Crunching or biker?
Due to the fact that the theme of the people on the 2 wheeled vehicles rarely go unnoticed on Yap, I decided to write a couple of lines, and summarize some of the facts and make a subjective opinion (kuzha do without it then).
I myself am a motorist driving 10 years. I changed for 7 cars, riding every day and long hours. And with the arrival of the summer season, I, like other road users certainly concerns the theme of visiting children on bikes in the open spaces of our roads. City have a large (St. Petersburg), the movement of dense, not like in Moscow, of course, but it did not last long there.
So, I will say what I think it is unacceptable in the style of driving motorcyclists (the word "crunch" is try not to eat). And I find it unacceptable rows. Traffic on the bike between the rows of line markings - the largest and continually commit sins motorcyclists. That there is the cause of the eternal conflict with the four-wheel two-wheeled.
Continued under the cut ...
That just appeared the theme of "What do not like crunches (otvetka)" about which ones are good bikers and how they help other people not to pass by. All is good, but in this video the author put into his motorcycle stranger and ran with him between the rows, thus exposing his life and health subsidiary risk! What right has he to do so? Well shit on his life, but with a stranger, who, moreover, some difficulties, so why scorcher?
Everyone knows what sooner or later leads movement between the rows, and on Yap, including a bunch of video
And so on ...
Sooner or later the motorcyclist, who rushes between barely braiding machines costing a person rebuilds or at the door suddenly opened.
When I rebuilds from one row to another, I look in the mirror on an adjacent row and if I miss it, I am doing a maneuver rebuild. I do not have to stare into the distance and looking at what's going on between the rows of 10 cars back, rushing there someone or not. It does not fit with the current traffic regulations in which black and white about the movement in their series, rebuild, and other maneuvers. Bikers, please get acquainted and will not be for you any questions.
Here at least a couple of points of the SDA.
9.7. If the roadway is divided into strips marking lines, the movement of vehicles must be carried out strictly according to the lane markings. Straddle dashed marking lines is permitted only when changing lanes.
9.10. The driver must comply with such a distance from the vehicle in front, which would avoid a collision, as well as the desired lateral spacing, ensuring traffic safety.
Unfortunately, these items are 100% do not regulate movement between rows and many smart-ass crunches hide behind a hole in the SDA. But they are longer, alas, did not survive, the next time will be borne between the rows and stuck to the car, which was rebuilt in the next number.
Numerous social sphere says "turn on the turn signal - biker save lives." Turning, I included, but if at this moment some asshole rushing between rows 5 times faster than me, then he confused on my indicator. Well, I have less wing, the door can still that. Insurance cover. But the poor fellow could cripple notably.
I want to summarize as follows. While bikers rush like mad between rows - they will continue to fight, create conflict situations, to fight, to break the mirror, conflict and engage in other nonsense. While they will take advantage of the size of its two-wheeled horse contrary to safety - the problem will not go anywhere.
Abide by the rules and move in a stream - a biker.
Nesёshsya overtaking tube between rows - the crunch.
And personally I have such a crunch that are in violation of traffic rules ahead of the flow between the rows fly into someone's ass no pity, because they are absolutely doing it deliberately contrary to their own safety.
P.S. This topic is dedicated to motorcycles and that aisle. But thus in no way deny that asshole behind the wheel of a car, too, so full. This I mean, that would not have read the comments in a series of "themselves are also good." Only dry on ...
I myself am a motorist driving 10 years. I changed for 7 cars, riding every day and long hours. And with the arrival of the summer season, I, like other road users certainly concerns the theme of visiting children on bikes in the open spaces of our roads. City have a large (St. Petersburg), the movement of dense, not like in Moscow, of course, but it did not last long there.
So, I will say what I think it is unacceptable in the style of driving motorcyclists (the word "crunch" is try not to eat). And I find it unacceptable rows. Traffic on the bike between the rows of line markings - the largest and continually commit sins motorcyclists. That there is the cause of the eternal conflict with the four-wheel two-wheeled.
Continued under the cut ...

That just appeared the theme of "What do not like crunches (otvetka)" about which ones are good bikers and how they help other people not to pass by. All is good, but in this video the author put into his motorcycle stranger and ran with him between the rows, thus exposing his life and health subsidiary risk! What right has he to do so? Well shit on his life, but with a stranger, who, moreover, some difficulties, so why scorcher?
Everyone knows what sooner or later leads movement between the rows, and on Yap, including a bunch of video
And so on ...
Sooner or later the motorcyclist, who rushes between barely braiding machines costing a person rebuilds or at the door suddenly opened.
When I rebuilds from one row to another, I look in the mirror on an adjacent row and if I miss it, I am doing a maneuver rebuild. I do not have to stare into the distance and looking at what's going on between the rows of 10 cars back, rushing there someone or not. It does not fit with the current traffic regulations in which black and white about the movement in their series, rebuild, and other maneuvers. Bikers, please get acquainted and will not be for you any questions.
Here at least a couple of points of the SDA.
9.7. If the roadway is divided into strips marking lines, the movement of vehicles must be carried out strictly according to the lane markings. Straddle dashed marking lines is permitted only when changing lanes.
9.10. The driver must comply with such a distance from the vehicle in front, which would avoid a collision, as well as the desired lateral spacing, ensuring traffic safety.
Unfortunately, these items are 100% do not regulate movement between rows and many smart-ass crunches hide behind a hole in the SDA. But they are longer, alas, did not survive, the next time will be borne between the rows and stuck to the car, which was rebuilt in the next number.
Numerous social sphere says "turn on the turn signal - biker save lives." Turning, I included, but if at this moment some asshole rushing between rows 5 times faster than me, then he confused on my indicator. Well, I have less wing, the door can still that. Insurance cover. But the poor fellow could cripple notably.
I want to summarize as follows. While bikers rush like mad between rows - they will continue to fight, create conflict situations, to fight, to break the mirror, conflict and engage in other nonsense. While they will take advantage of the size of its two-wheeled horse contrary to safety - the problem will not go anywhere.
Abide by the rules and move in a stream - a biker.
Nesёshsya overtaking tube between rows - the crunch.
And personally I have such a crunch that are in violation of traffic rules ahead of the flow between the rows fly into someone's ass no pity, because they are absolutely doing it deliberately contrary to their own safety.
P.S. This topic is dedicated to motorcycles and that aisle. But thus in no way deny that asshole behind the wheel of a car, too, so full. This I mean, that would not have read the comments in a series of "themselves are also good." Only dry on ...