Travel "Universal Studios"
"Universal Studios" - not the only, but the biggest film studio in Hollywood ...
In fact, there are many other studios of "Sony" to "Warner Brothers" ... But none of them can compete with the "Universal" on the part of the entertainment of tourists ...
Apart from the usual amusement park for the numerous attractions here are collected scenery for the highest grossing and most famous Hollywood movies ...
Here you can learn a lot about the past and present Empire cinema ...
"Universal Studios» (Universal Studios, is sometimes referred to as Universal Pictures), includes more than a dozen studios in the world, and is the second oldest studio in Hollywood after "Paramount Pictures» (Paramount Pictures) ...
It is believed that the moment of inception of the campaign is the founding date of Yankee Film Company in 1909. ... The founder of "Yunivёrsal" - Charles Lemley was a German Jew who immigrated to America and who owned clothing store ...
Arriving in 1905 in Chicago, Lemley was shocked popular Nickelodeon. So called conventional mechanical piano, which was invented for saloons, cinematography and other official place. Lemley spent hours in front of them, trying to calculate revenue. A few weeks after returning to Wisconsin, where he then lived, Lemley sold his dry goods business and the rescue acquired the first of many Nickelodeon.
And in 1908, Thomas Edison created the trust, which collects fees from all aspects of the film business - from production to the show - as he owned patents on the electric motor used in the motion picture cameras and projectors, and a monopoly on the distribution of films ...
Lemley and other theater owners saw the path to deliverance from the yoke of Edison in the production of his own films, which led to the fact that Lemley, joined forces with Abe and Julius Stern, founded the company that became the prototype "Yunivёrsal" ... The main areas of activity "Yunivёrsal "are film production and distribution ...
Since its founding the company with success, largely due to the fact that Lemley Edison abandoned the practice of prohibiting indicate the names of the actors in the credits. The fact that in the credits of the film "Yunivёrsal" became specify names of the actors, has allowed the company to sign contracts with many well-known artists of the time and contributed to the creation of the so-called «star system» - «star system» ...
In 1915, Lemley opens the world's largest film studio, covers an area of nearly 1 square kilometer far from Hollywood ... Nevertheless, the main products of the company were still melodramas, cheap westerns and serials calculated on the provincial market.
Big changes in the fate of "Yunivёrsal" related to the activities of Charles Lemley Bush. On his 21st birthday in 1928, he received from his father a grand gift - control of the company. Lemley Jr. did all that his father refused to do: he bought and built theaters, creating its own rolling network, built on the studio halls suitable for shooting sound film, thereby enhancing the quality of its products.
In the early years of his reign in the studio such films as "Floating Theatre" (1929) - a rich staging of the musical "Broadway" with the first color scenes, "King of Jazz" (1930) and "All Quiet on the Western Front," which brought the studio "Oscar" for the best film in 1930.
Also Lemley Jr. found the studio very profitable niche, began to shoot a series of films about monsters, which is now known as "Yunivёrsal Horrou» (Universal Horror). Among others, this series consists of "Frankenstein," "Dracula" and "The Mummy».
So costly and sometimes risky operations Lemley Jr. did not pass unnoticed for the studio, especially during the Great Depression. In 1935, the studio removed the second version of "Floating Theatre", which Lemley Jr. was forced for the first time in the history of the company take a loan of 750,000 dollars in the bank. When the studio, despite the commercial success of the film was not able to repay the loan, control over it went to the bank.
The new owners significantly cut production costs, which led to the fact that the best creative personnel left the studio. We can say that at the end of the 30s the studio there was only thanks to one man - the legendary singer and actress Dina Durbin. She was replaced by comic duo Abbott and Castello, and ao the war studio "pulled" Mae West, Marlene Dietrich and Fritz Lang ...
Modern film studio full production cycle "Yunivёrsal" becomes since the mid 60s ... And in 70th studio shot hits such as "Airport", "The Sting," "American Graffiti," "Jaws", "ET", " Back to the Future "and" Jurassic Park »...
In 2004 - 80 percent of the shares were acquired by the studio "General Electric» (General Electric), which already owned television channel NBC. This led to the creation of one of the largest US and international media conglomerates - NBC Universal ...
But those who want to touch the history of cinema, "Yunivёrsal studius" still invites its fleet ...

