Cuperstih to memorize irregular verbs

writer and educator Alexander Pyltsyn back in 1994 wrote a great poem, using almost all the English irregular verbs in one product.
Website offers to all those who have not yet learned the irregular verbs, start learning now.
I am a brick throw-threw-thrown, (throwing)
It is the window fly-flew-flown, (fly)
My uncle catch-caught-caught, (catch)
The Pope with his mother bring-brought-brought. (lead)
Until now, I am surprised - Fling-flung-flung from it? (jump)
Cling-clung-clung collar (clinging)
Oh, and the same noxious old!
I, of course, say-said-said, (saying)
What broke the window of a neighbor,
He did not hear-heard-heard, (hear)
How is my punishment.
I hazard feel-felt-felt (feel)
And was ready to kneel-knelt-knelt ... (kneel)
Oh, and I got much - Cost-cost-cost glass a lot !!! (cost)
Doodle with scoundrels all day
The two played "rubbish».
"I win-won-won». - Said Blockhead, (successful)
You lose-lost-lost, - said the scoundrel! (play)
Bullies fight-fought-fought (to fight)
They had not been planted
Already both the weep-wept-wept (weep, whimper)
Mentor sleep-slept-slept (sleep)
I'm at the buffet buy-bought-bought (buy)
The premium sandwich,
For him, I pay-paid-paid, (pay)
The desk in the classroom lay-laid-laid (put)
And do not think-thought-thought, (thinking)
What his neighbor grow wiser.
And now I am very sad - Smell-smelt-smelt it is very tasty! (smell)
Paul broom sweep-swept-swept, (sweep)
House in order keep-kept-kept, (contain)
Learn-learnt-learnt hard going (to learn)
Sew-sewed-sewn and washed the dishes (to sew)
Shine-shone-shone all around - (shine shine)
Will my husband happy.
Everyone should know-knew-known, (know)
-So That when grow-grew-grown. (to grow, to grow)
So let us dream-dreamt-dreamt (dream)
Marry no problem!
Drink-drank-drunk an awful lot of (drinking)
Our neighbor's uncle Gogh.
He forget-forgot-forgotten (forgotten)
About family and about work
And, of course, have-had-had (have)
It is an awful lot of troubles.
It is a do-did-done, (do)
When was mortally drunk !!!
By bellies creep-crept-crept, (crawl)
As a child weep-wept-wept. (crying)
Very much hurt-hurt-hurt (hurt)
Uncle Gogh, bonehead.
With house manager fight-fought-fought (to fight)
He threatened to shoot-shot-shot. (shoot)
His other well - Grishku
Strike-struck-struck on the nose with a book. (hitting)
The nose, of course swell-swelled-swollen - (swelling)
The friend was very unhappy.
Freeze-froze-frozen in the freezer (frozen)
His cat Murzilka,
And once break-broke-broken (split)
In our house eight windows.
Announced in a family war,
Bind-bound-bound wife. (binding)
Draw-drew-drawn in a notebook son (draw)
Indecent picture.
From his wife and children
Hide-hid-hidden in the closet. (hide)
Hearing the terrible spread-spread-spread (spread)
As if - crook our neighbor.
Anonymous send-sent-sent, (send)
Like, steal-stole-stolen it cement. (steal)
He took from the balcony of the fashion
Spit-spat-spat pedestrians. (spit)
Lean-leant-leant over the railing (bend)
And laughing like a gorilla!
Well, in the end, fall-fell-fallen (fall)
Right from this balcony.
Write-wrote-written on the wall (to write)
Ride-rode-ridden an elephant, (ride)
And besides, in the zoo
Be-was-been lions in the enclosure. (be)
Seek-sought-sought something there (look)
A snack at one hundred grams.
A recent bite-bit-bitten (bite)
At the entrance Aunt Vita.
Grandparents find-found-found (find)
Dog breed dachshund.
Very close to the elderly
Dog become-became-become. (become)
Give-gave-given his grandfather (give)
Basturma expensive - It should be there dog feed-fed-fed (feeding)
Something delicious for lunch.
Sami bacon and chops
Old men no let-let-let. (allow)
Earlier grandmother sit-sat-sat, (sitting)
Knit-knit-knit myself a jacket (knit)
And now her grandfather tells
This case quit-quit-quit; (throw, stop)
Today my grandmother and grandfather
The life of the other lead-led-led: (lead)
Santa smiling snoozing in the bath,
Grandma dwell- dwelt-dwelt in the closet, (dwell)
Dog in bed lie-lay-lain, (lie)
As the Emir of Bahrain
The treasure was looking for an eccentric,
A month dig-dug-dug, (dig)
Find-found-found, the statute completely, (finding)
The metal casket!
And, of course, think-thought-thought, (thinking)
Rich heal.
He passionately strive-strove-striven (seek)
All have and thrive-throve-thriven! (flourish)
Take-took-taken the ax he (take)
And tore the casket constipation ...
Before opening
Go-went-gone home to sleep. (go)
And the whole night in a dream eccentric
Drive-drove-driven «Cadillac" (drive)
Eat-ate-eaten pineapple (there)
And smoked sausages
Fly-flew-flown above the clouds, (fly)
Hold-held-held treasure your hands (keep)
Spend-spent-spent money down the drain (waste)
Build-built-built hacienda yourself ... (to build)
And when he wake-woke-woken, (wake up)
That word speak-spoke-spoken (say)
(after minutes are numbered),
Leave-left-left my pants (post, forgotten)
Run-ran-run at full speed (run)
Find-found-found only ... his ax! (finding)
Look, slingshot Balamut
In your pocket put-put-put (put)
And begin-began-begun (start)
Hector bully!
He cushion cut-cut-cut, (cut)
Brother in the bathroom shut-shut-shut, (close)
All newspapers are light-lit-lit, (set fire to)
Feist hit-hit-hit, (beat)
He is a neighbor ring-rang-rung (call)
And, of course, run-ran-run. (run)
He did not think-thought-thought, (thinking)
What do the police come.
Once in a nightmare
Hang-hung-hung me on the wall (hanging)
And another time see-saw-seen, (to see)
As if I drank kerosene!
What nonsense to me at night snitsya-
I fly-flew-flown, like a bird (fly)
I swim-swam-swum in the fountain, (float)
Lie-lay-lain dressed in a bath (lie)
That our teacher
Teach-taught-taught cook porridge! (train)
That neighbor, aunt Glasha
Make-made-made yogurt drink! (force)
And today, be-was-been (be)
Just shaped nerd:
Steal-stole-stolen drum (steal)
Beat-beat-beaten, like a shaman! (bash)
Do not you believe me,
But once I was in a dream
Speak-spoke-spoken with Stallone? (talk)
Sing-sang-sung together with Madonna. (singing)
And with actress Sharon Stone
Leap-leapt-leapt, like a clown! (jumping)
Tell-told-told my mother about it - (to tell)
My mother burst-burst-burst into tears. (burst)
Ukrainian Prime
Sell-sold-sold car plywood! (sell)
Jodie Foster - I like it
Weave-wove-woven scarf made of linen. (weave)
What does all this mean-meant-meant, (mean)
How it all understand,
Understood and understood (understand)
What is behind this stand-stood-stood? (standing)
Only once was a dream - a dream:
I get-got-gotten a million! (receive)
via www.english-in-memory.com/WrongVerbs.aspx