Why My Brother's Perfect Marriage Failed and How It Affected His Beautiful Kids
It so happened that I became an aunt at a fairly young age, at 15. So all my student days, I've been riding around with nieces. However, it was only a joy for me - then there was peace and grace in my brother's family, despite the fact that he worked hard. The eldest of his sons, Anton, is now completely out of control. And I believe that the fragile childishness It was the divorce that affected it.
It's hard to tell when things went awry. It happens: everything is well and harmonious (at first glance), and when children grow up, the illusion of a happy family bursts like a soap bubble. Even I understand that this could not continue. Only the nieces are sorry, they are now separated. And Anton, who stayed with his mother, my father and I are not allowed at all. But I want to tell you everything in order. Can you see from the outside what can be done about it?
With my brother’s wife, we even got along at first – she is 8 years older than me, but we communicated as girlfriends. Then she got pregnant, and I went to school, so we only saw each other at the family dinner table several times a year. When the nieces came into my life, communication was restored. Young parents They often wanted to go out, or they had to go on business, and I enjoyed sitting with the little ones. The idyll lasted several years. Right before the kids went to school.
I still do not know what happened between my brother and Sveta, but their relationship began to deteriorate rapidly. I suspect the reason was because he worked from morning to night and didn't spend any time with his family. Faith became nervous, suspicious. That's when we had a fight. I could no longer listen to her paranoid thoughts about her brother cheating on her. This was the conclusion she came to even when he was only 10 minutes late.
Even on walks, she was jealous of every pillar. Vlad kept complaining that it was unbearable: he had to hide his phone from her so he wouldn’t climb into it at night. To my question, is there a reason? concealThe brother replied that there was no reason, but his wife would find him anyway.
Then the scandals started. Sveta, not shy, sawed her husband even at family meetings with her parents and their own children. We all started to get the impression that she was going crazy with unemployment. As soon as she came out on maternity leave, she decided not to leave it. Let me be clear: the last few years we have been patient with the Light. But there is a limit to all patience.
Is it worth living with your parents in the same house
One day my mother became very ill, and then she began to heart problems. I moved to a nearby town because it was easier to find a job. But my mother regularly came almost every weekend to help with cleaning and purchase groceries. Vladislav, despite a busy schedule, took her to every appointment to the doctor and covered everything. drug costs. But once that wasn't enough.
Mom's been weakening a lot lately, and we're worried that it's hard for her to be alone in the house. Recently, she was dusting on the closet, lost her balance and fell off a stool. It's just a miracle! But she limped for a few more days. So Vlad decided to take his mother to him. They have a little light. double-story With three rooms and two bathrooms, the room should be enough for everyone, provided that the nieces moved into one room, and the grandmother gave one of their nursery on the first floor. I’ll never forget how much I screamed about it.
- Do you want Antoshka to leave our house? He's the senior, he needs his own space!
- Sveta, what are you talking about, what "left home"? You can see the situation is serious, Mom needs to be looked after. It will be good for children to spend time with their grandmother. She'll help them with their homework.
- I mean, you don't want to deal with them yourself, so you're going to blame it on your mother? Let your sister take her. Or hire a nurse. All the money goes to your mom anyway.
