The network exploded with reports that actor Alexei Yanin was gone, but did it really happen?

Young and talented actor Alexei Yanin has been fighting for life for 8 years. in 2015, the actor suffered a massive stroke and was bedridden. This was a real shock to Alexey’s family and colleagues. It seemed like all life was yet to come. Young beautiful wife, son and big plans in her career. Everything changed in one moment and life was divided into “before” and “after”. On September 2, 2023, the Internet blew up the news that the actor was no longer there. This was reported in the Russian Academic Youth Theatre.

Instagram Edition "Site" I decided to find out what really happened.

Actor Alexei Yanin Alexei Yanin managed to fall in love with many viewers in such series as “Students”, “Do not part with your loved ones”, “Light and shadow of the lighthouse” and the films “Judge”, “Stronger than fate”, “Classmates”, “Ahead of the shot” and many others. Alexei predicted a great future in cinema. But fate had other plans. Many projects have remained unfinished. Doctors and family fought for the life of Alexei with the last of their strength. In recent years he has been cared for by his mother. The wife of Daria Klyushnikova also helped in the rehabilitation of her husband.

Daria and her son have not lived in the same house with her sick husband for a long time. She built her career, raised her son, arranged her personal life. But she was always honest and said that she was Alexei’s wife. There was no talk of divorce. She supported Alexei and his mother, often came to visit with her son. When Alex was in trouble, she was always there for him. Their love was a role model. This couple admired and wished them a long life together.

The news that the actor stopped beating heart shocked everyone. All day the phone of Daria and Alexei’s mother did not stop. They called to express sympathy, offered help. My parents were shocked and didn’t understand anything. As Daria later reported on her blog, there was a terrible mistake. The family was able to deal with this only late at night.

As Daria later wrote, at the end of August, Alexey became worse and was taken to the hospital. His condition did not improve and he was transferred to the Sklifosovsky clinic. This is where the patients are treated. Alexei was in intensive care in a coma.

Someone from the medical staff admitted negligence and reported the death of Alexei. Only the family was not informed by a doctor, but by a ritual service bureau. By the evening, Daria was still able to call the hospital and find out the true state of affairs. There she was told that Alexey’s condition was extremely serious, but he was alive. And he's still fighting for his life. Doctors are doing everything possible to at least stabilize the actor. It is too early to talk about further rehabilitation. But the family does not lose hope and continues to fight for the life of Alexei. He is not yet ready to leave his body.

Instagram says this kind of news only prolongs life. It is a pity that such young and talented people cannot withstand terrible ailments. I want to believe that Alex will be able to regain his strength. Of course, after such an illness, you can not fully recover, but you can live and enjoy the success of your son. We sincerely wish Alexey to recover. His strength and endurance during this difficult time.


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