Victor II. Clairvoyant.
In parallel with the Prime Minister gives autumn tour itself guarantee our cities and villages of the vast and abundant land it. For call a working visit in the light of the spoken language in the video just does not turn. But how beautifully said! Even some "old Ukrainian traditions" he added! I just love it! Here chelovechische. Say, the crisis stage, jokes from the waist down, blah blah blah. Yes, that is a wonderful example of life. What a tremendous sense of humor. What fresh, original jokes and tricks! A breath of fresh air. From almost anything, from ordinary text a person is born a masterpiece of literature. Bestseller, you might say. There is much to learn. I do not know at what time, and will come in principle announced by "pokraschennya", but that in the foreseeable future, we provided an inexhaustible trickle of positive, I'm sure just the same. For with a worthy leader and team match. And will continue to support. And, where necessary, will deepen. I would like, however, to observe the process, described by Victor II, and watch more traditional, so to speak, a way, but oh well, believe in the word that he such an option is available. However, I trust and believe that he will not leave us with fatherly concerns, and eventually even ordinary citizens become available so amazing abilities. Fedorovich, we believe in you. You're so alone. No other such.