Ángeles Navarro "problems and puzzles for the development of intelligence and memory"

How's your brain?
— As well as in twenty years! Don't notice any difference neither in the sense of susceptibility to errors, either in terms of its capacity. Tomorrow, for example, I'm going to the medical Congress.
— However, there must be some limit of the brain is genetically determined?
— No. My brain will soon turn a hundred years old, but he is not familiar decrepitude. My body is wrinkled this can not be avoided. But the brain — no!
— How do you do it?
— The human brain has great neuroplasticity. Although some neurons die, others reorganizatsiya and perform their functions. But for this they must stimulate.
— But how?!
— Maintain your brain engaged and active, get him to function, and it never degrades.
A fragment from an interview with Rita Levi-Montalcini — Italian neurobiologist, Nobel prize in medicine for a few months before she turned 100 years old.
How to use the book
The reader should be aware of the importance of memory training and cognitive abilities. This book is a guide for those who wish to learn the weaknesses of their mind and learn strategies and techniques to enhance its performance.
The author tried to write a scientific work about memory and does not offer special exercise program. Techniques for memorization are presented in a playful way, because, according to the author, this is the most effective and natural method of memory training. Game, challenge, competition — that's what motivates us at any age. It is important to understand that a person learns only what seems to him important, interesting and motivating, and everything else forgets.
Difficulty levels
Exercises are divided into levels: easy, medium, difficult and very difficult. Although the new classification is difficult, the reader should keep in mind that it represents only private opinion.
Besides do not forget that the intellect is characterized with different angles and there are different types of intelligence. In other words, what may be easy for one another will prove very difficult.
Work order
The level of difficulty specified in each exercise that will allow the reader to create their own workout plan memory. You can do the exercises in the suggested order, or go from the simple to the complex. Any sequence is correct. The main thing — not to drop the class. Progress and improvement come to all in due time, as they depend on the internal rhythm of a person.
Most of the exercises contain advice, referring to techniques or methods of memorization, to facilitate the reader the solution of the problem. In addition, they will better understand the strategy of memorizing theoretical part of the book because you can apply them in everyday life.
Notebook memory
Better to write nothing and do not make marks in the book. It is recommended to have a notebook which, if you wish, call it "notebook memory". In it you can record the results of exercises and to monitor your progress or to keep a record of the mnemonic methods used in each exercise and make notes about what you think the type of memory involved when it is executed. Evaluate the work based on the following questions:
— You have spent on exercise more or less than the recommended time?
— How many objects are memorized and how many of them remember correctly?
— What difficulties arose when performing exercises?
— How many repetitions were required to remember?
— Consider any other criteria it deems necessary.
Answers to the exercises
Answers to most exercises you will find at the end of the book. However, some need to check immediately after the decision, re-read the job or referring to the drawing. It is not recommended to look at the answers at the first question.
Don't give up! Persistence, perseverance, patience and willpower — that's the four main qualities that stimulate our brain. The solution of the problem brings great satisfaction. During the execution of the at first glance strange games or exercises on the development of intelligence you will find that in the task in a compressed form contains a huge amount of information, which will be open to you immediately after the decision. At this moment you feel free from restrictions, you will feel elation, and in a moment move from an awareness of their own clumsiness for virtuoso mastery of mental techniques. This feeling, apart from the fact that it is very pleasant, extremely stimulates the brain.
Advice for obtaining the desired effect from the exercise
Carefully read the task carefully concentrating on every detail.
Not in a hurry to begin the task. Make sure that understand what you want to do.
If you have understood the task, try to find among the past events of his life such an experience, which will help you to solve the problem.
Each exercise is a challenge, so your mental approach is very important.
If at first you do not succeed, do not lose presence of mind. Don't drop the exercise. Persistence, perseverance and patience — very useful qualities to solve any problem. Perfect effort will reveal your strengths and make you believe in their abilities, including the ability to work long and productively.
Think of complexity as a great opportunity to learn something. Remember: it is much more important than a hard to achieve result a long way, than the result itself.
At the end of the book you'll find the answers to the exercises. Check them after run the job. Forward! So don't hesitate and make your memory work! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: www.psychologos.ru/articles/view/zadachi_i_golovolomki_dlya_razvitiya_intellekta_i_pamyati_a._navarro