Larisa Dolina is going to become a mother
Larisa Dolina decided to have a child by her husband Ilia Spitsyna, with whom he lived in Married for ten years. Doctors said 52-year-old singer, she is in good shape, and it has all the chances of becoming pregnant.
The singer has an adult daughter from his first marriage Angelina, who is now 24. Now the Valley of dreams to become a mother for the second time. The actress has long thought about how to make a child in common with her husband, but did not dare to seek medical attention.
Recently, Larisa passed a full medical examination in one of Moscow's center, and diagnostic results have pleasantly surprised the singer and her husband. No less than the star Ilya Spitcin worried, because at that age make and give birth to a healthy baby - a risky move, so the couple decided to find out whether they should try to ...
"We Larisa really taken the first steps in this direction - he admitted Spitcin. - Now we are waiting for the results of the survey, after which and will decide what to do next. While I can only say one thing - the desire to have a baby we have a very large ".
According to a source from the inner circle of the stars who examined the Valley of the doctor was pleased with the results of the diagnosis, which showed that, despite the age of the singer Larisa completely healthy and the chance to become a mother in her large.
The valley is in good shape, as can be judged from photographs taken this summer in Sochi, when the singer and her daughter came to the contest "Five Stars". Larisa Alexandrovna magnificent figure, and on the beach it is often confused with his daughter Angelina: Mother and daughter look like peers, writes «Yoki.ru».
The secret of a second young singer is simple - she is happy in marriage. Her husband, businessman constantly indulges Larissa and presents her expensive gifts, tries to fulfill her dreams. So, the couple vacationing together in the "paradise on earth" in the Maldives, not so long ago gave Spitcin Valley car of her dreams - Black "Jaguar", worth 100 thousand dollars.
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The singer has an adult daughter from his first marriage Angelina, who is now 24. Now the Valley of dreams to become a mother for the second time. The actress has long thought about how to make a child in common with her husband, but did not dare to seek medical attention.
Recently, Larisa passed a full medical examination in one of Moscow's center, and diagnostic results have pleasantly surprised the singer and her husband. No less than the star Ilya Spitcin worried, because at that age make and give birth to a healthy baby - a risky move, so the couple decided to find out whether they should try to ...
"We Larisa really taken the first steps in this direction - he admitted Spitcin. - Now we are waiting for the results of the survey, after which and will decide what to do next. While I can only say one thing - the desire to have a baby we have a very large ".

According to a source from the inner circle of the stars who examined the Valley of the doctor was pleased with the results of the diagnosis, which showed that, despite the age of the singer Larisa completely healthy and the chance to become a mother in her large.
The valley is in good shape, as can be judged from photographs taken this summer in Sochi, when the singer and her daughter came to the contest "Five Stars". Larisa Alexandrovna magnificent figure, and on the beach it is often confused with his daughter Angelina: Mother and daughter look like peers, writes «Yoki.ru».
The secret of a second young singer is simple - she is happy in marriage. Her husband, businessman constantly indulges Larissa and presents her expensive gifts, tries to fulfill her dreams. So, the couple vacationing together in the "paradise on earth" in the Maldives, not so long ago gave Spitcin Valley car of her dreams - Black "Jaguar", worth 100 thousand dollars.
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