I had to come home urgently because my mother got worse and my daughter refused to help my grandmother.

Earnings abroad can be treated differently. For some, this is the only way to survive in times of rising inflation, and for others, almost betrayal of the homeland. I decided for myself that this would make it easier for me to enjoy life in old age: what I earned in Italy should have been enough for a quiet pension. But everything turned out differently, although I have nothing to complain about. Unless I completely lost touch with my daughter.

Now that I have returned from Italy for good, she never stops blaming me for having grown up alone. But that's not true! When I try to explain to her that there was no other way, she doesn’t even listen to me. It twists all the facts, and I don't know how to talk to her now.

When Lida turned 16 and went to the technical school, I collected all the documents and went to work in Europe. It was a difficult period. I raised my daughter without a husband, only my sick mother could help me. And as soon as I had the opportunity to earn more money, I immediately took advantage of it, because living on my teacher's salary and my mother's pension was simply impossible.

I'm not alone. In Italy, I met many women who went there for their families. Mostly because of the kids. So it seemed perfectly normal to me at the time. Moreover, I left Lida in the care of my mother, and she looked after her as well as I did.

My mom and I talked regularly. We thought together what to spend the money on first. I offered to renovate our old house, but my mother insisted on building a new one. The thing is, her hut on the outskirts of the city I grew up in is really old. In a good way, you need to repair literally everything: put new windows, update the paint on the walls, clean the old creaking floor and check the roof, which has been for many, many years. Well, there's enough work to do.

So, while I was working, I regularly sent money for construction. The house was being built, and Lida, meanwhile, found herself a fiancé. After consulting with my mother, we decided that until I arrived, they could live in a new house, and then we’ll see. I am very sorry that I missed the birth of my grandchildren in Italy. I thought I would have plenty of time to meet them. I chose to enjoy life.

Return home

Unsplash Soon after, I had to come immediately. My mother was very ill, and now she needed round-the-clock care. In old age, her legs began to fail, so even around the house she moved with great difficulty. I tried to ask Lida to look after her grandmother, but she replied that she had children and had no time to take care of my mother. She said she was my mother, so I had to look after her. I had to go.

I had another surprise at home. I thought my mom and I could move into a new house and live together. But Lida insisted we stay in Grandma's old hut, because there's definitely not enough room for all of us. I would like to object, but I felt guilty about leaving my daughter for years to come. Let the house is decorated on me, I did not want to argue with her and, especially, to expel from the living space.

My mom and I lived together for a year. I slowly began to repair everything that seemed old or old. It is good that I have saved almost all the money I have earned in Italy. Otherwise, it would be tough.

And then Mom died. During the time that she was sick, her daughter came to visit several times, and she could not wait for help. Lida has kids, a husband, and she never had time for me and my mom. I was just humanly hurt that she would not even really communicate with her sick grandmother before she went on her last trip. That's what happened.

The next time Lida visited me a month after the funeral, she asked me when I would go back to Italy. I told her I was not going anywhere anymore. I've had enough of this hard work. Does Lida think it's like cheese in butter? The work is usually hard: then in the fields of strawberries to collect, then in warehouses and factories from morning to night to stand behind the tape. I am old for this, it is time to live in my own pleasure.

I have a house now. You can't say that outside, but inside it's brand new. And I should have enough savings for a long time. Who knows, maybe Lida will get something even after I die. But she was not very happy with my decision. Perhaps you thought that I would build a second house for her money earned in Italy?

I have already come to terms with the fact that she holds a long-standing resentment against me. Every time we meet, she reminds us that she didn’t need money at 16, but her mother. But she says that because she doesn't know what it's like to live in poverty and count every penny, every piece of bread. My mom and I knew exactly what it was like.

But the main surprise Lida does not know yet. The thing is, while I was sitting with my sick mother, I found a boyfriend. He is a widower and his children are grown up. We're both very serious and we're going to move in. I invited him over because my mom and I are better than his little apartment. We're going to take the one-room Khrushchev.

I don't know how my daughter will feel about it. I suspect she won't like it any more than I'm not going to work abroad anymore. Besides, she's an adult. She has a husband to take care of her financially. And I'd like to meet old age with a nice man in a warm house. It's working! Enough.

I hope you will support me in what my daughter says is my selfish intention to finally live for myself. I just want to enjoy life!


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