Energy willow. Business of willow in Ukraine
It's only been a few years, and what seemed to us unattainable, has become a real challenge for which we must be prepared. The "greening" of the economy, alternative energy, energy efficiency, green technologies, clean technologies. These concepts are important in our lives, and more evidence is emerging about the possibilities of renewable energy that are inherent in nature, and which man, when convenient, can use for their own purposes...
One of the alternatives to traditional energy with prospects, is biomass. Great biomass are energy crops, which can be a cost effective raw material for the production of alternative fuels. In accordance with the technology of cultivation, methods and timing of collection of energy crops are divided into herbaceous and woody annual cereal (sugar sorghum, millet) and perennials (miscanthus, saunat, SIDA, Jerusalem artichokes and fast-growing trees, in particular, energy willow, poplar). And in Ukraine, along with traditional sources of biomass such as agricultural residues, straw, maize stalks, sunflower husks, wood waste, there is enormous potential for the development of energy crops. Energy plantations are developing rapidly, do not require special conditions for cultivation are planted they are usually for 25-30 years and the crop harvested from the plots every three to six years.
Still new for our country a direction, but a very real and promising energy willow.
For thousands of years people uses various species of willow in his life, and today this plant shows its great advantages as a renewable energy source for landscape decoration of houses and decoration of garden objects, material for creativity and design, and just so pleasing to the eye... the Plant is for Ukraine not exotic, and traditional, even folk. In Ukrainian culture the willow is of particular importance and represents a symbol of life, vitality, a kind of amulet against the "evil forces". Blessing of the palms, and the rituals associated with plants, palm Sunday, phraseological units, entrenched in the people for many centuries. About its survivability in the saying "Verba – that meadow grass: mow it, and it will grow again". Our ancestors was stationed this tree roads and gardens, rates and the banks, paddocks and dams.
In recent years, certain varieties of energy willow (Salix) is increasingly considered as a promising crop for solid biofuel in the form of pellets or briquettes. Especially because, according to experts, production of solid biofuels based on the briquettes and palatov not require large capital investments. For three years, energy willow grows up to six to seven meters in height, and she had a large number of germs. Planting remains productive for 20-25 years. And this period can be harvested every three years in the amount of 30 t/ha of dry matter. The calorific value of bone dry willow is around 17-18 MJ/kg One tonne of willow with a humidity of 40% provides 1 Gcal of heat, and the same amount of dry raw material with a humidity of 15% gives a 2 Gcal of heat. From one hectare you can get every year 30-40 tonnes of alternative fuels!!!
The experience of "green" energy Norway, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Poland, UK. Europe, USA, Canada for many years engaged in the study of potential energy crops and energy plantations in these countries are already yielding a crop. The greatest success in this field demonstrates Sweden. Here of willow plantations occupy more than 20 thousand hectares. It is the raw material for even heating plants.
And the first seedlings of the "energy" gardens already lay the Western region (Volyn, Ternopil, Lviv). In the Rivne region in technical fields that are not used in agriculture, in August of this year laid the money from the regional budget for the purchase of seedlings, and this experiment will be continued in the future. According to experts, the potential of the resources Ukraine has enough. And we need to consider that, his energy groves today in those places where the land is unsuitable for agriculture, a few years without much labor you can grow your "money" field in the future to have the best cost-effective business...
Source: /users/104

One of the alternatives to traditional energy with prospects, is biomass. Great biomass are energy crops, which can be a cost effective raw material for the production of alternative fuels. In accordance with the technology of cultivation, methods and timing of collection of energy crops are divided into herbaceous and woody annual cereal (sugar sorghum, millet) and perennials (miscanthus, saunat, SIDA, Jerusalem artichokes and fast-growing trees, in particular, energy willow, poplar). And in Ukraine, along with traditional sources of biomass such as agricultural residues, straw, maize stalks, sunflower husks, wood waste, there is enormous potential for the development of energy crops. Energy plantations are developing rapidly, do not require special conditions for cultivation are planted they are usually for 25-30 years and the crop harvested from the plots every three to six years.
Still new for our country a direction, but a very real and promising energy willow.

For thousands of years people uses various species of willow in his life, and today this plant shows its great advantages as a renewable energy source for landscape decoration of houses and decoration of garden objects, material for creativity and design, and just so pleasing to the eye... the Plant is for Ukraine not exotic, and traditional, even folk. In Ukrainian culture the willow is of particular importance and represents a symbol of life, vitality, a kind of amulet against the "evil forces". Blessing of the palms, and the rituals associated with plants, palm Sunday, phraseological units, entrenched in the people for many centuries. About its survivability in the saying "Verba – that meadow grass: mow it, and it will grow again". Our ancestors was stationed this tree roads and gardens, rates and the banks, paddocks and dams.
In recent years, certain varieties of energy willow (Salix) is increasingly considered as a promising crop for solid biofuel in the form of pellets or briquettes. Especially because, according to experts, production of solid biofuels based on the briquettes and palatov not require large capital investments. For three years, energy willow grows up to six to seven meters in height, and she had a large number of germs. Planting remains productive for 20-25 years. And this period can be harvested every three years in the amount of 30 t/ha of dry matter. The calorific value of bone dry willow is around 17-18 MJ/kg One tonne of willow with a humidity of 40% provides 1 Gcal of heat, and the same amount of dry raw material with a humidity of 15% gives a 2 Gcal of heat. From one hectare you can get every year 30-40 tonnes of alternative fuels!!!

The experience of "green" energy Norway, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Poland, UK. Europe, USA, Canada for many years engaged in the study of potential energy crops and energy plantations in these countries are already yielding a crop. The greatest success in this field demonstrates Sweden. Here of willow plantations occupy more than 20 thousand hectares. It is the raw material for even heating plants.
And the first seedlings of the "energy" gardens already lay the Western region (Volyn, Ternopil, Lviv). In the Rivne region in technical fields that are not used in agriculture, in August of this year laid the money from the regional budget for the purchase of seedlings, and this experiment will be continued in the future. According to experts, the potential of the resources Ukraine has enough. And we need to consider that, his energy groves today in those places where the land is unsuitable for agriculture, a few years without much labor you can grow your "money" field in the future to have the best cost-effective business...
Source: /users/104