What are You willing to become a leader

SEO advertising Agency Y&R David Sable shared your opinions and inspiring quotes about leadership.
Are you a leader? One way to find out is to go through some of the many online tests and learn about myself. Just be careful — most of these tests were created in order for anything to impose. When you pass that test, you will be asked to take training to improve skills or something like blades of teleshopping, which cut even nails.
Another way is to skip the test and assume that you are not yet a leader, what would like to be (whatever your own view of the leader), and begin to learn.
There is good news. Unlike many online tests, which are not distinguished by depth, best business schools in the United States offer courses designed to transform you into a new Caesar, Napoleon, Bolivar, Mao, Washington, Shaka Zulu — and, by the way, do not have to confine politicians to the list, you can add Gandhi, king and Mandela...
The article by Duff McDonald, "Can I learn to be a leader," recently published in The New York Times, describes existing courses, and raises some controversial issues about the most essential opportunities to learn leadership.
In fact, the concept of leadership has become so important to universities, which trained and produced many great and famous managers that they rode the word to a complete loss of meaning.
Wesley bedrosian calculated for The New York Times how often the words "leader" and leadership" we can meet on the same page:
- 47 — Sloan (mit);
- 47 — the Wharton school of business;
- 27 — Business school Ross University of Michigan;
- 24 — Business school of Kenana-Flagler the University of North Carolina;
- 22 — Yale school of management.
"Whether the acquired leadership quality, which depends on the situation and context? Can I teach him? In other words, is it possible to be a leader and no one to manage? Business schools insist that you can. John van Maanen, Professor of management business school Sloan mit who teaches a course called "Leadership in organizations", not sure leadership can be learned. He says: "Even today, after thirty years, how I do it, I don't have a clear definition of this quality. We can help people learn more about ethical dilemmas in business, about how difficult it is to manage people in difficult times, and that this requires self-confidence and communication skills. But the idea that such skills can easily be transferred, so you at any time and against anyone will be able to demonstrate leadership qualities — nonsense"".
However, he adds (and this is where the essence):
"It's hard not to be disappointed this excessive emphasis on leadership, but this idea has become so popular that no matter how hard we have not been taught leadership skills — all of them a little".
MacDonald finishes this (great) slice the following quote:
"As Joseph Rost has written in his book "Leadership for the twenty-first century", published in 1991, "the lack of agreement on this issue means that leadership, in essence, can be called anything you like, and the leader is the any who say"".
That's all — think about the greatest leaders in history and great historical achievements, which they sent (and, Yes, I know the theory that great changes are controlled by the detail — this is so — but there is always a leader or leaders that stimulate this process). I'm not sure I can, looking at them, at least not in my character to say that they were just "someone, what they say about someone".
It is possible that this problem of the modern world. The problem, which appears in the online tests leadership qualities; academic degrees in leadership; that we confuse entrepreneurship with leadership and entrepreneurs with the leaders (although some of them really are); politicians who confuse leadership with the power to punish and punish; in other politicians who confuse leadership with access attention of the masses; the business leaders who confuse intimidation with leadership; and other managers who are in leadership your title, etc.
I really believe that we are faced with a shortage of these inspiring leaders and real inspirational leadership...
All of this leads me to my next point.
"Great companies don't hire people have to motivate them; they hire those who are already motivated and inspire them" — Simon SINEK, "Start with "Why?": How great leaders inspire action". The problem is that in order to inspire those who are already motivated, need leaders, and here is the bottleneck.
I would also argue that EQ (emotional intelligence factor) is the key to leadership, and when leaders lose empathy, they start to go downhill.
"How to be emotionally competent" Daniel Golman — one New York Times article that seems to describe what I'm saying. Holman leads her short but succinct list of competencies.
1. Awareness Realistic self-confidence: do you understand your strengths and weaknesses; to act on things and know when to rely on someone else in the team.
Emotional awareness: you understand your feelings. If you realize that makes you angry, it can help you manage anger.
2. Management a You remain calm under pressure and quickly recover from shocks. You will not waste time to think or panic. In a crisis people look for a leader who will return them confidence that if their leader can stay calm, then they can.
Composure: you keep stress in check and instead of yelling at people, explain to them what happened, and make it clear that there is a solution.
Self-motivation: you are able to move to the goal despite the setbacks.
3. Empathy Cognitive and emotional empathy: if you are able to understand each other's perspective, you will be able to explain any idea so that colleagues will understand you. And of course you would treat them. Cognitive empathy, along with an ability to accurately assess the feelings of another person, promotes effective communication.
Listening skills: you concentrate all attention on the other person and willing to spend a little time to understand it, without interrupting and trying to change the subject.
4. Relationship skills ability to Irresistible communications: you present their ideas convincingly and clearly, so that students get highly motivated and at the same time do not make false expectations.
Ability to work in a team: people can easily work with you. The main feature — they are easy to laugh with you.
What is the moral? If you think you can learn leadership, now is the best time to start.
Sharks are not leaders; predators — not the leaders; not to be confused with the leadership's desire to get ahead at any cost.
Work on your emotional intelligence and see where it may lead.
- The leaders of the govern — behind the scenes during the lull, and on the front line in the troubled times;
- The leaders are listening — you should always have ideas, but be ready to replace them in a heartbeat, if someone's idea would be better;
- Leaders care — not one you have a personal life, but if you have not, do not impose to anybody the void. But leaders have a personal life;
- The leaders of the losing and find — and when they win, they thank others; and when you lose, take responsibility for themselves;
- Leaders are relentless — they don't give up, no matter before;
- Leaders are easy to compromise — because sometimes the rigor, or the ability to never give up, means the ability to compromise;
- Leaders are smiling because smiling never hurts;
- Leaders are leaders because that is why they are created;
- And... listen: "Management is the science of doing things right; leadership to do the right things" — Peter Drucker. published
Source: insider.pro/EN/article/15580/