How to cook basturma (12 photos)
Recipe cooking yummy.
Photo captions - the author's words.
This is the second basturma over the past summer. First after a thorough study of the subject made on this recipe. It turned out pretty good, but ... overdone. Therefore, the recipe has made adjustments to my taste. However, minor - mostly about the time salting.
For basturma was a piece of beef tenderloin - I cut it in half lengthwise, because large pieces of meat prosalivat and then kept in herbs difficult.
For pickling took a large sea salt - the bigger, the better, gradually dissolved salt in the meat juice evenly penetrate inside. In salt added two teaspoons of sugar, mixed, roll the meat on all sides and stand aside half a day at room temperature, covered with gauze from flying insects.
Then put the pan with the meat in the refrigerator 12 hours turned and gave about the same lie in the resulting brine.
Pulled, salt washed with cold water, pat dry with a napkin and put finally dried under a stream of air from the fan.
Meat dried up pretty quickly (remember how hot it was in the summer in Moscow)
After that, the meat tightly swaddled in a clean gauze tightly tied with rope
and set to be pressed under the load of 12 kg. Pressed day with so little, after unwrapped, checked for dryness - the meat is firm, elastic, but not wet.
Meanwhile cooked spicy plaster - Mixed chaman (spice needed to basturma, Russian name - blue fenugreek), crushed garlic, ground sharp chili, ground bay leaf, a few grains of coriander, one gvozdichinu and one juniper berry, pour the mixture into cold water and stir until thick cream. Smeared with this mixture basturma future, given to air dry 3 hours, and repeated this procedure two more times.
The last time plastered and hung to dry-vyalitsya on skvoznyachok. So I have it hanging for two weeks before I decided to try it.
Sliced on a plate first one bar,
then another ... I tried to record on both pieces. What can I say - not bad: hot, fragrant, tasty, you can keep in your mouth like candy, from time to time swallowing ... - everything, everything, I will not terrorize you :) By the way - a knife when you cut, take the sharpest, t. k. the thinner the plate, so it tastes better :) And you can even without bread. Bon, as they say, the appetite! :)
Photo captions - the author's words.

This is the second basturma over the past summer. First after a thorough study of the subject made on this recipe. It turned out pretty good, but ... overdone. Therefore, the recipe has made adjustments to my taste. However, minor - mostly about the time salting.

For basturma was a piece of beef tenderloin - I cut it in half lengthwise, because large pieces of meat prosalivat and then kept in herbs difficult.

For pickling took a large sea salt - the bigger, the better, gradually dissolved salt in the meat juice evenly penetrate inside. In salt added two teaspoons of sugar, mixed, roll the meat on all sides and stand aside half a day at room temperature, covered with gauze from flying insects.

Then put the pan with the meat in the refrigerator 12 hours turned and gave about the same lie in the resulting brine.

Pulled, salt washed with cold water, pat dry with a napkin and put finally dried under a stream of air from the fan.

Meat dried up pretty quickly (remember how hot it was in the summer in Moscow)

After that, the meat tightly swaddled in a clean gauze tightly tied with rope

and set to be pressed under the load of 12 kg. Pressed day with so little, after unwrapped, checked for dryness - the meat is firm, elastic, but not wet.

Meanwhile cooked spicy plaster - Mixed chaman (spice needed to basturma, Russian name - blue fenugreek), crushed garlic, ground sharp chili, ground bay leaf, a few grains of coriander, one gvozdichinu and one juniper berry, pour the mixture into cold water and stir until thick cream. Smeared with this mixture basturma future, given to air dry 3 hours, and repeated this procedure two more times.

The last time plastered and hung to dry-vyalitsya on skvoznyachok. So I have it hanging for two weeks before I decided to try it.

Sliced on a plate first one bar,

then another ... I tried to record on both pieces. What can I say - not bad: hot, fragrant, tasty, you can keep in your mouth like candy, from time to time swallowing ... - everything, everything, I will not terrorize you :) By the way - a knife when you cut, take the sharpest, t. k. the thinner the plate, so it tastes better :) And you can even without bread. Bon, as they say, the appetite! :)