people will help you improve.
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