7 most most terrible diseases in history

1. Smallpox.
(With 430g BC - 1979) has killed more than 300 million people

2. Spaniard
(From 1918 - 1919) had killed 50 to 100 million people within 2 years

3. Plague
(With 1340g. - 1771.) Killed over 75 million people worldwide.

4. Malaria
(With 1600g. To date) kills about 2 million people a year

5. Speed ​​
(Since 1981 till today) killed about 25 million people worldwide.

6. Cholera.
(From 1817. To date) has killed hundreds of thousands of people in the world.

7. Thief
(From 430 BC to the present day) killed 3 million people in the period between 1918 and 1922. Most sodlat and Napoleon during his trips to Russia