Is it true that before women managed everything, and now they can not cope even with everyday life, thinking about the past and the present?
For the baby. successful mother It’s a normal day, nothing special. Mother will always help, give advice, feed enough and wash clothes. My mom won’t complain too much about misdeeds she’s always somehow aware of. He won't judge. But how does she get it? Is she really only around the clock doing what cleans, cooks, washes, irons and monitors what happens in the lives of her children? And in most cases, the answer will be obvious: yes, yes, and again, yes.
But is this approach fair to women? After all, in fact, constant work around the house and the creation of that home comfort is nothing but free bondage. While a man comes from work and deservedly rests from a hard day, a woman is engaged in household chores: cooking, taking care of children. When a man works and earns money, a woman does not sit idly by. At least that was the case before. Our parents. In the modern world, has this scheme undergone any changes?
Successful mother Social question This is the time of late marriages. A woman can marry whenever she wants and no one will point a finger in her back. Moreover, the number of stamps about divorce in the passport also does not play a special role. Looking for herself. The men were unworthy. I was young and didn’t know what I was doing. And that's all, no condemnation, moreover: in our time, women will be supported, literally, under all circumstances. Because she doesn't owe anyone anything right now.
In the past, marriage was very different. Mostly married at 20 or give or take three years or so. That’s what happened in the cities. About village marriages, when the wedding was played literally after school and nothing to say. At the same time, there could be no talk of any feelings. Women, or rather girls, had to go to the crown because of the total pressure from the public, parents. Even in the workplace, you needed this coveted stamp. It was accepted and nothing can be done about it.
What did that mean? The unformed psyche of a young woman was subjected to a large number of triggers. And eventually, she adapted to them. There was nothing good about it, though. The husband could drink, walk left, even beat. Little by little, the woman got used to it. How many marriages were there when everyone knew that Takoto-Takoitovna’s husband was a drunk? And she doesn't leave him. Or is he beating her up? There's no divorce. The dissolution of the marriage was not welcomed. And after some time, the woman could develop Stockholm syndrome. And now, her husband is no longer a walking bastard, but the soul of the company. The guy’s shirt and friends respect him very much.
Organized leisure then, leisure. People tend to occupy their heads and hands. This is normal, because boredom is bad for us. Yeah, well, like everybody else. But today there is television, the Internet, various sections. Same shopping! But before that, there were serious problems. There were several channels on TV, and to find something really interesting on them, you had to have truly outstanding luck. Many were fond of reading books, but for small towns and villages, even such a hobby was problematic. So I had to take my hands.
Clay molding, yoga, sports sections, meditation, various courses on anything – all this can be easily found now. Even in elevators, there are ads, you can not miss. But before this woman had no such excesses. Therefore, housework, work in the garden, spinning canned food or ordinary housework. And choose what you like. But only after you have done the basic housework and solved all the problems with the children. That’s what happens in a developing country. It used to be worse. Don't grumble.
Well, in conclusion, perhaps it should be mentioned that before women were not as friendly as they are now. In the sense that with the advent of the Internet, many young wives share with each other their problems, secrets, give advice. Even those over 50 can participate in any discussion. Actively working family psychologists, coaches and so on. In fact, this seemingly not so important point helps to understand many controversial situations. It's bonding. It helps to draw the right conclusions.
It wasn't even close before. Moreover, many “comrades” in skirts, who are older, actively climbed out of their business even when they were not asked to do so. Husband fined, came under a fly to work, and who is to blame? My wife's fault. A meeting is called at which all the cones for some reason fall on the head of the spouse, who has nothing to do with it. I didn't look, I didn't. We have a production plan! What does that mean?! Aren't you a perfect mom? Your problems! Yeah, it used to be different.
What about the kids? The problem with children was solved quite simply. Yeah, that's right. After all, the state was engaged in the life of a small person much more actively than it is now. The child went to school, studied. And after school, he could go to various circles and sections. Thus, first, the burden on parents, who had to spend the lion’s share of their energy on building a stronger state, was reduced. And, secondly, children, for the most part, spent less time on idleness and hooliganism.
But if you think that the country used to take care of the children of workers for free, then you are mistaken. The fact is that we have now moved to the stage of development, when individuality is important. When one person on his own shoulders can build a business, create a unique idea, process or something completely extraordinary. Previously, such “upstarts” were not needed by anyone. The vast majority of citizens lived on the principle of school-PTU-factory. Or marriage instead of a factory, if we talk about women. And that's not always the case.
Many contemporaries from the previous generation are now nostalgic about their childhood. But even they can not argue that after graduation from school, there were not so many roads to go through life.
And yet, not only the state took on the burden of education. Mothers really looked after their children. They had to be clothed, clothed, fed. Of course, there was not much attention paid to clothes at the time. The main thing is that it was ironed without holes. You could cook one dish at all, then there were no gourmets, so “bread and porridge are our strength” is not just a saying. The child’s internal problems did not occur so often. There was not so much depression, self-seeking, apathy. Everyone walked together and in step. Good or bad is another matter.
Now many people talk about the past and the present. They say that before the children were not sick, not tired and not indulged. Of course that's not true. It is also said that women were much more fun, reliable and happier. But judging by the photos of those years, for some reason the impression is quite different. Did the mother of that time manage to do everything around the house, to watch the children and husband? I don't think that's easy. After all, a successful mother is partly a myth. But many people like to believe this, and who are we to destroy this very faith? Let the time and the commentators tell you who is right.
