Everyone is desperately scolding the canteens of the USSR, but you need to give credit to some dishes
Soviet dining room For many, it is still a pleasant memory in terms of atmosphere and cooking. People remember that taste, aroma of food, leisurely conversations and the ringing of glasses with juice or compote. Now this would be considered nothing more than kitsch and banal nostalgia for the past. In some places this cult is still present.
However, the new generation, for example, is just curious to get acquainted with the then kitchen. Of course, there are many things they simply will not understand. For example, as for the atmosphere, pleasant waiting for your turn and so on. But you can taste some dishes even today. Especially if you look for recipes in the tab "Cooking" on our website "Site".
In general, there is an opinion that yes, in the shops at that time there was a solid shortage and normal products for an ordinary person it was a day with fire not to find. And the only place (except the notorious shops "Birch"), where you could taste delicious food, was the dining room. This, I must say, is not a fact at all, of course. But there is also some truth to this claim.
To begin with, the products used in the canteens were not brought to the warehouses by some secret trails. These were ordinary, mediocre products as they were in other stores. But! The chefs knew how to work with them. There were GOSTs, norms and standard recipes. The result was relatively tasty, hearty, but always the same dishes. Whether it is good or bad, everyone decides personally.
Well, let's be honest. For example, why was there so much bread in the table patties that they had to be flavored with sauce? Meat patties are dry easily, but with bread - you will choke. A very popular goulash was made of low-quality meat: all veins and films dissolved with long extinguishing. Obviously, no one would serve steak in the canteens. But even if desired, this would be impossible: in the USSR, meat cows were not raised. Their meat was silky and bony.
Not to mention other factors. Like savings, when meat "with sweetness" was clogged with tons of ground garlic. Or when meat soup was served without meat, but with bones and chunks of fat. Where the products went is a good question, because there was practically no control over employees, the role was played by human conscience, which, let’s say, did not always win.
And finally, service. It's logical that there's self-service in the canteens, which is ridiculous. But why were bowls, spoons and forks made of aluminum? With obvious injuries. But the glasses are made of glass. There were no knives in the dining rooms. You might think that for savings, of course. But judging by the fact that almost every Soviet apartment had a similar glass. Thoughts come by themselves.
And, nevertheless, it is worth admitting that a large number of people still do not mind trying dishes from the dining rooms of that era. Remember that taste and the past in general. For some, this is an association with youth, and someone at this moment is thinking about some personal moments. So what's on the dishes?!
Fleet pasta
A simple and familiar dish. For its preparation, you will need pasta, meat, onions and vegetable oil. We cook beef, turn it into minced meat with a meat grinder. We grind the onions, roast them and mix them with mince. We add to the boiled pasta and enjoy life. By the way, before meat grinders were only mechanical. So the mince of that time, you could say, was all handmade. In modern restaurants, for example, this is really appreciated.
Goulash, of course, was with sauce. As mentioned above, even the best parts of the carcass are suitable for this dish. And why if everything turns into one solid sauce with meat fractions? Stew the meat with tomato paste, roast the onions with flour and add meat sauce to it. After some time, we just mix everything together, add a little sugar and a bay leaf. Goulash is taken to eat with a side dish, and, I must admit, it is quite tasty.
Stewed fish
Fish Thursday is a classic. And for this classic Soviet dish, pollock was most often taken. It was cheap and useful. The latter applies to most marine fish species. So, you had to put out the carrots and the onions, pour them with tomato paste and a drop of vinegar, and then put out the fish in the whole thing. Quite a good addition to puree or porridge. Unless, of course, you save on ingredients.
Dried fruit compote
For fans and amateurs. Most people will prefer regular juice or compote. But there are those who like the tart taste on the tongue. Perhaps it seems that the drink is very useful and does not affect the figure? But the harsh truth is disappointing. In such compotes, of course, sugar was added. Water, sugar, dried apples or pears. The taste is peculiar, of course. And the appearance of a sin to hide. If there is a demand, there will be a supply.
In general, such dining rooms are forgotten. Unless, of course, you count some establishments that want to score points by playing on nostalgia. But that's another matter. There's already a much bigger selection of dishes. The dishes are not so "official." The staff is friendly and there is no need to stand in line. In fact, these are cafeterias with self-service and imitation of the past. For a fugitive tourist or a hungry local, no more. The real dining rooms were different. But few people want to remember the negative. Give everyone the good and the big. Who is right and who is wrong is your choice.

