Energy pit
For example, one woman (men, no less) has a job, shelter, some friends, sometimes lovers, but very unhappy with myself. She would like to earn more, but no prospects and no strength to find a new job. She hears about some strong-willed people who make up a resume, go to interviews, get additional education, learn computer programming and foreign languages, attend conferences and presentations, start Dating, what their situation is never so dire as she had hated, poorly paid work, annoying colleagues and brazen head, and zero suggestions.
Also she would like to take care of your health and appearance: to lose weight, tighten muscles, to treat liver and skin and hair. Instead, she only eats unhealthy foods, almost no air and does not even exercises, can not quit Smoking and start going to bed early.
Bought at last money in a fit of optimism the expensive face creams rotten, because she can't use them regularly, the same thing happens with food additives and healthy products. On arrival from work, she wants to open a box of cakes, purchased on the way to turn on the computer and go head first into the Internet, not to prepare their own healthy salads, bake fish, make wraps and massage.
She knows that's all she needed, but it's insanely boring and this is not to force, from the thoughts about it I want to die, yet every day she promises herself to start tomorrow full restoration of his body. She understands that in this lifestyle, tomorrow will be worse than yesterday, her reflection in the mirror will become uglier to spoil the mood, self-hatred to grow (and it will not save even a visit to the women's community where women inspire each other, that they should not be sexual objects for men and can look as you want), it will be a pity and a shame that she's ruining their health, but the strength to get up off the computer and go for an evening jog there. It seems that even a gun would not to overcome yourself.
To be at home to her very disgusting, a lot of debris, dust and unnecessary things, but for General cleaning needs forces which are not, and a minimum of inspiration, which is not the same. She is jealous of "strong-willed" women who somehow miraculously know how to find pleasure in cleaning the house and exercising and in cooking. They are beautiful, their house is beautiful, their life is beautiful.
Every day she scolds himself for laziness and apathy, and hopes one day to break. From the abuse itself, the mood is spoiled even more and want to leave the Internet a little deeper, with someone talking in communities, play games, read something, or watch. She sits on the Internet almost until morning, and every morning he's beating himself up for what was taken from your health precious hours of sleep, spending those hours on all sorts of rubbish. But every evening, even night, it has no power to break away and turn off the computer, she wants a little more emotion, she goes in search of pleasures from page to page hoping to find before going to sleep something that will entertain, and then we can go to sleep.
By itself, satisfy emotional hunger never happens, just starts to head off, and she goes to sleep. Meeting with friends on Saturdays or Fridays, she definitely drinks too much, and why does this always happen, it is not entirely clear. Every time she wants to drink only a little, just to lighten the mood. However, it happens to be something that she takes an extra drink or an extra portion of beer, and then another and another. In the result the next morning she was sick all Sunday lying a corpse, and most importantly her terribly ashamed of his behavior at the party, and she curses herself for "failing to slow down".
Lovers who have it sometimes, just bring trouble. They all treat her like she should be grateful to them for sex, though they are nothing. Seeing it and hating it for another lover, she, nevertheless, can't throw it myself, but if suddenly throwing, immediately regrets and tries to reconnect. When you leave her, every time she experiences this as illness, cries a lot, smokes a lot, a lot of girlfriends complain, and they answered rudely taught her, from what she occurs to these friends hate, but she hides it away and thanks because he is afraid to stay with my problem alone and cannot cope.
She wanted to endure my troubles alone, but she can't handle it... this is stop.
These people we see around a lot themselves, with rare exceptions, are sometimes or always or almost almost exactly. Coming out of this state, people tend to forget their experiences, and are happy to give advice to others that are in the energy pit: "get yourself together" and start "doing you." Are the words that need to go to collect itself into a fist.
It is important to understand this: everything that advised to collect, take and strain is the internal resources, otherwise called the inner potential. It is that energy which is not, when there is no power for no power to cook normal food, there is no strength to give up alcohol and cigarettes, there are no forces to restore order in the house, no effort on the exercises, no strength to send the brazen lover and to abandon the teachings of a friend, no strength to look for a new job. I'm exhausted just taking vitamins, which spent a lot of money then there is no strength even a little bit.
When there is no power even a little, it is advised to collect and exert the will is useless, that is, to advise you, but there is nothing to collect. Fabulous woman in this case susekam scratched and made the same bun. In the case of people who have long led unhealthy lifestyle, we are not dealing with zero energy, and with its disadvantage. Therefore, all that will be able to collect at the bottom of the barrel, will be immediately devoured and it won't satisfy all the hunger. About any bun, my warming on the windowsill, out of the question.
Look closely, what I propose to do the woman's wise advisers and her own disturbed super-ego ("what are you doing to yourself, snap out of it!"): gather strength at the bottom of the barrel to do... where? For the future! In the future she will become a leaner, healthier, probably happier, and therefore, in the present, she must collect will in a fist and pull away the bag of chips and the TV series, that is to tear off a piece of energy.
