Swedish princess can not marry because of a stupid tradition

Heir to the Swedish crown Madlen is considered to be the most beautiful princess in Europe. 25-year-old youngest daughter of King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia studying in graduate school at Stockholm University and worked at the World Childhood Foundation in the Swedish capital.
For five years she lived with her boyfriend, 29-year-old Jonas Bergshtremom who studies law. Young already engaged. "He - the love of my life," - said many times Madlen. But can not marry beloved because of the fact that the older sister Madlen, 30-year-old Crown Princess Victoria, not yet married.
"In the Swedish royal family operates an unwritten law that the younger brothers and sisters should postpone marriage as long as the marriage has not entered the heir or heiress to the throne," - said in an interview with Germany's Bild expert on royal dynasties Jurgen Wörlitz.
And not known how many have to wait. Victoria for five years cohabiting with her boyfriend, 33-year-old fitness trainer Daniel Westling, but the wedding is not yet thinking, although the king and queen had already resigned to the fact that she fell in love, as they say, "commoner".