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Earnings hackers
Indeed, all wondering what hackers to make money. Most people think that their job is hacking into various banks, and the amount of earnings in the millions. To blame the media inflate the case of each such sensation. In fact, everything is much more prosaic. Hackers can make legal and illegal ways. Just once I want to warn that it will be about a real hacker, not those who use special programs (Nukers, Trojans, etc.), even without understanding the principles of their actions.

Legal ways of earning
Well-known fact that hackers are quite good programmers. And they are not focused on the development of custom applications (as opposed to application programmers), and writing kernel drivers or systems (ie hackers - in fact, system programmers). But to capitalize on this large amount of money is unlikely. The problem is that the demand for application programmers is now much higher than in the system.
His knowledge of the various systems, a hacker can use in other areas - in the literature. Most specialized publications pereodicheskih gladly accept articles from qualified specialists. However, to write these articles should be able to more or less decently express their thoughts. And for many computer users to tell something so "lamer" (as they say), it was clear - the real problem.
There is another way to earn money. He is hacking into local networks of various companies. And on a completely legal conditions. The company management gives the task lone hacker or group of hackers, which is to find the weakest link in network security. And usually allowed to use any means. In the course are special programs and technical devices such as hidden cameras and voice recorders. An attacker can impersonate another person and to enter into negotiations with the employees of the company.
Thus, the hacker finds a weak link in the defense of the company, and no matter what it is - an inattentive person or holes in the defense. In any case, management pays for such penetration and description of the way to avoid it. Show how much you can make money on it, it is virtually impossible, too payment varies greatly in each case.
Well, the last legal way to earn money for the hacker - advising various companies. However, one must have a name and be known in certain circles. But paying for it more than everything else. What exactly are the consulting hacker is usually not advertised anywhere.

Illegal ways of earning
Oddly enough, illegal ways of earning hackers there is not much. The first thing that comes to mind - breaking banking systems and transfer into the account of millions of dollars. But in fact it is very rare. First, the banking system does not crack as easily as the newspapers or TV shows. It is not always possible to make a purely technical means. An important role is played by the human factor. Spy on an employee, get the documents from his desk, bribe, in the end. All this will have to do. A majority of hackers are not interested in such classes. Hacking banking systems more suited ordinary crooks, equipped with technical means. In addition, in such a case the offender is required to find, no matter how he skryvalsya.Spetssluzhby Now a lot of attention paid to the problem of information security.
The second way of earning much less risky, but you can get just as much. However, there is not that romantic, which are shrouded in bank robberies. Think enough to crack the network of any large company snitch and plans for the near future or compromising materials. And then this data is sold to another company, which is to learn ideas competitor is forging ahead. The hacker, of course, gets its reward. Of course, there is a risk here, too. But the danger does not come from the security services, and the bandits. Someday someone will still learns lessons hacker, and come to him. And then, as a minimum, have to share, even though the matter may end up much worse.
Another way to earn money - hacking programs. And in a separate "Khachin" (as they say themselves hackers) will not earn much. We are talking about the mass hacking programs, which are then sold to pirates and fall into collections on CDs. Typically, this involved more than one person, and small groups. According to some reports, the income of such companies may reach 200 thousand dollars a month. However, we must remember that hacking is still a wrongful act with all the ensuing consequences.
And the last type of earnings of hackers I even do not dare to name earnings. Recently, a group of hackers, registering in adult sponsor programs, cracked a few large servers and placed them your links, accompanied by a corresponding picture. However, later one of the hackers said that this was not an attempt to make and experiment to attract visitors to some sites. God forbid that such "experiments" were smaller.
So, we looked at different ways what real hackers can earn a living. As you can see, not all of these methods are unethical or unlawful.

The most unusual ways to make money
In the UK recently published a list of the most unusual ways to make money. Rooms with a list of sold out in a jiffy. What is so prudish Britons interested?
Automatic friends and "Treasures from the trash»
Just a list of the most original ways of earnings were 30 types of unusual business. The oldest 45 years old. In 1960 in Chicago at the station adorned machines in the form of figures of men and women. But it was not a "one-armed bandits" and their purpose was entirely different, but also commercial. In automatic lowered the coin, they reached out his hand and said, "Hello, dear! Have a nice trip!". Single passengers are willing to use the services of automatic friends and even made an appeal to manufacturers to make their more human and they could not just shake hands, hug and goodbye. But the German example. Deciding to do a small business, Robert Sweat, a long years led the company for garbage collection in the city of Wuppertal (Germany), created Museum, which for a small fee you can get acquainted with the "rubbish". Called the exhibition "Treasures from the trash." Among the exhibits, collected directly from landfills, turned out to be valuable medieval manuscripts, unique paintings, antique clocks and other unusual valuable antiques. This museum in our time is marked as one of the most actively visited and original. And his owner rich.
House of newspapers early XX century and courses, life-prolonging
In turn, the New Yorker Elias Ferguson also made a fortune in the trash. He has accumulated 100 000 rare old newspapers, which he collected. But once he found himself without a roof over their heads. Valuable collection failed to sell. Then his mind came the idea glue the paper and build yourself a hut - the good time, it was summer and dry. Before paper became home to stay curious, and once arrived bus with tourists. Then Ferguson posted a big announcement "Travel object. House of newspapers early XX century. Inspection - one dollar. " Everything went smoothly - there were many tourists, but the "builder" all the time glancing at the sky, would not have gone instead of dollars rain real rain. And then he did tent of transparent film, and business went on successfully. Now, Elias Ferguson's many expensive and beautiful homes. But the British psychologist Roger Gray has done business in tears. He said aloud: the life of men is shorter than women for the simple reason - men repress their feelings in myself and do not cry as often as women. Caring for life expectancy the stronger sex, Gray founded the special fee-paying courses, which teaches men cry.

Recipe Cleopatra
Finally on the enterprising archaeologists from Cairo. They found clay tablets relating to the IV century BC, which describes very rare cream recipe, they allegedly used the noble women of ancient Egypt, including Cleopatra. Archaeologists did not panic and run cream into production. The success exceeded all expectations. Now the archaeologists do not dig into the ground in search of treasure. They have already found a treasure that will provide them with the rest of his life.