Useful properties of willow kidneys
Not everything is useful as medicine. But all that is useful is natural medicine. Subject to use in a moderate dose.
The willow tree is just the gift of nature that can be used for health purposes. Where to find it and what does it look like? In our region, two types of willow tree are most common.
The first plant is called "iva". And the second one is the willow. Willow grows near water bodies or in swampy areas, looks like a tree with a spherical lowered crown, long branches that bend well. Willow has a gray or greenish bark color, long pointed leaves, as well as narrow, elongated and yellow earrings.
Verba, or willow leafy, looks like a small tree with a crown of an elongated, oval shape. It's willowwood It's growing everywhere. It has a red or brown bark color, wide, rounded ends, medium-sized leaves and short, round, light gray earrings.
Verba is the first to wake up after winter, much before the willow. Someone brings home snowdrops, and someone fluffy budsThey are also known as “cats.”
Different parts of willow trees have antipyretic, analgesic, hemostatic, choleretic, astringent properties. And the buds of willow trees contain a large amount of vitamins. In early spring, when immunity is lowered, vitamins are not enough and there is a decline in strength, this is what you need.
DepositPhotos Willow tree bud tea has a beautiful golden color, but tastes a little bitter. It is recommended to drink during a cold or flu. It perfectly reduces heat, removes toxins and serves as a sweatshop. Recipe: 50 g of kidneys per liter of water.
This tea relieves pain in the muscles and joints. That is why it is recommended to drink even those who suffer from gout, osteochondrosis and rheumatism. Even if you do not drink the infusion of the buds of the willow tree, and make a broom from it in the bath, the result will be. Essential oils, evaporate, will have a beneficial effect.
DepositPhotos A willow tree kidney drink prepared with milk will serve as an expectorant for dry cough. 1 tablespoon of kidneys should be poured with a glass of milk. It will also be useful to add 1 tsp. turmeric.
Those who have depression or nervous exhaustion are recommended to make a decoction of willow bark. 1 tbsp. l bark pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist for 3 hours, then drink a few sips 3 times a day.
If you add a little heather, hops, motherwort to willow tea, you will get an excellent tool to combat insomnia, irritability, emotional exhaustion. The same decoction can rinse the throat and mouth in the presence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, nasopharynx, throat with stomatitis, periodontosis, toothache.
The main healing substances are in the bark, and the branches and kidneys are tannins and plant antibiotics.
Read more about the benefits of different plants in our next articles. Follow the links.
The willow tree is just the gift of nature that can be used for health purposes. Where to find it and what does it look like? In our region, two types of willow tree are most common.

The first plant is called "iva". And the second one is the willow. Willow grows near water bodies or in swampy areas, looks like a tree with a spherical lowered crown, long branches that bend well. Willow has a gray or greenish bark color, long pointed leaves, as well as narrow, elongated and yellow earrings.

Verba, or willow leafy, looks like a small tree with a crown of an elongated, oval shape. It's willowwood It's growing everywhere. It has a red or brown bark color, wide, rounded ends, medium-sized leaves and short, round, light gray earrings.
Verba is the first to wake up after winter, much before the willow. Someone brings home snowdrops, and someone fluffy budsThey are also known as “cats.”

Different parts of willow trees have antipyretic, analgesic, hemostatic, choleretic, astringent properties. And the buds of willow trees contain a large amount of vitamins. In early spring, when immunity is lowered, vitamins are not enough and there is a decline in strength, this is what you need.

DepositPhotos Willow tree bud tea has a beautiful golden color, but tastes a little bitter. It is recommended to drink during a cold or flu. It perfectly reduces heat, removes toxins and serves as a sweatshop. Recipe: 50 g of kidneys per liter of water.

This tea relieves pain in the muscles and joints. That is why it is recommended to drink even those who suffer from gout, osteochondrosis and rheumatism. Even if you do not drink the infusion of the buds of the willow tree, and make a broom from it in the bath, the result will be. Essential oils, evaporate, will have a beneficial effect.

DepositPhotos A willow tree kidney drink prepared with milk will serve as an expectorant for dry cough. 1 tablespoon of kidneys should be poured with a glass of milk. It will also be useful to add 1 tsp. turmeric.
Those who have depression or nervous exhaustion are recommended to make a decoction of willow bark. 1 tbsp. l bark pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist for 3 hours, then drink a few sips 3 times a day.

If you add a little heather, hops, motherwort to willow tea, you will get an excellent tool to combat insomnia, irritability, emotional exhaustion. The same decoction can rinse the throat and mouth in the presence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, nasopharynx, throat with stomatitis, periodontosis, toothache.

The main healing substances are in the bark, and the branches and kidneys are tannins and plant antibiotics.
Read more about the benefits of different plants in our next articles. Follow the links.