The light had a very strange idea of what was going on. mother-in-law I didn't want to. The tribes hid in their rooms during these conversations. It's a good thing my mom and I didn't hear that. She didn’t want to move, my brother and I insisted. Sveta calmed down only when Vlad reminded her that not only his mother, but also she lives on his salary.
The atmosphere of divorce and how it affects children The eldest of the nephews - Anton - always had problems with school. Not because he didn’t understand things, but because he didn’t want to. homework. He enjoyed reading fiction, but did not like either language or literature. The teacher was very specific. So all of this is understandable -- the difficulties of adolescence. But recently, this has become a serious problem.
Unsplash Father Anton refused to listen and behaved horribly. Could have teased him during a conversation, snapped at remarks. The light gave him all sorts of comfort and even encouragement. And the child is happy to get a drop of approval from her. My brother’s wife was not alarmed that his son was getting more and more jerky. Unfortunately, in the last year I don’t recognize him at all.
Probably, Sveta told him something about me - Anton began to say hello after once, as if he was avoiding me. I think he was uncomfortable that his parents were raising the issue of divorce. More specifically, Vlad threatened divorce. Especially by taking the children from the Light, because she still has nothing to provide for them.
Despite the long quarrels of the spouses, the mother’s move was only a matter of time. She was given a room as agreed. But the question about her old cat became an edge: Mom took it with her, and everyone thought it was self-evident. Not on the street to leave, really. The children were delighted with the fluffy, because Mommy forbade Nephews should have any pets before that, even fish. But for the light itself, this was the last chord.
Unsplash: Is this misunderstanding more important than your wife? Okay, mom, but the cat?! And now we sit on each other's heads.
Vlad is also noticeably tired of clarifying the relationship, so he decided to just ignore it. But it didn't take long to ignore. Svetka found a way to annoy her brother. She could have abused his mother or forced her to clean the house when she had high blood pressure. The daughter-in-law always chased the cat until no one saw it, but it was clear without witnesses. The cat was afraid. And occasionally even hissing.
And one morning, the pet just disappeared. I'm in the water. Our mother was sure he fell out of the window or jumped out the open door. I was very upset, I had to drink. corvalol. It is good that the younger nephew thought to call his father and complain about Mother Sveta. He confessed to seeing her take the cat away in the morning. And the elder never confessed.
Vlad immediately went home from work, explaining to his superiors that it was urgent. The scream was all over the neighborhood. It turned out that Sveta gave the cat to the shelter, saying that the animal is already old and there is no one to look after him. At the same time, until the last time I was not going to give a service number. The cat came back, but marriage It was impossible to return.
Courts, apartment division, moving - all this leaves a deep mark on the child's psyche. I can't say anything about my brother. After all, he is a grown man, and so is Light. But I feel very sorry for my nieces - one grows up a bully, the second is completely closed in. Light is trying. isolate from his second family, which I consider absolute savagery. I don't know what to do with it. Maybe someone has faced a similar situation?
It's hard to tell when things went awry. It happens: everything is well and harmonious (at first glance), and when children grow up, the illusion of a happy family bursts like a soap bubble. Even I understand that this could not continue. Only the nieces are sorry, they are now separated. And Anton, who stayed with his mother, my father and I are not allowed at all. But I want to tell you everything in order. Can you see from the outside what can be done about it?

