"Bin Laden" came from the Crimea

Resident of Sebastopol Victor Gubrienko decided to travel around the world on a motorcycle. Toured Europe and Africa, he returned to Crimea for passports: the current left pages.
Because of his beard called Ben Laden. On biker nickname is offended, and said that such a beard is very comfortable on the road - dust from his face looks like. Head shaved traveler is also not for beauty and hygiene, as necessary to carry out the whole day wearing a helmet.
Victor Gubrienko told 15 minutes, he had a Karaite roots. "It so happened that when there was Crimea Khanate, my grandmother ... praprapra seized as booty. So she went to the Crimea, and went on Karaite blood "- said the biker.
However, the culture of the Karaites Victor Gubrienko completely unfamiliar, but managed to get to know many others. He rides a motorcycle in an unknown country, taking with them only the parts, tools and tents. Gubrienko communicate with different people - from the homeless to the president. Europeans, according to a biker too closed and fixated on their own problems, but the Africans - trusting, open and completely without complexes.
Gubrienko traveled 41 countries. During this time he fired 4 times, 6 times arrested and even once put in a military prison. And in the depths of the Congo biker wanted to marry at two women in the village and leave - as "fresh blood". On the border between Mauritania and Mali, Victor had to endure much more dangerous adventure: he tried to burn alive. Presumably, taken for a bully who set fire to the store. Rescued biker cops came to the rescue in time: Gubrienko already doused with gasoline.
Travel Gubrienko no sponsors. According to him, 10-month trip to Europe and Africa cost him eight thousand dollars. The most expensive - this visa, said the biker.
Had to save hard, there were cases when the traveler was starving. Victor Gubrienko described how in the past month and a half in Africa lost 25 pounds. "Two weeks is not only eat, but also did not see food" - shared traveler.
Memoirs of a world tour at the end of Victor Gubrienko not write plans. "Memoirs - even you do not want to say! It seems so old, decrepit senile, sitting, let the saliva, and there is something under the dictation of the nurse writes. Fu! "- Said with a laugh biker.
Instead, it is the online travel diary. Victor suddenly discovered that many readers like. Especially touched letters from people with disabilities. "It turns out that they are traveling with me. It's incredible! "- Confessed Gubrienko.
He has a lot of professions, 18 - only confirmed diplomas. Last, what he did Victor Gubrienko - it was cabinetmaker and logistician in international traffic.
The trip will continue for another two to two and a half years. Traveler with a laugh told that he asked him to make 8 passports than almost anyone workers introduced the passport office. I had to limit myself to two yet, but Gubrienko doubt that this will be enough, because the front - all of America and even Antarctica.