It was only when I felt everything on my own skin that I realized that it was impossible to find happiness with an egoist.
Dear girls, if your man is selfish, run away from him as soon as possible. Give yourself a chance to find someone who will value you and put you first. I once fell in love with a classic narcissist. And today I want to share personal history.
If your man is selfish, do not expect happiness in a relationship We met Igor in a restaurant. I sat with my girlfriend and drank coffee dreamily, looking out the window. Suddenly a waiter comes to us and brings two pieces of cake on a platter. We were surprised and asked if he hadn't confused anything, as he hadn't ordered dessert. And the waiter said that we decided to buy a man at the next table. He paid for two pieces of cake, but he asked me to hand over the napkin with the phone number.
I look around and see a handsome man smiling at me. A toned brunette in a strict suit and glasses. The frame is perfectly matched in color to his dark shiny hair. Stylish and fresh, beard well-groomed. I couldn’t help but notice that the stranger looks great. It was like just coming out of an expensive salon. Obviously, I texted him that evening and thanked him again for the sweet surprise. We haven't stopped communicating since that day.
I tried to conform to a chic man and completely changed my life Igor inspired me to develop in every way and become the best version of myself, as it is now fashionable to say. I followed him and tried to keep up. We started going to the gym together several times a week. So in six months I was able to lose eight kilograms and achieve a beautiful relief on the body. Igor really liked my new figure, so I tried to support her in addition to training and different diets. She cooked lean salads for herself, and baked meat with vegetables for her beloved. I even learned to bake pancakes and biscuits with protein, which was in big cans at home.
Igor also liked the fact that I Began to visit the cosmetologist regularly. I made myself plump lips, tightened my cheekbones and added fillers to the chin area. I had a gorgeous man and I had to match him. To be honest, at first I considered myself a bit rustic for Igor. He looks great, always well-groomed. Dresses tastefully and expensively. At least take pictures and publish on the covers of magazines! I'm a simple girl from the province. I am still amazed at how he noticed me at the restaurant.
Saving money with such a regime did not work, a beautiful life required investments Of course, after Igor appeared in my life, I began to look different. We went shopping together. It was important for my beloved to make the right choice and buy really good clothes. From time to time, he generously sponsored my trips to salons and fashion boutiques. I really couldn’t save money now. I always wanted to look perfect, so the salary quickly evaporated into a beautiful life. And before I met Igor, I saved up for my own house for several years.
From talking about space to empty conversations around celebrity looks, Girlfriends envied me. Soon we almost stopped communicating. Now we had completely different values, goals and life interests. But I began to communicate closely with the girls of Igor’s friends. We went together for manicure, pedicure, cosmetic procedures and shopping. They could meet in the middle of a working day somewhere in a comfortable coffee shop and discuss the latest news from the lives of celebrities. Of course, this routine was unusual for me. I work in a lab and used to meet friends at board games. We were completely consumed by science and the desire for something bigger. Now I was asked to comment not on going to Mars, but on Kim Kardashian's new hairstyle.
It took me about five months to feel the need for my friends. I had no one to share my feelings and feelings. Beautiful Igor was lost at work and my mental anguish did not interest him. When I wanted to talk to him about something that was exciting to me, I always heard banal phrases in response. Like, everything will be fine, don't whine, it's nothing, I made up problems for myself.
Am I a favorite woman or just a beautiful accessory? Slowly it began to dawn on me that Igor was only interested in his own life. And I was just a beautiful accessory in it. He rejoiced at my success in physical transformation. Praise the well-chosen outfits, every pound dropped. At the same time, I was completely indifferent to what was going on inside me. He never really asked me how my day was. I could listen to him for hours. I have spent my entire life reshaping Igor’s needs.
I got up earlier than usual to cook him breakfast and snacks in the office. After work, she hurried home and immediately began preparing dinner. He loved fine restaurant recipes. I learned to cook new, difficult dishes for me. Cleaning, washing, ironing, washing dishes and other household duties took over. After work, Igor read a lot, devoted time to hobbies and learning something new. He took courses, seminars and all sorts of trainings while I kept order in the apartment and took care of the child.
My beloved perceived my tears as infantile and whining from boredom One moment completely knocked me off track. My mother gave us fresh vegetables from the village. You won't find one in town. It's all fresh, homey. But I couldn’t pass much, so on one salad. So I decided to make it tonight. The salad was almost ready when the baby woke up. I went to calm him down. It took about half an hour. When I came back, there was nothing left of the vegetables.
When I asked him why he had left me nothing, he just shrugged. It was delicious, I couldn't resist. Then I kind of understood everything, discovered the secrets of the universe. In fact, this person only loves himself.
Sometimes it was so hard that I would sit on the floor in the bathroom and cry for hours. Igor was annoyed by my behavior. His indifference made me even worse.
At one point I couldn’t stand it, packed my things in a suitcase and went to my parents’ house. It was unbearable to realize that I had devoted my life to Igor so much that without him it would not have existed. I was left without friends, without acquaintances. I didn’t even know if I had any hobbies of my own. I had to start all over again. First thing I did was recruit my old friends. Fortunately, they forgave me. I don’t know when I’ll be ready for a new relationship. But I decided that now I will pay attention to empathic men. I don’t need a partner with whom I can’t share my problems. I’m not looking for someone who decides everything for me. But I want to have someone with whom I can. speak up. And he would need it as much as I do.

