I follow a strict diet, but I cannot stay without a festive Easter, so I cook according to a special recipe.
The bright holiday of Easter is approaching, and this means that Lent is coming to an end. Now is the time to find recipes for celebration. For Catholics, it has already taken place on March 31, and for Orthodox Christians it will take place on May 5. Paintings, fragrant sausages, kagoras and fish dishes are mandatory attributes of Easter for my family. But the central place has always been occupied by air Easter, covered with brilliant glaze. My grandmother was a real cook, never missed an opportunity to try a new recipe. However, this year I decided that I would have a kulich without butter. I want to make the cake useful!
I follow a strict diet, but I just can’t help but bake Easter to meet my family. Pay attention: no sugar, no gluten, no dyes, no butter, not even yeast in it. Useful 100%. And it turns out airy and fragrant. What does it make of if it does not contain any of the usual ingredients? Look in the detailed recipe!
This year I have strict dietary restrictions, so almost nothing from the family table I can not eat. And even Grandma's pastry. I’ve been scratching my head for a long time, what would bring to a family holiday, so everyone liked it. Chocolate Easter was a great option. I made one for the test, and I'll take the other to the table.
Note that, despite the unusual composition, the structure of the pulp is very wet. This is possible thanks to the addition of banana flesh, which makes Easter juicy and heavy. This time, I decided to do just with raisins. But for the richness of taste, you can add pieces of dried fruit, pre-soaked in cognac or liquor.
The ingredients
Preparing a useful cake Preparation
I really liked this recipe. First of all, he really cares about the figure. Secondly, it is suitable for people with gluten intolerance. Third, perfect for strict diets, as in my case. From the powders I chose pieces of freeze-dried strawberries with pistachio crumb, it turned out very tasty and original. Ice can be made from both dark and white chocolate.
I think the family will definitely appreciate this cake without butter. What makes me happy is that you only need 20 minutes to cook. For comparison, my grandmother starts cooking Easter early the night before. And this is the case when you can not come to the kitchen and even open the door, because the dough may not rise. So I'm happy with everything on my chocolate Easter, especially its simplicity. What do you say?

I follow a strict diet, but I just can’t help but bake Easter to meet my family. Pay attention: no sugar, no gluten, no dyes, no butter, not even yeast in it. Useful 100%. And it turns out airy and fragrant. What does it make of if it does not contain any of the usual ingredients? Look in the detailed recipe!
This year I have strict dietary restrictions, so almost nothing from the family table I can not eat. And even Grandma's pastry. I’ve been scratching my head for a long time, what would bring to a family holiday, so everyone liked it. Chocolate Easter was a great option. I made one for the test, and I'll take the other to the table.

Note that, despite the unusual composition, the structure of the pulp is very wet. This is possible thanks to the addition of banana flesh, which makes Easter juicy and heavy. This time, I decided to do just with raisins. But for the richness of taste, you can add pieces of dried fruit, pre-soaked in cognac or liquor.
The ingredients
- 4 chicken eggs
- 2 bananas
- 4 tbsp sweetener (I use stevia)
- 4 tbsp rice flour
- 4 tsp cocoa
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 0.5 lemons
- 100g raisins
- 100g dark chocolate
- 100g instant milk
- 3 tbsp vegetable oil
Preparing a useful cake Preparation
- Pre-soak the raisins for an hour in warm water, so that it is well soaked.
- Cut the sliced bananas with a fork along with the eggs. In the resulting mass pour rice flour, sugar (or stevia), cocoa powder and baking powder. It is best to mix with a submersible mixer, in this case, the dough will be smooth and uniform. If there is no mixer, break the bananas in the blender or very carefully break with a fork. The consistency should turn out like liquid sour cream.
- Now distribute the dough to the forms for Easter. They were small, with a diameter of 7 centimeters and a height of about 8 centimeters. It turned out four puffy Easter. The test should be filled in about two-thirds.
- Bake chocolate muffins in the microwave at a maximum power of about 8-10 minutes. So they will be quite wet and well prepared inside. You can cook in the oven, but it will take longer, about 30-40 minutes.
- While Easter is baked, sculpt the dark chocolate along with a small amount of diluted instant milk with vegetable oil. Or just add water if you follow a very strict diet. Glaze the finished cakes and decorate their caps with berries and dried fruits at your discretion.
I really liked this recipe. First of all, he really cares about the figure. Secondly, it is suitable for people with gluten intolerance. Third, perfect for strict diets, as in my case. From the powders I chose pieces of freeze-dried strawberries with pistachio crumb, it turned out very tasty and original. Ice can be made from both dark and white chocolate.

I think the family will definitely appreciate this cake without butter. What makes me happy is that you only need 20 minutes to cook. For comparison, my grandmother starts cooking Easter early the night before. And this is the case when you can not come to the kitchen and even open the door, because the dough may not rise. So I'm happy with everything on my chocolate Easter, especially its simplicity. What do you say?
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