When eating fruits?

Basically, we are used to eating fruit for dessert, and drink fruit juice after a meal, not realizing that by doing so we put self-harm.
Fruits eaten after the main meal, come into contact with it and start to ferment and turn sour. Therefore it is recommended to take a break after eating 2 to 5 hours, depending on what you ate.
It is best to eat fruit for breakfast, before lunch and in between meals. Every meal is good to start with fruit. When you eat them on an empty stomach for 30 minutes before a meal, it contributes to, firstly, weight loss, and secondly, the maximum absorbed all the vitamins.
Here are some tips to help you get the maximum benefit from the fruits:
1. Do not eat fruits on a full stomach. There can be at any time of the day, but not after a meal.
2. After you ate some fruit, wait thirty minutes before you eat anything else.
3. Even more useful to have fruit in the morning. They gradually increase the level of sugar in the blood and "wake up" the digestive system after a night's sleep.
4. Try not to eat fruit from the difficult to digest foods.
5. Bananas and avocados are heavy food, so it is better not to eat them at night. It is best to eat them as the afternoon meal, when the digestive system is ready for them and thus it will have time to digest these products.
6. Prefer fresh fruit frozen and canned especially - they contain a lot of sugar, and often chemical additives and thus lose virtually all of its beneficial properties.