If your man is selfish, do not expect happiness in a relationship We met Igor in a restaurant. I sat with my girlfriend and drank coffee dreamily, looking out the window. Suddenly a waiter comes to us and brings two pieces of cake on a platter. We were surprised and asked if he hadn't confused anything, as he hadn't ordered dessert. And the waiter said that we decided to buy a man at the next table. He paid for two pieces of cake, but he asked me to hand over the napkin with the phone number.

I look around and see a handsome man smiling at me. A toned brunette in a strict suit and glasses. The frame is perfectly matched in color to his dark shiny hair. Stylish and fresh, beard well-groomed. I couldn’t help but notice that the stranger looks great. It was like just coming out of an expensive salon. Obviously, I texted him that evening and thanked him again for the sweet surprise. We haven't stopped communicating since that day.

I tried to conform to a chic man and completely changed my life Igor inspired me to develop in every way and become the best version of myself, as it is now fashionable to say. I followed him and tried to keep up. We started going to the gym together several times a week. So in six months I was able to lose eight kilograms and achieve a beautiful relief on the body. Igor really liked my new figure, so I tried to support her in addition to training and different diets. She cooked lean salads for herself, and baked meat with vegetables for her beloved. I even learned to bake pancakes and biscuits with protein, which was in big cans at home.

Igor also liked the fact that I Began to visit the cosmetologist regularly. I made myself plump lips, tightened my cheekbones and added fillers to the chin area. I had a gorgeous man and I had to match him. To be honest, at first I considered myself a bit rustic for Igor. He looks great, always well-groomed. Dresses tastefully and expensively. At least take pictures and publish on the covers of magazines! I'm a simple girl from the province. I am still amazed at how he noticed me at the restaurant.
Saving money with such a regime did not work, a beautiful life required investments Of course, after Igor appeared in my life, I began to look different. We went shopping together. It was important for my beloved to make the right choice and buy really good clothes. From time to time, he generously sponsored my trips to salons and fashion boutiques. I really couldn’t save money now. I always wanted to look perfect, so the salary quickly evaporated into a beautiful life. And before I met Igor, I saved up for my own house for several years.

From talking about space to empty conversations around celebrity looks, Girlfriends envied me. Soon we almost stopped communicating. Now we had completely different values, goals and life interests. But I began to communicate closely with the girls of Igor’s friends. We went together for manicure, pedicure, cosmetic procedures and shopping. They could meet in the middle of a working day somewhere in a comfortable coffee shop and discuss the latest news from the lives of celebrities. Of course, this routine was unusual for me. I work in a lab and used to meet friends at board games. We were completely consumed by science and the desire for something bigger. Now I was asked to comment not on going to Mars, but on Kim Kardashian's new hairstyle.
It took me about five months to feel the need for my friends. I had no one to share my feelings and feelings. Beautiful Igor was lost at work and my mental anguish did not interest him. When I wanted to talk to him about something that was exciting to me, I always heard banal phrases in response. Like, everything will be fine, don't whine, it's nothing, I made up problems for myself.

Am I a favorite woman or just a beautiful accessory? Slowly it began to dawn on me that Igor was only interested in his own life. And I was just a beautiful accessory in it. He rejoiced at my success in physical transformation. Praise the well-chosen outfits, every pound dropped. At the same time, I was completely indifferent to what was going on inside me. He never really asked me how my day was. I could listen to him for hours. I have spent my entire life reshaping Igor’s needs.

I got up earlier than usual to cook him breakfast and snacks in the office. After work, she hurried home and immediately began preparing dinner. He loved fine restaurant recipes. I learned to cook new, difficult dishes for me. Cleaning, washing, ironing, washing dishes and other household duties took over. After work, Igor read a lot, devoted time to hobbies and learning something new. He took courses, seminars and all sorts of trainings while I kept order in the apartment and took care of the child.

My beloved perceived my tears as infantile and whining from boredom One moment completely knocked me off track. My mother gave us fresh vegetables from the village. You won't find one in town. It's all fresh, homey. But I couldn’t pass much, so on one salad. So I decided to make it tonight. The salad was almost ready when the baby woke up. I went to calm him down. It took about half an hour. When I came back, there was nothing left of the vegetables.
When I asked him why he had left me nothing, he just shrugged. It was delicious, I couldn't resist. Then I kind of understood everything, discovered the secrets of the universe. In fact, this person only loves himself.
Sometimes it was so hard that I would sit on the floor in the bathroom and cry for hours. Igor was annoyed by my behavior. His indifference made me even worse.
At one point I couldn’t stand it, packed my things in a suitcase and went to my parents’ house. It was unbearable to realize that I had devoted my life to Igor so much that without him it would not have existed. I was left without friends, without acquaintances. I didn’t even know if I had any hobbies of my own. I had to start all over again. First thing I did was recruit my old friends. Fortunately, they forgave me. I don’t know when I’ll be ready for a new relationship. But I decided that now I will pay attention to empathic men. I don’t need a partner with whom I can’t share my problems. I’m not looking for someone who decides everything for me. But I want to have someone with whom I can. speak up. And he would need it as much as I do.
Since my mom retired, my husband and I have been helping her with money, but recently she's been doing something.
My husband advised me to put my pride away, otherwise nothing good awaits me, but this is not for me.