How to improve memory
A good memory is a priceless asset. Who owns the information — owns the world. How to remember addresses, passwords, turnout, birthdays and phone numbers? Scientists can give working ways to upgrade memory.
Creative thinking
The practice of creating associations is the most ancient of all methods of mnemonics – science to remember. In technology it was developed in the XVI century thanks to the Renaissance philosopher Giordano Bruno. He wrote a treatise "On the preparation of images, signs and ideas", in which the Association between the world of magical characters (the inner circle), the natural world (medium) and the world of the arts (the outer circle). Then his work was not appreciated – Giordano was a victim of the inquisitorial fire.
The basic secret of classical mnemonics are simple. When a person in your mind connects several visual images, the brain captures this relationship. Further, it is sufficient to recall one of them, and the memory will reproduce the rest.
On your head Step away from the classics and refer to modern techniques. To train your memory in a domestic environment, the scientists suggest to read the words on the contrary. And not with signs, but out of my head.
Start simple. Write a few words, for example, "picture", "ceiling","love".
And then, despite the records, read them in reverse. Primitive at first glance, exercise is a great exercise for visual memory. Not so easy without the skill to keep in imagination the word "metropolis", "chess". To achieve success, break the words into fragments. For example, the "Shah-mA-you." If the picture already fixed three syllables, shouldn't be too hard to repeat their opposite: "there's hash." This exercise perfectly develops memory and attention.
Wash your hands the Expression "to wash away the guilt of" did not arise in a vacuum. It turns out, so we can really get rid of bad memories. This was stated in their study, a psychology Professor spike Lee of the University of Michigan.
The scientist claims that simple hand washing helps to wash away negative impressions and a sense of guilt and also "clear" the memory from all superfluous. So when you make a difficult decision, wash your hands afterwards and it will help you to calm down. However, according to spike Lee, the water washes away together with the negative and positive memories.
The music in the dream Probably everyone in his life noticed how music helps to reproduce information associated with it. For example, the music you listened to, say, on vacation, when you re playing in different conditions will cause you a sense of nostalgia, and catch up on memories.
The impact of music on our memory proved Explorer Mile O'brien of North-Western University, USA.
He conducted an experiment that consisted of two parts. At first subjects were asked to play a few simple tunes using the Guitar Hero game, and then a little NAP. During sleep in their room quietly sounded one of the tracks. After waking up, they are easily reproduced it is the melody that accompanied their sleep, despite the fact that during the game they spent the same amount of time on both tunes.
In the second part, participants had to memorize the location of 50 objects on the screen – harmonica, book and so on.
Each object in the opening was accompanied by a specific sound. Then the sounds of the 25 facilities again sounded in the room during their sleep. The result was similar to the previous one is the location of the objects, accompanied by the tunes from a dream, they identified without any problems.
The researchers believe that the brain uses sleep, including for data processing. He keeps and throws away the excess. Associating certain memories with music, we highlight them, make a priority. Perhaps further study of the relationship between music and memory, will help us to manage the latter, by proper choice of the track.
The left What is the connection between the left arm and memory? Responsible for them the right hemisphere of the brain. In 2001 scientists have proven that left-handers have a better memory than right-handers. Therefore, those who do not like to clutter his head with words and images, you can start with the development of the left hand. To simplify the process – make it a part of your life, for example, wash dishes only with the left hand, or rebuild it to the computer.
Language learning learning a second language in childhood provides benefits for a lifetime. This is a great "feeding for the brain, which improves thinking and memory. Studies have shown that bilingual students possess great abilities in memorizing and assimilating information than their monolingual classmates. In addition, according to the study, published in NeuroImage, is the study of languages contributes to the growth of the so-called hippocampus. It is part of the limbic system of the brain responsible for emotions and memory. And the study of foreign languages in old age helps to delay dementia memory and get rid of the possibility of senile Alzheimer's disease.
App for memory Contrary to popular belief, reminders in smartphones, like stickers, not improve memory, and spoil. But for modern devices, there are dedicated apps that will help you train her. For example, the program Ankidroid. It is intended for the development of memory by the method of constant repetition. The training principle is simple – Ankidroid shows you the front of card on which is written some information. The key content on the back side. Successively turning over cards and identifying the key information you will need to remember what is on the back of the card. By the way, the main plus is that you have not only stereotyped the map from the Internet, but those that you have created yourself.
Remember all of the new products on the market for memory improvement – a method that offers to plunge into the past day. Before bedtime remember what happened over the past 12 hours. Try not to miss a single detail, what thoughts you woke up, saw the morning on the way to the office or University, what were you thinking about with whom you met, what you remember is a beautiful sky, a strange man at the bus stop, lazy sleeping cat on the fence. Step by step, again walk on past day. Repeat this exercise every day, and in four weeks, according to scientists, you will feel the results. By the way, this will not only improve memory, but will develop imagination and will be a great prevention from insomnia.
