Psychological time, or life in the past, present and future
We catastrophically do not have time to live: the day before yesterday not found the time to call a friend, yesterday - read the book, which is already necessary to give, today, did not go to the store for holiday shopping, though the holiday very soon ... Time is transient and it is racing at an incredible rate. How to get it all? How to get one eventually speed? And, perhaps, it is not necessary to hurry up?
Tell me, how old are you? Good. And now the next question is: how many years you have used himself gave? This refers not just how you look and how you feel - your inner age. One people think that their inner age is much greater than its real indicator that they have lived a hundred years. Others, however, feel younger than their years. We will consider each case separately.
The reason that people feel older than their years, could be the fact that in the past, focused more and more significant events for the individual, rather than in the present. In this case, the person is thinking in the past, it seems that all of the most significant events are concentrated there and in the future, this person does not assign high hopes. We should also mention the phenomenon in psychology, as the effect of the unfinished actions, when a person is going through a long and painful that is not completed (not necessarily their own). Here, too, there is a mental fact stay in the past.
When last did not occur any significant for the individual events in the present case are formed not in the best way a person can live in their dreams, thinking about the future. In this case, we say that a person mentally immersed in their future places great hopes on him and his inner age, number of years, how he feels, is sure to be lower than its actual figure, for people in this situation tend to think, he has yet to come.
Man not really afford to choose to live in any time - past, present or future. Each has its own living space, which is filled with friends, acquaintances, relatives, neighbors, work colleagues, etc. The relationship with the closest people in many ways defines the time in which a person lives. So, if you have loved ones in this - you're living in the present, if the closest people have for you people from the past - you're living in the past, if loved ones were not, and is not - you dwell in dreams about them in the future.
We experience fear before time because with him will be held and sadness, and joy ... fleeting time, yes, but does it make sense to chase after him? They say that lovers do not watch the clock, partly reverse is also true: who does not look at his watch, he is in peace and tranquility. For us it is more important psychological moment, than that which shows the clock, and for which we can not keep up. After all, the psychological time, you can stretch, shrink, stop.
To sum up, we can say that the person can live in different times. Just as agreed between them different personalities can be consistent the past, present and future.
Tell me, how old are you? Good. And now the next question is: how many years you have used himself gave? This refers not just how you look and how you feel - your inner age. One people think that their inner age is much greater than its real indicator that they have lived a hundred years. Others, however, feel younger than their years. We will consider each case separately.

The reason that people feel older than their years, could be the fact that in the past, focused more and more significant events for the individual, rather than in the present. In this case, the person is thinking in the past, it seems that all of the most significant events are concentrated there and in the future, this person does not assign high hopes. We should also mention the phenomenon in psychology, as the effect of the unfinished actions, when a person is going through a long and painful that is not completed (not necessarily their own). Here, too, there is a mental fact stay in the past.
When last did not occur any significant for the individual events in the present case are formed not in the best way a person can live in their dreams, thinking about the future. In this case, we say that a person mentally immersed in their future places great hopes on him and his inner age, number of years, how he feels, is sure to be lower than its actual figure, for people in this situation tend to think, he has yet to come.
Man not really afford to choose to live in any time - past, present or future. Each has its own living space, which is filled with friends, acquaintances, relatives, neighbors, work colleagues, etc. The relationship with the closest people in many ways defines the time in which a person lives. So, if you have loved ones in this - you're living in the present, if the closest people have for you people from the past - you're living in the past, if loved ones were not, and is not - you dwell in dreams about them in the future.

We experience fear before time because with him will be held and sadness, and joy ... fleeting time, yes, but does it make sense to chase after him? They say that lovers do not watch the clock, partly reverse is also true: who does not look at his watch, he is in peace and tranquility. For us it is more important psychological moment, than that which shows the clock, and for which we can not keep up. After all, the psychological time, you can stretch, shrink, stop.
To sum up, we can say that the person can live in different times. Just as agreed between them different personalities can be consistent the past, present and future.