Never help relatives in this matter, otherwise close people will become worse than enemies.
As the Turkish proverb says: “Eat and drink with your relatives, but do not trade.” Why is it so often that strangers come to the rescue and relatives do not? Sometimes, on the background of financial and hereditary issues, the closest people become enemies. And brother and sister grew up together under the same roof, and their parents raised them equally, and as it comes to the apartment, they become sworn enemies. How to protect yourself from the negativity of relatives and not become the enemy.
People come to help In this matter decided to understand the editorial board "Site". Relatives are an integral part of every person. And, on the one hand, it is great when a large family gathers at the dinner table.
Peels A, on the other hand, it is this large family that is often the subject of quarrels and disagreements. Whatever family ties we have, we are all different. Everyone has their own character, views on life and aspirations. Even close relatives, such as siblings, cannot be completely the same. Even twins have differences in character.
Therefore, in order to maintain a warm and pleasant relationship with relatives, never help them with career and financial matters. Do not take your relatives to work or help with employment. It is very difficult to assess the competence of a relative in the workplace. It is also difficult to point out errors and inaccuracies to a relative. Very often because of this, the best relationships begin to crack at the seams. In addition, a relative can tell your subordinates a child misstep or an incident. In this case, you can lose credibility in the eyes of your subordinates and colleagues. As you know, authority is earned all your life and lost in an instant.
Do not lend money to relatives, especially large sums. It is common for relatives to forgive debts. A close relative can delay the repayment of the debt, because their own can wait. It will be difficult for you to remember when to return. This leads to closed resentments, omissions and a break in relations. So learn how to politely deny your family a loan. And then your relationship will be better preserved, without resentment and mutual claims.
Peels is not always worth sharing with relatives all their successes and achievements. Especially if they are still in the work or project stage. If you want to maintain good friendly relations with relatives, communicate with them on neutral topics. Of course, in the event that someone close to you has trouble, all relatives should unite. Everyone, by their means, should help. In such cases, there can be no quarrels, resentments and omissions. Everyone should be on board.
Peels relatives are always a very difficult question. Especially when two different families meet after marriage. Everyone can have their own rules, traditions and orders. And here it is very important to remain reasonable people, learn to give in and find compromises. It is also important to find compromises in your family with blood relatives. Most importantly, learn to hear and understand each other. Write in the comments how you build your relationship with relatives. Have you had to deal with difficult issues or share your inheritance?

People come to help In this matter decided to understand the editorial board "Site". Relatives are an integral part of every person. And, on the one hand, it is great when a large family gathers at the dinner table.

Peels A, on the other hand, it is this large family that is often the subject of quarrels and disagreements. Whatever family ties we have, we are all different. Everyone has their own character, views on life and aspirations. Even close relatives, such as siblings, cannot be completely the same. Even twins have differences in character.

Therefore, in order to maintain a warm and pleasant relationship with relatives, never help them with career and financial matters. Do not take your relatives to work or help with employment. It is very difficult to assess the competence of a relative in the workplace. It is also difficult to point out errors and inaccuracies to a relative. Very often because of this, the best relationships begin to crack at the seams. In addition, a relative can tell your subordinates a child misstep or an incident. In this case, you can lose credibility in the eyes of your subordinates and colleagues. As you know, authority is earned all your life and lost in an instant.

Do not lend money to relatives, especially large sums. It is common for relatives to forgive debts. A close relative can delay the repayment of the debt, because their own can wait. It will be difficult for you to remember when to return. This leads to closed resentments, omissions and a break in relations. So learn how to politely deny your family a loan. And then your relationship will be better preserved, without resentment and mutual claims.

Peels is not always worth sharing with relatives all their successes and achievements. Especially if they are still in the work or project stage. If you want to maintain good friendly relations with relatives, communicate with them on neutral topics. Of course, in the event that someone close to you has trouble, all relatives should unite. Everyone, by their means, should help. In such cases, there can be no quarrels, resentments and omissions. Everyone should be on board.

Peels relatives are always a very difficult question. Especially when two different families meet after marriage. Everyone can have their own rules, traditions and orders. And here it is very important to remain reasonable people, learn to give in and find compromises. It is also important to find compromises in your family with blood relatives. Most importantly, learn to hear and understand each other. Write in the comments how you build your relationship with relatives. Have you had to deal with difficult issues or share your inheritance?
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