The snack bag series are the only available anti-stress means that the nervous system can relax and the woman at this point feels... no, it's not perfect, of course, but tolerable, sometimes even good. If she's going to throw chips off the series and goes into the kitchen to prepare healthy meals (very tasteless for the body, which has been reconstructed for the consumption of fatty, salty and sugary foods, and configure it in another way – this week volitional acts that need a lot, a lot of energy) she will experience a lot of stress.
Every volitional act, even the smallest, that is short, requires a handful of energy, which is either there (if there are internal resources), or to be collected in the hoppers. But bottom of the barrel man, which long existed without internal resources (sacks, stock), cleaned a hundred times, there's nothing anymore. Where do we get?
Rich people tend to save, and the poor to splurge, a known fact. Predatory loans with compound interest, small amounts that can be obtained quickly, and will have to return 200 times more relevant only in countries where the population is economically and energetically depleted. "How can you buy a phone on credit? — wonder wealthy people, — What should be a thoughtless idiot not to understand that it is wiser to postpone the purchase and save for three months than to pay twice more for a momentary whim."
These wealthy people claim for themselves a comfortable truth: the poor are to blame for that poor, they just don't want to save money and want to waste. "You live for today!" — a charge that is easy to throw in the face of people who are not able to save any money or energy.
However, the habit of living for today and not worth any frivolity. Each person would do stocks for the future, if it were in the present. The main thing to understand that "there" refers not only to food, but mostly the energy that is required to release accumulated stress, painful and unbearable state of being, familiar to people in exhaustion, but then forget when they go back to normal.
If you understand this, it is possible to realize and the reason why poor people are willing to take out a loan to get a phone now, not sometime tomorrow, ready to buy a bunch of cheap things instead of one (many acts of pleasure instead of one), and why people who have everything in life is bad, not "take on the mind" and can't get out of the loop: an unhealthy lifestyle aggravation of stress unhealthy lifestyle. Yes, by itself, harmful way of life provides a stress in the future, but at present it is more economical, since for any tension (to pull myself together, to refrain, to brake is strained) and the smallest volitional acts necessary amount of energy, which is not.
The way out of the vicious circle will discuss in detail further. But in General, they are logical.
Author: Marina Komissarova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: psychoalchemy.ru/energy-hole/
Also she would like to take care of your health and appearance: to lose weight, tighten muscles, to treat liver and skin and hair. Instead, she only eats unhealthy foods, almost no air and does not even exercises, can not quit Smoking and start going to bed early.

Bought at last money in a fit of optimism the expensive face creams rotten, because she can't use them regularly, the same thing happens with food additives and healthy products. On arrival from work, she wants to open a box of cakes, purchased on the way to turn on the computer and go head first into the Internet, not to prepare their own healthy salads, bake fish, make wraps and massage.
She knows that's all she needed, but it's insanely boring and this is not to force, from the thoughts about it I want to die, yet every day she promises herself to start tomorrow full restoration of his body. She understands that in this lifestyle, tomorrow will be worse than yesterday, her reflection in the mirror will become uglier to spoil the mood, self-hatred to grow (and it will not save even a visit to the women's community where women inspire each other, that they should not be sexual objects for men and can look as you want), it will be a pity and a shame that she's ruining their health, but the strength to get up off the computer and go for an evening jog there. It seems that even a gun would not to overcome yourself.
To be at home to her very disgusting, a lot of debris, dust and unnecessary things, but for General cleaning needs forces which are not, and a minimum of inspiration, which is not the same. She is jealous of "strong-willed" women who somehow miraculously know how to find pleasure in cleaning the house and exercising and in cooking. They are beautiful, their house is beautiful, their life is beautiful.
Every day she scolds himself for laziness and apathy, and hopes one day to break. From the abuse itself, the mood is spoiled even more and want to leave the Internet a little deeper, with someone talking in communities, play games, read something, or watch. She sits on the Internet almost until morning, and every morning he's beating himself up for what was taken from your health precious hours of sleep, spending those hours on all sorts of rubbish. But every evening, even night, it has no power to break away and turn off the computer, she wants a little more emotion, she goes in search of pleasures from page to page hoping to find before going to sleep something that will entertain, and then we can go to sleep.
By itself, satisfy emotional hunger never happens, just starts to head off, and she goes to sleep. Meeting with friends on Saturdays or Fridays, she definitely drinks too much, and why does this always happen, it is not entirely clear. Every time she wants to drink only a little, just to lighten the mood. However, it happens to be something that she takes an extra drink or an extra portion of beer, and then another and another. In the result the next morning she was sick all Sunday lying a corpse, and most importantly her terribly ashamed of his behavior at the party, and she curses herself for "failing to slow down".
