My precious mother-in-law was discharged from the hospital after long treatment, but I am not happy about it.
This is a normal situation in the family: someone prefers bornet After a long day at work. And someone has enough low-fat yogurt salad and some chicken. These are the tastes of people and if they are comfortable with it, why not? If there are no health problems, loss of energy or nervousness, then your diet is ideal for your current lifestyle. No more, no less.
The same goes for everything else. If you feel normal in a relationship, your other half also, it seems, does not complain – then everything is going well for you two. It is not necessary to listen to the advice of friends of “psychologists” or friends with “rich life experience” in order to improve your understanding. On the contrary, you will probably make it worse. And in the end, you'll be guilty, too. Free advice is worth nothing, as, in fact, and someone else’s view of your life.
When my mother-in-law recovered after long-term treatment of a not very pleasant illness and moved back to her home, I was not very happy about it. Don't be quick to judge me, I'm not a bad person. It’s just that I care about my marriage and my sense of peace when I’m with a loved one. And my husband’s mother has a very specific character, which most directly affects the weather in our house. How exactly? I'm going to tell you about it.
My husband and I dated for a long time before our wedding. We lived together in a rented apartment and everything seemed normal. I tried to understand each other’s needs and he was mine. Don't really think about it. Sometimes people have strange habits, nothing more. I hate the curtain in the bathroom. And Andrei does not know how to take a shower without her, so as not to pour everything around him. Little change, I think. But why not discuss it?
After the wedding, my mother-in-law appeared in my life. More precisely, I had known her before, but before the ring on my finger, Irina Vasilievna did not manifest herself at all. But then... Let’s just say that she suddenly began to take an active interest in her son’s family life and actively give him advice on this matter. You know, for some people, time stopped in the days of their youth, so they keep thinking with old patterns. Which I think is simply absurd today.
After my mother’s instructions, it turned out that my husband was the head of the house. And he gets all the best before we have kids. The fattest piece, the TV remote, the choice of leisure. All this must now be decided on his part. He brings more money into the house, can do more work and all that. You know. After all the time my husband and I have been together. It's like we haven't had any conversations before. My mom came and decided.
Then my mother-in-law fell ill, and my husband’s attitude toward his role in the family changed again. Many things he began to look through his fingers, did not require to save on clothes, rest, food. We stopped going to the supermarket and shopping, relying only on check prices. On the one hand, I was sad because my husband's mother didn't feel well. On the other hand, life went on and my marriage was moving in the right direction again.
We live in an apartment, but that’s normal. We collect money for the first mortgage payment, and we are doing well so far. As for me, I'm not used to living on a big foot. I would rather work to live than live to work. According to our calculations, if you save as my mother-in-law wants and refuse everything, the amount needed for the contribution will be collected from us a year earlier than if we live a normal quiet life. For a year!
To suffer, to be constantly under stress, to bargain for a year. Why? That's nonsense. But recently recovered mother-in-law holds this opinion. And he's putting his son in there. In her understanding, you need to constantly rush somewhere, hurry. To hang your tongue on your shoulder and your eyes on the floor. And then, by the age of sixty, rest. She was in the hospital, apparently.
I have a different opinion, and it makes perfect sense to me. It’s annoying that Andrew knows that I’m right in this situation. But out of fear or some very strong attachment, he doesn't want to admit that his mom might be wrong. That in her time, perhaps, it was necessary to dig the ground with a horn and only in this case it was possible somehow somewhere to hook. But these are very different times. And this strategy just doesn't work.
By the way, another news: now Irina Vasilyevna demands that we urgently give her grandchildren. Because the mother-in-law feels that “her time is running out” and she just needs to understand one or two carapaces at all costs. Our plans and plans for the future life have no meaning: it is not its problem that we did not act earlier. We spent so much time building relationships, and all we had to do was get married and go to bed and have kids.
Here. And after all I've written, do you think I'm a bad person because I'm not very good at bringing my mother-in-law back into my life with my husband? I don't mean she'd like to go back to the hospital. If she or I had moved somewhere far away... It wouldn't be any worse. Really? All right, I gotta run, I'm gonna cook my wife the ribs he asked me to. He is the leader in our relationship, again. How could I have forgotten that before? I'm just not going to mind her.

