Leaders in Normandy:
Visited the site of the Air Force, there is much rzhachnye
Jasmine Coleman,
The facial expression and posture often speak about the true mood of the person more than words.
The meeting of world leaders at the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Anglo-American landing in Normandy gave specialists "body language" good material for analysis.
The teacher's manner
Angela Merkel, the first of his colleagues met with Vladimir Putin face to face after joining the Crimea to Russia.
Please note: The Chancellor and the President greeted at arm's length.
"This is the coldest Merkel shaking hands I've seen," - he said an American expert with 25 years of experience, Joe Navarro, has repeatedly made important opinions at the request of the FBI. - And Vladimir Putin looks tense, pinched and at ease & quot ;.
"Mrs Merkel is known for its propensity to physical contact with the interlocutors - indicates expert Judi James. - She likes to cuddle, cuddle cheek to cheek, playfully fight. Here we see a purely formal handshake at the greatest possible distance, mutually strong, but the partners rather show each other the strength and determination to stand his ground. From the expression on the face of Vladimir Putin, he is not quite sure what to expect from the next companion ».
At the conclusion of Judy James lowered his chin and, especially, raised eyebrows Merkel - clear signs of disapproval. This is a typical facial strict teacher.
Etiquette and warmth
The next picture was taken when the leaders were preparing for the official photo shoot.
Barack Obama and Governor-General of New Zealand Jerry Mateparai maintained at the hands of British Queen Elizabeth II, helping her down the stairs, Angela Merkel, for a moment, looking up from the conversation, looking at it with a sympathetic expression, while Vladimir Putin stands aside and looks into the distance before with a view, if all that happens it does not concern.
"Putin demonstrated knowledge of etiquette of the British court, explicitly excludes touching monarchs - says Judi James. - But a sympathetic nod or a smile would have been in this situation more appropriate than the stone face. Obama, for his part, has not acted as it should be, but his response was humane and sincere ».
"The picture came out incredibly symbolic - says Joe Navarro. - Friendly company Western politicians and Putin, looking like a hurt child that peers do not take the game. "
Ice shower
Vladimir Putin and Petro Poroshenko in Normandy June 6, 2014
Until the very last moment, observers wondered whether meet Vladimir Putin and president-elect of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Contact occurred. But look at the pose and expression of Putin!
"There are three signs of alienation right: half-closed eyes, pursed lips, and connected the ends of the thumbs - indicates Judi James. - All kind Putin shows that does not expect to hear anything interesting for yourself impatiently waiting for the source unbind ».
"Even if you do not know of any current events or about who all these people are, their relationship to each other is obvious - says Joe Navarro. - Poroshenko, unlike Putin, a smile that can be assumed, demanded his exposure. "
Sincere fun
Barack Obama and Prince Charles in Normandy June 6, 2014
The last photo, attracted the attention of experts - the only thing that does not have Putin.
"Possibly, Barack Obama said that Prince Charles is really funny, but other than that, one can see that the two men are nice to each other", - says Joe Navarro.
"Obama is showing thumbs up on his head, as it is often done by people telling anecdote and broad smile actually restrained the British heir to prove that he liked a joke, says Judi James. - It is particularly noteworthy that they found an excuse for fun and time with the first handshake, which is usually sufficient formal and fleeting. "
Posted in [mergetime] 1402197474 [/ mergetime]
All www.bbc.co.uk/russian/international..._language.shtml
Jasmine Coleman,
The facial expression and posture often speak about the true mood of the person more than words.
The meeting of world leaders at the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Anglo-American landing in Normandy gave specialists "body language" good material for analysis.
The teacher's manner
Angela Merkel, the first of his colleagues met with Vladimir Putin face to face after joining the Crimea to Russia.
Please note: The Chancellor and the President greeted at arm's length.
"This is the coldest Merkel shaking hands I've seen," - he said an American expert with 25 years of experience, Joe Navarro, has repeatedly made important opinions at the request of the FBI. - And Vladimir Putin looks tense, pinched and at ease & quot ;.
"Mrs Merkel is known for its propensity to physical contact with the interlocutors - indicates expert Judi James. - She likes to cuddle, cuddle cheek to cheek, playfully fight. Here we see a purely formal handshake at the greatest possible distance, mutually strong, but the partners rather show each other the strength and determination to stand his ground. From the expression on the face of Vladimir Putin, he is not quite sure what to expect from the next companion ».
At the conclusion of Judy James lowered his chin and, especially, raised eyebrows Merkel - clear signs of disapproval. This is a typical facial strict teacher.

Etiquette and warmth
The next picture was taken when the leaders were preparing for the official photo shoot.
Barack Obama and Governor-General of New Zealand Jerry Mateparai maintained at the hands of British Queen Elizabeth II, helping her down the stairs, Angela Merkel, for a moment, looking up from the conversation, looking at it with a sympathetic expression, while Vladimir Putin stands aside and looks into the distance before with a view, if all that happens it does not concern.
"Putin demonstrated knowledge of etiquette of the British court, explicitly excludes touching monarchs - says Judi James. - But a sympathetic nod or a smile would have been in this situation more appropriate than the stone face. Obama, for his part, has not acted as it should be, but his response was humane and sincere ».
"The picture came out incredibly symbolic - says Joe Navarro. - Friendly company Western politicians and Putin, looking like a hurt child that peers do not take the game. "

Ice shower
Vladimir Putin and Petro Poroshenko in Normandy June 6, 2014
Until the very last moment, observers wondered whether meet Vladimir Putin and president-elect of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Contact occurred. But look at the pose and expression of Putin!
"There are three signs of alienation right: half-closed eyes, pursed lips, and connected the ends of the thumbs - indicates Judi James. - All kind Putin shows that does not expect to hear anything interesting for yourself impatiently waiting for the source unbind ».
"Even if you do not know of any current events or about who all these people are, their relationship to each other is obvious - says Joe Navarro. - Poroshenko, unlike Putin, a smile that can be assumed, demanded his exposure. "

Sincere fun
Barack Obama and Prince Charles in Normandy June 6, 2014
The last photo, attracted the attention of experts - the only thing that does not have Putin.
"Possibly, Barack Obama said that Prince Charles is really funny, but other than that, one can see that the two men are nice to each other", - says Joe Navarro.
"Obama is showing thumbs up on his head, as it is often done by people telling anecdote and broad smile actually restrained the British heir to prove that he liked a joke, says Judi James. - It is particularly noteworthy that they found an excuse for fun and time with the first handshake, which is usually sufficient formal and fleeting. "
Posted in [mergetime] 1402197474 [/ mergetime]
All www.bbc.co.uk/russian/international..._language.shtml