In fact, there are many other studios of "Sony" to "Warner Brothers" ... But none of them can compete with the "Universal" on the part of the entertainment of tourists ...

Apart from the usual amusement park for the numerous attractions here are collected scenery for the highest grossing and most famous Hollywood movies ...

Here you can learn a lot about the past and present Empire cinema ...

"Universal Studios» (Universal Studios, is sometimes referred to as Universal Pictures), includes more than a dozen studios in the world, and is the second oldest studio in Hollywood after "Paramount Pictures» (Paramount Pictures) ...

It is believed that the moment of inception of the campaign is the founding date of Yankee Film Company in 1909. ... The founder of "Yunivёrsal" - Charles Lemley was a German Jew who immigrated to America and who owned clothing store ...

Arriving in 1905 in Chicago, Lemley was shocked popular Nickelodeon. So called conventional mechanical piano, which was invented for saloons, cinematography and other official place. Lemley spent hours in front of them, trying to calculate revenue. A few weeks after returning to Wisconsin, where he then lived, Lemley sold his dry goods business and the rescue acquired the first of many Nickelodeon.

And in 1908, Thomas Edison created the trust, which collects fees from all aspects of the film business - from production to the show - as he owned patents on the electric motor used in the motion picture cameras and projectors, and a monopoly on the distribution of films ...

Lemley and other theater owners saw the path to deliverance from the yoke of Edison in the production of his own films, which led to the fact that Lemley, joined forces with Abe and Julius Stern, founded the company that became the prototype "Yunivёrsal" ... The main areas of activity "Yunivёrsal "are film production and distribution ...

Since its founding the company with success, largely due to the fact that Lemley Edison abandoned the practice of prohibiting indicate the names of the actors in the credits. The fact that in the credits of the film "Yunivёrsal" became specify names of the actors, has allowed the company to sign contracts with many well-known artists of the time and contributed to the creation of the so-called «star system» - «star system» ...

In 1915, Lemley opens the world's largest film studio, covers an area of nearly 1 square kilometer far from Hollywood ... Nevertheless, the main products of the company were still melodramas, cheap westerns and serials calculated on the provincial market.

Big changes in the fate of "Yunivёrsal" related to the activities of Charles Lemley Bush. On his 21st birthday in 1928, he received from his father a grand gift - control of the company. Lemley Jr. did all that his father refused to do: he bought and built theaters, creating its own rolling network, built on the studio halls suitable for shooting sound film, thereby enhancing the quality of its products.

In the early years of his reign in the studio such films as "Floating Theatre" (1929) - a rich staging of the musical "Broadway" with the first color scenes, "King of Jazz" (1930) and "All Quiet on the Western Front," which brought the studio "Oscar" for the best film in 1930.

Also Lemley Jr. found the studio very profitable niche, began to shoot a series of films about monsters, which is now known as "Yunivёrsal Horrou» (Universal Horror). Among others, this series consists of "Frankenstein," "Dracula" and "The Mummy».

So costly and sometimes risky operations Lemley Jr. did not pass unnoticed for the studio, especially during the Great Depression. In 1935, the studio removed the second version of "Floating Theatre", which Lemley Jr. was forced for the first time in the history of the company take a loan of 750,000 dollars in the bank. When the studio, despite the commercial success of the film was not able to repay the loan, control over it went to the bank.

The new owners significantly cut production costs, which led to the fact that the best creative personnel left the studio. We can say that at the end of the 30s the studio there was only thanks to one man - the legendary singer and actress Dina Durbin. She was replaced by comic duo Abbott and Castello, and ao the war studio "pulled" Mae West, Marlene Dietrich and Fritz Lang ...

Modern film studio full production cycle "Yunivёrsal" becomes since the mid 60s ... And in 70th studio shot hits such as "Airport", "The Sting," "American Graffiti," "Jaws", "ET", " Back to the Future "and" Jurassic Park »...

In 2004 - 80 percent of the shares were acquired by the studio "General Electric» (General Electric), which already owned television channel NBC. This led to the creation of one of the largest US and international media conglomerates - NBC Universal ...

But those who want to touch the history of cinema, "Yunivёrsal studius" still invites its fleet ...