New traffic regulations: what you have not heard

New traffic regulations: what you have not heard
July 21
The most significant amendments to the Rules of the road (for example, the installation of cameras on the roads and the introduction of standards alcohol content) are well known to motorists. However, other innovations, among them - the introduction of new "flashers" and traffic signs, remained in the shadows.
So what other surprises await drivers on country roads?
Eight amendments to the SDA: Be careful!
A few weeks in Russia there are amendments to the Rules of the road, and some of them, most motorists are not heard at all.
Innovation First trucks numbers are no longer needed
From 1 July 2008 did not need to duplicate the registration marks on the rear of trucks and buses.
Note: Owners of buses and trucks will be able to save considerably, and their vehicles will be more beautiful.
Second innovation: cars FSO of Russia will receive new "flashers»
On July 1, 2008 cars the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation acquire new identification signs - flashing blue lights located below the headlight beam. Moreover, the information about how to install these "flashers" should be entered in the registration documents.
Comment: The insignia is no advantage in the movement do not give. However, the traffic police will not dare stop the car FSO for speeding and crossing double solid.
The innovation third, what is considered intoxication?
Since July 1, 2008, Russia introduced the norm allowable alcohol content: the level of the latter should not exceed 0, 3 ppm (0, 03%) in the blood and 0, 15 ppm in the exhaled air. Why does Russia have chosen this magnitude? After all, in America, in some states the driver is allowed to drive with a blood alcohol level to 0, 7 per thousand in Europe - to 0, 5 ppm. Initially, Russia planned to stop on the last digit, but eventually chose 0, 3 ppm.
Comment: it is 0, 3 ppm for many people, it corresponds to the natural level of alcohol in the blood. So afford to drink a bottle of beer before you get behind the wheel, Russian drivers will not.
Fourth innovation: Recovery will get privileges
On July 1, 2008 tow trucks carrying "roaming" means of transport shall be treated as vehicles of road services. When loading the detainees cars they can deviate from the requirements of road signs and markings.
Comment: Tow truck driver will probably deviate from the requirements of traffic rules not only during loading, and during movement.
Innovation Fifth signs supplement tablets
On July 1, 2008 Information plate "Coverage" (8.2.1) can be used together with signs "recommended speed" (6.2), "parking place" (6.4) and "The bus» (5.16).
Note: if the car park or the bus stop is not indicated by the corresponding marking, can be guided by the signs.
Innovation Sixth breach camera captures
From 1 July 2008 on the Russian roads will cameras designed to capture traffic violations. This Protocol shall not be, and the owner of the car in three days will send a photo shoot and a copy of the guilt. The punishment should be the minimum possible. To learn how to operate the camera, and how to avoid penalties, we wrote earlier (http://www.autoban.ru/Magazin.aspx?idUrl=363b0e1c-b53f-44fa-9239-9bd0ac73111b).
Note: If the wheel was not the owner of the car, it will have to defend the truth in the SAI. To do this, you must within 10 days submit a written complaint.
Innovation Seventh: children need to pass
From 1 July 2008, the driver of the vehicle with the identification mark "Transportation of children" when boarding and alighting of children obliged to include "emergency gang". Accordingly, other members of the movement, saw a similar vehicle required to slow down and miss the children.
Note: These steps may help prevent injuries.
Innovation eight: behind the wheel scooter - without rights
From 1 July 2008, the local authorities will not be able to lower the age limit for cyclists and drivers of scooters. Previously, on the orders of local authorities to leave the roadway for cyclists were allowed to 12 years, and "scooter" - with 14. Moreover, in some regions, such as vehicles equipped with registration marks, and drivers were forced to get some semblance of a driver's license. Today such initiatives are forbidden.
Note: This measure is also aimed at reducing child injuries. However, in the near future drivers of scooters may be obliged to receive a special driver's license.
Alex forged