However, the new generation, for example, is just curious to get acquainted with the then kitchen. Of course, there are many things they simply will not understand. For example, as for the atmosphere, pleasant waiting for your turn and so on. But you can taste some dishes even today. Especially if you look for recipes in the tab "Cooking" on our website "Site".
In general, there is an opinion that yes, in the shops at that time there was a solid shortage and normal products for an ordinary person it was a day with fire not to find. And the only place (except the notorious shops "Birch"), where you could taste delicious food, was the dining room. This, I must say, is not a fact at all, of course. But there is also some truth to this claim.
To begin with, the products used in the canteens were not brought to the warehouses by some secret trails. These were ordinary, mediocre products as they were in other stores. But! The chefs knew how to work with them. There were GOSTs, norms and standard recipes. The result was relatively tasty, hearty, but always the same dishes. Whether it is good or bad, everyone decides personally.

Well, let's be honest. For example, why was there so much bread in the table patties that they had to be flavored with sauce? Meat patties are dry easily, but with bread - you will choke. A very popular goulash was made of low-quality meat: all veins and films dissolved with long extinguishing. Obviously, no one would serve steak in the canteens. But even if desired, this would be impossible: in the USSR, meat cows were not raised. Their meat was silky and bony.
Not to mention other factors. Like savings, when meat "with sweetness" was clogged with tons of ground garlic. Or when meat soup was served without meat, but with bones and chunks of fat. Where the products went is a good question, because there was practically no control over employees, the role was played by human conscience, which, let’s say, did not always win.
And finally, service. It's logical that there's self-service in the canteens, which is ridiculous. But why were bowls, spoons and forks made of aluminum? With obvious injuries. But the glasses are made of glass. There were no knives in the dining rooms. You might think that for savings, of course. But judging by the fact that almost every Soviet apartment had a similar glass. Thoughts come by themselves.

And, nevertheless, it is worth admitting that a large number of people still do not mind trying dishes from the dining rooms of that era. Remember that taste and the past in general. For some, this is an association with youth, and someone at this moment is thinking about some personal moments. So what's on the dishes?!
Fleet pasta

A simple and familiar dish. For its preparation, you will need pasta, meat, onions and vegetable oil. We cook beef, turn it into minced meat with a meat grinder. We grind the onions, roast them and mix them with mince. We add to the boiled pasta and enjoy life. By the way, before meat grinders were only mechanical. So the mince of that time, you could say, was all handmade. In modern restaurants, for example, this is really appreciated.

Goulash, of course, was with sauce. As mentioned above, even the best parts of the carcass are suitable for this dish. And why if everything turns into one solid sauce with meat fractions? Stew the meat with tomato paste, roast the onions with flour and add meat sauce to it. After some time, we just mix everything together, add a little sugar and a bay leaf. Goulash is taken to eat with a side dish, and, I must admit, it is quite tasty.
Stewed fish

Fish Thursday is a classic. And for this classic Soviet dish, pollock was most often taken. It was cheap and useful. The latter applies to most marine fish species. So, you had to put out the carrots and the onions, pour them with tomato paste and a drop of vinegar, and then put out the fish in the whole thing. Quite a good addition to puree or porridge. Unless, of course, you save on ingredients.
Dried fruit compote

For fans and amateurs. Most people will prefer regular juice or compote. But there are those who like the tart taste on the tongue. Perhaps it seems that the drink is very useful and does not affect the figure? But the harsh truth is disappointing. In such compotes, of course, sugar was added. Water, sugar, dried apples or pears. The taste is peculiar, of course. And the appearance of a sin to hide. If there is a demand, there will be a supply.
In general, such dining rooms are forgotten. Unless, of course, you count some establishments that want to score points by playing on nostalgia. But that's another matter. There's already a much bigger selection of dishes. The dishes are not so "official." The staff is friendly and there is no need to stand in line. In fact, these are cafeterias with self-service and imitation of the past. For a fugitive tourist or a hungry local, no more. The real dining rooms were different. But few people want to remember the negative. Give everyone the good and the big. Who is right and who is wrong is your choice.
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