The same goes for everything else. If you feel normal in a relationship, your other half also, it seems, does not complain – then everything is going well for you two. It is not necessary to listen to the advice of friends of “psychologists” or friends with “rich life experience” in order to improve your understanding. On the contrary, you will probably make it worse. And in the end, you'll be guilty, too. Free advice is worth nothing, as, in fact, and someone else’s view of your life.
When my mother-in-law recovered after long-term treatment of a not very pleasant illness and moved back to her home, I was not very happy about it. Don't be quick to judge me, I'm not a bad person. It’s just that I care about my marriage and my sense of peace when I’m with a loved one. And my husband’s mother has a very specific character, which most directly affects the weather in our house. How exactly? I'm going to tell you about it.

My husband and I dated for a long time before our wedding. We lived together in a rented apartment and everything seemed normal. I tried to understand each other’s needs and he was mine. Don't really think about it. Sometimes people have strange habits, nothing more. I hate the curtain in the bathroom. And Andrei does not know how to take a shower without her, so as not to pour everything around him. Little change, I think. But why not discuss it?
After the wedding, my mother-in-law appeared in my life. More precisely, I had known her before, but before the ring on my finger, Irina Vasilievna did not manifest herself at all. But then... Let’s just say that she suddenly began to take an active interest in her son’s family life and actively give him advice on this matter. You know, for some people, time stopped in the days of their youth, so they keep thinking with old patterns. Which I think is simply absurd today.

After my mother’s instructions, it turned out that my husband was the head of the house. And he gets all the best before we have kids. The fattest piece, the TV remote, the choice of leisure. All this must now be decided on his part. He brings more money into the house, can do more work and all that. You know. After all the time my husband and I have been together. It's like we haven't had any conversations before. My mom came and decided.
Then my mother-in-law fell ill, and my husband’s attitude toward his role in the family changed again. Many things he began to look through his fingers, did not require to save on clothes, rest, food. We stopped going to the supermarket and shopping, relying only on check prices. On the one hand, I was sad because my husband's mother didn't feel well. On the other hand, life went on and my marriage was moving in the right direction again.

We live in an apartment, but that’s normal. We collect money for the first mortgage payment, and we are doing well so far. As for me, I'm not used to living on a big foot. I would rather work to live than live to work. According to our calculations, if you save as my mother-in-law wants and refuse everything, the amount needed for the contribution will be collected from us a year earlier than if we live a normal quiet life. For a year!
To suffer, to be constantly under stress, to bargain for a year. Why? That's nonsense. But recently recovered mother-in-law holds this opinion. And he's putting his son in there. In her understanding, you need to constantly rush somewhere, hurry. To hang your tongue on your shoulder and your eyes on the floor. And then, by the age of sixty, rest. She was in the hospital, apparently.
I have a different opinion, and it makes perfect sense to me. It’s annoying that Andrew knows that I’m right in this situation. But out of fear or some very strong attachment, he doesn't want to admit that his mom might be wrong. That in her time, perhaps, it was necessary to dig the ground with a horn and only in this case it was possible somehow somewhere to hook. But these are very different times. And this strategy just doesn't work.
By the way, another news: now Irina Vasilyevna demands that we urgently give her grandchildren. Because the mother-in-law feels that “her time is running out” and she just needs to understand one or two carapaces at all costs. Our plans and plans for the future life have no meaning: it is not its problem that we did not act earlier. We spent so much time building relationships, and all we had to do was get married and go to bed and have kids.

Here. And after all I've written, do you think I'm a bad person because I'm not very good at bringing my mother-in-law back into my life with my husband? I don't mean she'd like to go back to the hospital. If she or I had moved somewhere far away... It wouldn't be any worse. Really? All right, I gotta run, I'm gonna cook my wife the ribs he asked me to. He is the leader in our relationship, again. How could I have forgotten that before? I'm just not going to mind her.
Modern Nostradamus from India Kushal Kumar addressed the world with an alarming forecast
Gone mother-in-law told how to identify toxic and brazen daughter-in-law before the wedding