Sleep is the best medicine for Sleep. Close the laptop, turn off the TV and go to bed on time. No exercises and mnemonics will not save you if your body will lack of sleep, during which regenerate connections between neurons of the brain. Scientists say that memory problems most people have stem from the banal lack of sleep and hard to resolve. published
Author: Alice Muranova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: russian7.ru/2015/06/kak-razvit-pamyate/

Creative thinking
The practice of creating associations is the most ancient of all methods of mnemonics – science to remember. In technology it was developed in the XVI century thanks to the Renaissance philosopher Giordano Bruno. He wrote a treatise "On the preparation of images, signs and ideas", in which the Association between the world of magical characters (the inner circle), the natural world (medium) and the world of the arts (the outer circle). Then his work was not appreciated – Giordano was a victim of the inquisitorial fire.
The basic secret of classical mnemonics are simple. When a person in your mind connects several visual images, the brain captures this relationship. Further, it is sufficient to recall one of them, and the memory will reproduce the rest.
On your head Step away from the classics and refer to modern techniques. To train your memory in a domestic environment, the scientists suggest to read the words on the contrary. And not with signs, but out of my head.
Start simple. Write a few words, for example, "picture", "ceiling","love".
And then, despite the records, read them in reverse. Primitive at first glance, exercise is a great exercise for visual memory. Not so easy without the skill to keep in imagination the word "metropolis", "chess". To achieve success, break the words into fragments. For example, the "Shah-mA-you." If the picture already fixed three syllables, shouldn't be too hard to repeat their opposite: "there's hash." This exercise perfectly develops memory and attention.
Wash your hands the Expression "to wash away the guilt of" did not arise in a vacuum. It turns out, so we can really get rid of bad memories. This was stated in their study, a psychology Professor spike Lee of the University of Michigan.
The scientist claims that simple hand washing helps to wash away negative impressions and a sense of guilt and also "clear" the memory from all superfluous. So when you make a difficult decision, wash your hands afterwards and it will help you to calm down. However, according to spike Lee, the water washes away together with the negative and positive memories.
The music in the dream Probably everyone in his life noticed how music helps to reproduce information associated with it. For example, the music you listened to, say, on vacation, when you re playing in different conditions will cause you a sense of nostalgia, and catch up on memories.
The impact of music on our memory proved Explorer Mile O'brien of North-Western University, USA.
He conducted an experiment that consisted of two parts. At first subjects were asked to play a few simple tunes using the Guitar Hero game, and then a little NAP. During sleep in their room quietly sounded one of the tracks. After waking up, they are easily reproduced it is the melody that accompanied their sleep, despite the fact that during the game they spent the same amount of time on both tunes.
In the second part, participants had to memorize the location of 50 objects on the screen – harmonica, book and so on.
Each object in the opening was accompanied by a specific sound. Then the sounds of the 25 facilities again sounded in the room during their sleep. The result was similar to the previous one is the location of the objects, accompanied by the tunes from a dream, they identified without any problems.
The researchers believe that the brain uses sleep, including for data processing. He keeps and throws away the excess. Associating certain memories with music, we highlight them, make a priority. Perhaps further study of the relationship between music and memory, will help us to manage the latter, by proper choice of the track.
The left What is the connection between the left arm and memory? Responsible for them the right hemisphere of the brain. In 2001 scientists have proven that left-handers have a better memory than right-handers. Therefore, those who do not like to clutter his head with words and images, you can start with the development of the left hand. To simplify the process – make it a part of your life, for example, wash dishes only with the left hand, or rebuild it to the computer.
Language learning learning a second language in childhood provides benefits for a lifetime. This is a great "feeding for the brain, which improves thinking and memory. Studies have shown that bilingual students possess great abilities in memorizing and assimilating information than their monolingual classmates. In addition, according to the study, published in NeuroImage, is the study of languages contributes to the growth of the so-called hippocampus. It is part of the limbic system of the brain responsible for emotions and memory. And the study of foreign languages in old age helps to delay dementia memory and get rid of the possibility of senile Alzheimer's disease.
App for memory Contrary to popular belief, reminders in smartphones, like stickers, not improve memory, and spoil. But for modern devices, there are dedicated apps that will help you train her. For example, the program Ankidroid. It is intended for the development of memory by the method of constant repetition. The training principle is simple – Ankidroid shows you the front of card on which is written some information. The key content on the back side. Successively turning over cards and identifying the key information you will need to remember what is on the back of the card. By the way, the main plus is that you have not only stereotyped the map from the Internet, but those that you have created yourself.
Remember all of the new products on the market for memory improvement – a method that offers to plunge into the past day. Before bedtime remember what happened over the past 12 hours. Try not to miss a single detail, what thoughts you woke up, saw the morning on the way to the office or University, what were you thinking about with whom you met, what you remember is a beautiful sky, a strange man at the bus stop, lazy sleeping cat on the fence. Step by step, again walk on past day. Repeat this exercise every day, and in four weeks, according to scientists, you will feel the results. By the way, this will not only improve memory, but will develop imagination and will be a great prevention from insomnia.
Sleep is the best medicine for Sleep. Close the laptop, turn off the TV and go to bed on time. No exercises and mnemonics will not save you if your body will lack of sleep, during which regenerate connections between neurons of the brain. Scientists say that memory problems most people have stem from the banal lack of sleep and hard to resolve. published
Author: Alice Muranova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: russian7.ru/2015/06/kak-razvit-pamyate/