What legends were there about Mikhail Lermontov and why he was remembered by everyone not only for his talent, but also for his contradictory disposition.

Mikhail Lermontov was known not only as a gifted romantic poet. He had a complex contradictory temper. Melancholic and vulnerable dreamer with the habits of a tyrant, an annoying loner, an evil joker, foul-mouthed and intrigued. Contemporaries remembered the character of Lermontov not without causticity. Today, psychologists would call the poet a capacious word “abuser”. Was he really so inhuman? Let's try to understand the soul of genius "Site".

Many biographers attribute the role of Faust in the fate of the poet to his grandmother - the lady Elizaveta Alekseevna. Despotic, harsh and imperious, she was not at all like Pushkin’s Arina Rodionovna. The woman raised her grandson herself, taking him from his parents and breaking all ties with them. Avenged her daughter for choosing an unborn poor groom.

Misha grew up a moody nervous boy, a small domestic tyrant. He had the best teachers, fine food, great land. But his emotionally cold grandmother was not a close friend. She kept her grandson in constant tension: then pampered, then severely limited. As a child, he was ill and did not communicate with other children. Sensitive and lonely Misha had no one with whom to share fantasies and dreams, talk heart to heart.

Because the future poet often rebelled and hooliganized, led Elizaveta Alekseevna by the nose. Turned into a cruel, unruly and cold teenager. With age, these traits grew into cynicism, bitterness and vindictiveness.

The first lady of the heart and the victim of Lermontov was his neighbor on the estate, Ekaterina Sushkova. 17-year-old smart and well-read beauty was 2 years older than Misha. He inflamed her with feelings and even dedicated a series of poems about a broken heart. But the girl did not like a short clubfoot boy with a large nose, a large head and red eyes. And with a sarcastic temper in addition.

After 4 years, Lermontov managed to take revenge on the girl for refusing. Sushkova was getting married, and Michael reappeared in her life. He played the unfortunate sufferer, rejected by people and the world. He argued that only his love could heal him. The girl's heart was shaking. Ekaterina basically agreed to become his woman.

That's what the cruel young man wanted. He begins to manipulate her feelings. Incites against her the relatives of the groom, compromises, spreads gossip, harasses, blackmails. Snatching a declaration of love from her and giving her an engagement ring. The girl has to break off her old engagement.

First revenge Marry Sushkova Lermontov was not going. To upset their relationship, he wrote her an anonymous letter, in which he vilified himself.

“He will not marry you, believe me; show him this letter, he will pretend to be innocent, hurt, throw you passionate assurances, then announce to you that his grandmother does not give him consent to marriage; in conclusion, he will read you a long sermon or simply admit that he pretended to laugh at you, and this is the best outcome you can hope for and which I sincerely wish you.”


At the ball, Catherine demanded an explanation from Michael. He only said with an angry grin that it was a joke and he never liked it. And while visiting their mutual friend, the girl accidentally found a letter from Lermontov. In it, he admits that he played a double game for revenge and managed to fall in love with Sushkov. I got it as a trophy and now I have only contempt for it.

The cynical heartthrob Sushkova was not the last victim of Lermontov’s complex character. The poet has repeatedly done the same trick with other ladies. Because of his ugly appearance, the man took women with charisma and eloquence. The more indifferent his goal was, the more sports interest grew.

Instagram Michael loved to have fun, upsetting other people's weddings. After learning about the engagement of his friends, he began to visit the house of the bride more often. He was gallant, demonstratively in love, wore flowers and dedicated poems. Stroptivitz curbed "heavy artillery" - threatened to lay hands on himself.

As soon as the girl confessed her feelings to him and broke off the engagement, Lermontov evaporated at best. At worst, he gathered all the victims in one room, made a loud confession of “prank” and mocked poor girls.

The character of Lermontov: an evil balagur Behind the poet stretched the bad glory of an evil language. He loved to tease about others, composed satirical poems, gossip and openly humiliated. In each acquaintance, Lermontov looked for an external flaw or weakness, and then constantly tormented a person with ridicule. When he lost his temper, he was very pleased. The poet did not tolerate jokes in his address.

The more recognition Michael’s poetry received, the more poisonous the author himself became. He was arrogant and did not speak well of anyone. He had few friends and many enemies. Lermontov had a keen sense of justice, was deeply sensitive and melancholy. Contemporaries called him obsessed with himself a bile child, who jokingly stabs others with a pin and laughs at their reaction.

If the poet wanted, he knew how to create the impression of a hermit, and not a buffoon and bully. The student of Lermontov, in whom none of us could have foreseen the future of a remarkable poet, had a heavy, disparate character, kept himself completely separate from all his comrades, for which, in turn, he was paid the same. They did not like him, they distanced themselves from him and, having nothing to do with him, they did not pay any attention to him, Pavel Vistenhof, a classmate at Moscow University, recalls.

And here is how the lady-in-law Vera Annenkova responded to the poet: I must confess that I did not like him at all. He had an angry and sullen look, his small black eyes sparkling with gloomy fire, his look as unkind as his smile.

Character Lermontov: a joke at the cost of life Intolerable genius paid for his caustic disposition. In 1841, in Pyatigorsk, he received a direct shot in the chest from Nikolai Martynov. Lermontov several times maliciously joked with the ladies over the traditional Circassian costume of a retired major, for which he was called to a duel. In his memoirs, Martynov wrote that he did not regret what he did. Had he missed the duel, he would have shot Lermontov later.

It is amazing how two different people managed to get along in Lermontov. A scoundrel and a hero, a recluse and a hangman, a joker and a cruel cynic. Perhaps it was these contradictions that made him a genius poet and prose writer. The character of Lermontov was very difficult. Salvador Dali once said, “The great psychologists could not understand where genius ends and madness begins.”


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