Because of the sudden news, I decided to return from a business trip a day early, I didn’t say anything to my husband, but it was a mistake.

Folk anecdotes often tell situations in which the husband returns from a work trip and sees at home ... everything. But life is richer than jokes. And while the wife is on businessCunning husbands also find activities to their liking. Not always, of course, but it happens. How to be in such a situation, what to do? After all, we are all human and we can all experience unpleasant feelings, no matter how strong our character is.

Often after such incidents, women, without thinking, drive their faithful to the street with things. Someone, wanting to understand their feelings, turns to other people for help. Friends, relatives, psychologists. And they might even feel better. Acting with a cold head is the key to success. And our reader did his own thing. And, let’s just say, she’s still happy with what she did. Tell me what it was like.

My husband and I are 5 years apart and I am older. I'm 35, we've been living together for 8 years. Although, to confess, we moved in just a month after we met. I don't know how it happened, but it's true. In general, we have never been in conflict. There were some small domestic squabbles, but those who do not have them, this is normal. I even had a period a few years ago that I was looking for fights myself. I don't know why. But that's it.

The husband works on a computer, he has a small room for this case, the so-called “working room”. We have a three-bedroom apartment, so it suits me quite well: there is enough space for everyone. Moreover, we could not have children, so the space is a car. My job is more dynamic, so I'm the kind of person who comes home from work and has a fragrant dinner. For some, this separation of duties is unacceptable, but we are satisfied.

Recently, I had to move to another city for work. It's normal, nothing new. I, while there was time, prepared a small supply of food, because Yura may simply not notice the passage of time and not eat all day. And then either order some crap from delivery, or eat canned food alone. For me, it is not lazy to cook, but he takes care of himself last. So I cooked and left. The trip was planned for four days.

A couple of weeks before, I had already felt unwell, but I decided that it was all the fault of stale products from the supermarket or something, sometimes not a child. But on the train, I felt really bad. Arriving at the destination and having dealt with business for the day, I was already in the evening sitting in the room and watching videos from the Internet. And one of them was talking about an unplanned pregnancy. Women’s channels are constantly talking about this. But nausea, dizziness...

The next day, I bought a test for nothing to do. What a miracle, it turned out to be positive! At first, I didn't even know what I saw. I was so twisted that my brain refused to be distracted by anything other than physical sensations. But after a couple of hours, it was over, and I started to get it. I'm gonna be a mom. I'm finally gonna be a mom! I wanted to share the news with the world, but I decided to wait and tell my husband in person.

Since I was still not feeling very well, and I wanted to quickly tell Yura the good news, I quickly completed all my business and took the ticket back at my own expense. The four-day trip turned into a three-day trip. All right, I'll get some rest at home.

I wanted to surprise my husband so I didn’t let him know I was coming. As it turned out, the decision was not the best. As I approached the house, I saw that his car was in the yard, so Yura was definitely at home. I went up to the floor and put the key in the door. On my doorstep, I was greeted by the pungent smell of female perfume and a pair of strangers' heeled shoes. Soon in a light neglige appeared and the owner of the shoes, with eyes like two saucers.

Something in my head clicked, and instead of throwing a big scandal, I smiled and said I must have made the wrong apartment. She spoke loudly so that my husband could hear me, too. The unknown guest didn't respond, but I knew she understood. Nevertheless, I left the apartment and went to my favorite cafe nearby. She ordered lunch, hooked her laptop up to Wi-Fi and watched some nonsense for about an hour. I didn't think of anything. At all.

When, according to my calculations, it was already possible to return home, I paid off and went to please my spouse with the news. He met me alone. There was no smell of perfume. Yura asked me to forgive him, begged me. God, it was his first time, through a dating app. That he was lonely and bitter, but he didn't want to admit it to me. I didn’t want to make a scene, and I didn’t have the strength to do it.

I asked my husband to listen to me very carefully. And for about half an hour I told him about my feelings in a quiet, barely audible voice. No reproach or shame. Just saying what was on my mind. I didn't even look at him. And then when I finished, I found my whole face wet and red, and I didn't even feel how I roared all this time. Without sobbing and lamenting, the tears just flowed by themselves. Yuri replied that he understood everything and was very sorry.

The next day, I said, we’re going to be parents. This shocking news made my husband cry. He asked me to forgive him again, but I was no longer sad. The page was turned over. A new milestone in our relationship has begun. Not much time has passed since then, I am still in position. But now I think of the shock as a trifle. I'm more than confident in my man.

He helps me with everything, works even more than before. I went on maternity leave. And, you know, I know that nothing good happened back then. But now I know for sure that me and the child will be given due attention and care. Isn't that more important than some one-day affair? I think so. More important. Many women will probably disagree with me. But that's not my problem anymore. Our routine and routine can make us wrong. What matters is how we behave 99.9 percent of the time.


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