But is this approach fair to women? After all, in fact, constant work around the house and the creation of that home comfort is nothing but free bondage. While a man comes from work and deservedly rests from a hard day, a woman is engaged in household chores: cooking, taking care of children. When a man works and earns money, a woman does not sit idly by. At least that was the case before. Our parents. In the modern world, has this scheme undergone any changes?
Successful mother Social question This is the time of late marriages. A woman can marry whenever she wants and no one will point a finger in her back. Moreover, the number of stamps about divorce in the passport also does not play a special role. Looking for herself. The men were unworthy. I was young and didn’t know what I was doing. And that's all, no condemnation, moreover: in our time, women will be supported, literally, under all circumstances. Because she doesn't owe anyone anything right now.
In the past, marriage was very different. Mostly married at 20 or give or take three years or so. That’s what happened in the cities. About village marriages, when the wedding was played literally after school and nothing to say. At the same time, there could be no talk of any feelings. Women, or rather girls, had to go to the crown because of the total pressure from the public, parents. Even in the workplace, you needed this coveted stamp. It was accepted and nothing can be done about it.
What did that mean? The unformed psyche of a young woman was subjected to a large number of triggers. And eventually, she adapted to them. There was nothing good about it, though. The husband could drink, walk left, even beat. Little by little, the woman got used to it. How many marriages were there when everyone knew that Takoto-Takoitovna’s husband was a drunk? And she doesn't leave him. Or is he beating her up? There's no divorce. The dissolution of the marriage was not welcomed. And after some time, the woman could develop Stockholm syndrome. And now, her husband is no longer a walking bastard, but the soul of the company. The guy’s shirt and friends respect him very much.
Organized leisure then, leisure. People tend to occupy their heads and hands. This is normal, because boredom is bad for us. Yeah, well, like everybody else. But today there is television, the Internet, various sections. Same shopping! But before that, there were serious problems. There were several channels on TV, and to find something really interesting on them, you had to have truly outstanding luck. Many were fond of reading books, but for small towns and villages, even such a hobby was problematic. So I had to take my hands.
Clay molding, yoga, sports sections, meditation, various courses on anything – all this can be easily found now. Even in elevators, there are ads, you can not miss. But before this woman had no such excesses. Therefore, housework, work in the garden, spinning canned food or ordinary housework. And choose what you like. But only after you have done the basic housework and solved all the problems with the children. That’s what happens in a developing country. It used to be worse. Don't grumble.
Well, in conclusion, perhaps it should be mentioned that before women were not as friendly as they are now. In the sense that with the advent of the Internet, many young wives share with each other their problems, secrets, give advice. Even those over 50 can participate in any discussion. Actively working family psychologists, coaches and so on. In fact, this seemingly not so important point helps to understand many controversial situations. It's bonding. It helps to draw the right conclusions.
It wasn't even close before. Moreover, many “comrades” in skirts, who are older, actively climbed out of their business even when they were not asked to do so. Husband fined, came under a fly to work, and who is to blame? My wife's fault. A meeting is called at which all the cones for some reason fall on the head of the spouse, who has nothing to do with it. I didn't look, I didn't. We have a production plan! What does that mean?! Aren't you a perfect mom? Your problems! Yeah, it used to be different.
What about the kids? The problem with children was solved quite simply. Yeah, that's right. After all, the state was engaged in the life of a small person much more actively than it is now. The child went to school, studied. And after school, he could go to various circles and sections. Thus, first, the burden on parents, who had to spend the lion’s share of their energy on building a stronger state, was reduced. And, secondly, children, for the most part, spent less time on idleness and hooliganism.
But if you think that the country used to take care of the children of workers for free, then you are mistaken. The fact is that we have now moved to the stage of development, when individuality is important. When one person on his own shoulders can build a business, create a unique idea, process or something completely extraordinary. Previously, such “upstarts” were not needed by anyone. The vast majority of citizens lived on the principle of school-PTU-factory. Or marriage instead of a factory, if we talk about women. And that's not always the case.
Many contemporaries from the previous generation are now nostalgic about their childhood. But even they can not argue that after graduation from school, there were not so many roads to go through life.
And yet, not only the state took on the burden of education. Mothers really looked after their children. They had to be clothed, clothed, fed. Of course, there was not much attention paid to clothes at the time. The main thing is that it was ironed without holes. You could cook one dish at all, then there were no gourmets, so “bread and porridge are our strength” is not just a saying. The child’s internal problems did not occur so often. There was not so much depression, self-seeking, apathy. Everyone walked together and in step. Good or bad is another matter.
Now many people talk about the past and the present. They say that before the children were not sick, not tired and not indulged. Of course that's not true. It is also said that women were much more fun, reliable and happier. But judging by the photos of those years, for some reason the impression is quite different. Did the mother of that time manage to do everything around the house, to watch the children and husband? I don't think that's easy. After all, a successful mother is partly a myth. But many people like to believe this, and who are we to destroy this very faith? Let the time and the commentators tell you who is right.
Soviet fashion habits, which are long overdue to leave in the past
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