With my brother’s wife, we even got along at first – she is 8 years older than me, but we communicated as girlfriends. Then she got pregnant, and I went to school, so we only saw each other at the family dinner table several times a year. When the nieces came into my life, communication was restored. Young parents They often wanted to go out, or they had to go on business, and I enjoyed sitting with the little ones. The idyll lasted several years. Right before the kids went to school.
I still do not know what happened between my brother and Sveta, but their relationship began to deteriorate rapidly. I suspect the reason was because he worked from morning to night and didn't spend any time with his family. Faith became nervous, suspicious. That's when we had a fight. I could no longer listen to her paranoid thoughts about her brother cheating on her. This was the conclusion she came to even when he was only 10 minutes late.

Even on walks, she was jealous of every pillar. Vlad kept complaining that it was unbearable: he had to hide his phone from her so he wouldn’t climb into it at night. To my question, is there a reason? concealThe brother replied that there was no reason, but his wife would find him anyway.
Then the scandals started. Sveta, not shy, sawed her husband even at family meetings with her parents and their own children. We all started to get the impression that she was going crazy with unemployment. As soon as she came out on maternity leave, she decided not to leave it. Let me be clear: the last few years we have been patient with the Light. But there is a limit to all patience.
Is it worth living with your parents in the same house

One day my mother became very ill, and then she began to heart problems. I moved to a nearby town because it was easier to find a job. But my mother regularly came almost every weekend to help with cleaning and purchase groceries. Vladislav, despite a busy schedule, took her to every appointment to the doctor and covered everything. drug costs. But once that wasn't enough.
Mom's been weakening a lot lately, and we're worried that it's hard for her to be alone in the house. Recently, she was dusting on the closet, lost her balance and fell off a stool. It's just a miracle! But she limped for a few more days. So Vlad decided to take his mother to him. They have a little light. double-story With three rooms and two bathrooms, the room should be enough for everyone, provided that the nieces moved into one room, and the grandmother gave one of their nursery on the first floor. I’ll never forget how much I screamed about it.
- Do you want Antoshka to leave our house? He's the senior, he needs his own space!
- Sveta, what are you talking about, what "left home"? You can see the situation is serious, Mom needs to be looked after. It will be good for children to spend time with their grandmother. She'll help them with their homework.
- I mean, you don't want to deal with them yourself, so you're going to blame it on your mother? Let your sister take her. Or hire a nurse. All the money goes to your mom anyway.
The light had a very strange idea of what was going on. mother-in-law I didn't want to. The tribes hid in their rooms during these conversations. It's a good thing my mom and I didn't hear that. She didn’t want to move, my brother and I insisted. Sveta calmed down only when Vlad reminded her that not only his mother, but also she lives on his salary.
The atmosphere of divorce and how it affects children The eldest of the nephews - Anton - always had problems with school. Not because he didn’t understand things, but because he didn’t want to. homework. He enjoyed reading fiction, but did not like either language or literature. The teacher was very specific. So all of this is understandable -- the difficulties of adolescence. But recently, this has become a serious problem.

Unsplash Father Anton refused to listen and behaved horribly. Could have teased him during a conversation, snapped at remarks. The light gave him all sorts of comfort and even encouragement. And the child is happy to get a drop of approval from her. My brother’s wife was not alarmed that his son was getting more and more jerky. Unfortunately, in the last year I don’t recognize him at all.
Probably, Sveta told him something about me - Anton began to say hello after once, as if he was avoiding me. I think he was uncomfortable that his parents were raising the issue of divorce. More specifically, Vlad threatened divorce. Especially by taking the children from the Light, because she still has nothing to provide for them.
Despite the long quarrels of the spouses, the mother’s move was only a matter of time. She was given a room as agreed. But the question about her old cat became an edge: Mom took it with her, and everyone thought it was self-evident. Not on the street to leave, really. The children were delighted with the fluffy, because Mommy forbade Nephews should have any pets before that, even fish. But for the light itself, this was the last chord.

Unsplash: Is this misunderstanding more important than your wife? Okay, mom, but the cat?! And now we sit on each other's heads.
Vlad is also noticeably tired of clarifying the relationship, so he decided to just ignore it. But it didn't take long to ignore. Svetka found a way to annoy her brother. She could have abused his mother or forced her to clean the house when she had high blood pressure. The daughter-in-law always chased the cat until no one saw it, but it was clear without witnesses. The cat was afraid. And occasionally even hissing.
And one morning, the pet just disappeared. I'm in the water. Our mother was sure he fell out of the window or jumped out the open door. I was very upset, I had to drink. corvalol. It is good that the younger nephew thought to call his father and complain about Mother Sveta. He confessed to seeing her take the cat away in the morning. And the elder never confessed.
Vlad immediately went home from work, explaining to his superiors that it was urgent. The scream was all over the neighborhood. It turned out that Sveta gave the cat to the shelter, saying that the animal is already old and there is no one to look after him. At the same time, until the last time I was not going to give a service number. The cat came back, but marriage It was impossible to return.

Courts, apartment division, moving - all this leaves a deep mark on the child's psyche. I can't say anything about my brother. After all, he is a grown man, and so is Light. But I feel very sorry for my nieces - one grows up a bully, the second is completely closed in. Light is trying. isolate from his second family, which I consider absolute savagery. I don't know what to do with it. Maybe someone has faced a similar situation?
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