My husband and I wanted to celebrate the New Year together, but his sister asked to visit, I did not even suspect what would turn out.

So, who celebrated the New Year? It must have been fun. Or not? In general, this holiday in the people is not quite clearly celebrated. In the sense that someone prefers the tree and the expectation of gifts, some miracle. And someone prefers Christmas, without all these remnants of the past with their Santa Claus, snowmen and endless olives with fur coats. In fact, times are tough. "Why not be in the mood? Sitting? - Yes, that year barely survived, what to expect in this, it is not at all clear ...

And no one canceled the intrusive guests either. Here will come seemingly quiet verified people. And everything should be fine. Ha, no. They will, of course, take with them a couple of roaring, snotty children who will turn everything upside down. What about you? Children are sacred. Or vice versa. You will come to someone’s house, and there are only adults who have endured a whole year to “show themselves” in one day, but how do you feel? In general, holidays are hard work, after which it would be nice to rest for another week. So our story is about why it's better not to start anything without a mood.

It so happened that last year my husband and I fulfilled our biggest dream – we moved into our recently purchased three-bedroom apartment. Which we've been saving for since the first day of our family life. We only have one child, and yet I believe that most family troubles are due to routine and lack of personal space. Yeah, I'm 100% sure of that. Sometimes I want to be alone and watch TV. Well, my husband and I are both working. He might want to see his movie, and I'm going to be in the show. And my son is 14 years old. He needs his corner, too, so why not?

I don’t know, buying real estate wasn’t easy. We have earned most of the money through our work. But I had to take a small loan from the bank and borrow money from friends and relatives. However, we are not thieves of any kind. Naturally, plans to pay all debts to a penny so as not to feel indebted to anyone. If you don’t want to, you need to save on many things, including food. I mean, don't buy expensive food, even on holidays. In this regard, I decided to celebrate the New Year modestly. And Kolya, my husband, supported me in this.

However, my sister-in-law Katya right in the last days of last year packed up to visit us. Look at the new apartment, sit with your brother, quietly celebrate. Well, that's what she told us, and I had to agree with her - her family also helped us financially, and I knew it perfectly well. On the other hand, I said in advance that there would be a bit of everything from the food and let it bring at least part of the menu with it. No presents, just sit like relatives. There were no objections on her part, so I hoped that the holiday would be without frills, but with a soul and hope for the best. But then I learned why it is better not to start holidays without a mood!

You know, Katerina didn't fool me. In the evening, she came with all the snacks we had previously arranged. But she didn't come alone. I took my husband and two children with me, and I didn’t forget to bring my dog. “You have a lot of space now!” But a big apartment is one thing. And the lack of food on such a sheep is a completely different conversation. I even wanted to spit and go to the nearest supermarket myself, buy something edible. But where? Dear guests with cheerful smiles, I immediately forbade this and asked not to worry: they ate before leaving, so now I only have to entertain them.

And then the nightmare started. The dog began to bark and bark until the morning, we could not make her shut up, sorry for the rude words. Neither my son nor my husband's sister's children wanted to sleep until 3 a.m. Running, shouting: they quickly became friends, and the impression was that their friendship was based on getting me to white heat faster. But the sister-in-law and her husband “worked” on another “project”: methodically destroyed everything that I could put on the festive table.

It wasn't midnight before we had some crumbs left of our food. Of course, the shops stopped working at that time. No choice. There was nothing to do, so I sent my husband to the basement to get some conservation. I like to make in the summer some twists of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers. But that's not what it is, so I went out to the balcony to pick up potatoes. At least make some puree, since there are no other options. But Katya, who was always around me, seemed to smell what I wanted to hide until better days. On the same balcony hung dried meat, a couple of cans of stew and a large eggplant of wine. I had other plans for this, but...

In general, Katerina and her husband finished the whole affair and, finally satiated, went to the children to put them to bed. I didn't expect such a crowd to come. So we had to think something fast. Kolya just laughed and told me not to worry too much. Like, let the children lie in one room, his sister and husband in another, and we in the third, somehow let’s sleep. Grown man, as if I missed the hostel. But that's what happened. And, exhausted from stress and throwing around the apartment, I finally fell asleep. It was about 5 a.m. on the clock.

Why do people usually wake up with a bad head after the holidays? The hangover, of course. In my case, I woke up chewed up because the damn dog started barking again and it woke up the whole house. As I tried to get up and do something, I quickly realized it wasn't an option at all. So there was only one thing left for me: to cover my head with a blanket and a pillow and gain strength. You think I was allowed to do that? Katenka, as if nothing had happened, opened the door to my room and asked me to tell her where we could find something for breakfast for the children. It’s half past eight in the morning and I’m still sleeping.

Throughout the dream, I don’t remember whether I simply replied that all the food was in the store around the corner, or whether my answer was backed up by all sorts of unprintable expressions. I don't remember that. But I hope it's the first. I'm glad I haven't asked why I'm not in the mood yet! Otherwise, I'd have lost it. Where my husband was at the time, I don’t know. But he probably drank his morning coffee. Nothing can interfere with this ritual.

Anyway, when I woke up, there were no dogs in my apartment, no other people's children or voracious adults. There was only a husband who looked at me with reproach, and my sleeping son. There were a few boxes of pizza, rolls and all sorts of delivery crap on the table. Another half-empty bottle of alcohol. Of course, the guests were a little late. But the funny thing is that now Catherine is not talking to me. She has no questions for her brother, he is not such a “hard man” as me, his wife. Turns out I'm a real jerk.

It turns out that in the new year I was completely inhospitable person and guilty of not appreciating the people who help me. In fact, it would be nice to pay the rent. “No, she’ll save her family food!” Can you imagine? These are the holidays, with consequences. So for me, the New Year is no longer associated with a Christmas tree and new happiness. But with negativity and very arrogant people. I’d rather read the book in silence, it would be more fun. That’s why it’s better not to start anything without a mood!


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