Lovers who have it sometimes, just bring trouble. They all treat her like she should be grateful to them for sex, though they are nothing. Seeing it and hating it for another lover, she, nevertheless, can't throw it myself, but if suddenly throwing, immediately regrets and tries to reconnect. When you leave her, every time she experiences this as illness, cries a lot, smokes a lot, a lot of girlfriends complain, and they answered rudely taught her, from what she occurs to these friends hate, but she hides it away and thanks because he is afraid to stay with my problem alone and cannot cope.
She wanted to endure my troubles alone, but she can't handle it... this is stop.
These people we see around a lot themselves, with rare exceptions, are sometimes or always or almost almost exactly. Coming out of this state, people tend to forget their experiences, and are happy to give advice to others that are in the energy pit: "get yourself together" and start "doing you." Are the words that need to go to collect itself into a fist.
It is important to understand this: everything that advised to collect, take and strain is the internal resources, otherwise called the inner potential. It is that energy which is not, when there is no power for no power to cook normal food, there is no strength to give up alcohol and cigarettes, there are no forces to restore order in the house, no effort on the exercises, no strength to send the brazen lover and to abandon the teachings of a friend, no strength to look for a new job. I'm exhausted just taking vitamins, which spent a lot of money then there is no strength even a little bit.
When there is no power even a little, it is advised to collect and exert the will is useless, that is, to advise you, but there is nothing to collect. Fabulous woman in this case susekam scratched and made the same bun. In the case of people who have long led unhealthy lifestyle, we are not dealing with zero energy, and with its disadvantage. Therefore, all that will be able to collect at the bottom of the barrel, will be immediately devoured and it won't satisfy all the hunger. About any bun, my warming on the windowsill, out of the question.
Look closely, what I propose to do the woman's wise advisers and her own disturbed super-ego ("what are you doing to yourself, snap out of it!"): gather strength at the bottom of the barrel to do... where? For the future! In the future she will become a leaner, healthier, probably happier, and therefore, in the present, she must collect will in a fist and pull away the bag of chips and the TV series, that is to tear off a piece of energy.
The snack bag series are the only available anti-stress means that the nervous system can relax and the woman at this point feels... no, it's not perfect, of course, but tolerable, sometimes even good. If she's going to throw chips off the series and goes into the kitchen to prepare healthy meals (very tasteless for the body, which has been reconstructed for the consumption of fatty, salty and sugary foods, and configure it in another way – this week volitional acts that need a lot, a lot of energy) she will experience a lot of stress.
Every volitional act, even the smallest, that is short, requires a handful of energy, which is either there (if there are internal resources), or to be collected in the hoppers. But bottom of the barrel man, which long existed without internal resources (sacks, stock), cleaned a hundred times, there's nothing anymore. Where do we get?
Rich people tend to save, and the poor to splurge, a known fact. Predatory loans with compound interest, small amounts that can be obtained quickly, and will have to return 200 times more relevant only in countries where the population is economically and energetically depleted. "How can you buy a phone on credit? — wonder wealthy people, — What should be a thoughtless idiot not to understand that it is wiser to postpone the purchase and save for three months than to pay twice more for a momentary whim."
These wealthy people claim for themselves a comfortable truth: the poor are to blame for that poor, they just don't want to save money and want to waste. "You live for today!" — a charge that is easy to throw in the face of people who are not able to save any money or energy.
However, the habit of living for today and not worth any frivolity. Each person would do stocks for the future, if it were in the present. The main thing to understand that "there" refers not only to food, but mostly the energy that is required to release accumulated stress, painful and unbearable state of being, familiar to people in exhaustion, but then forget when they go back to normal.
If you understand this, it is possible to realize and the reason why poor people are willing to take out a loan to get a phone now, not sometime tomorrow, ready to buy a bunch of cheap things instead of one (many acts of pleasure instead of one), and why people who have everything in life is bad, not "take on the mind" and can't get out of the loop: an unhealthy lifestyle aggravation of stress unhealthy lifestyle. Yes, by itself, harmful way of life provides a stress in the future, but at present it is more economical, since for any tension (to pull myself together, to refrain, to brake is strained) and the smallest volitional acts necessary amount of energy, which is not.
The way out of the vicious circle will discuss in detail further. But in General, they are logical.
- First, the energy you need to get somewhere. Not at home (there is none) but somewhere outside.
- Secondly, the energy needed to put right, to make a profit and invest again.
- Thirdly, until there is sufficient profit, you need to give yourself an anti-stress mode.
- Fourthly, there must be full awareness of the process of leaving the pits, and awareness is the only guarantee that the process will go as it should.
Author: Marina Komissarova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: psychoalchemy.ru/energy-hole/