When the brother left his wife, my mother stopped sending him money, now she gives everything to her daughter-in-law, but I think it’s unfair.

It is often said that Grandma needs grandchildrenYoung families are remembered only in the summer. When children are on vacation, and parents do not have time and a special desire to sit with them all day long. Then they think it would be nice to bring the children to the village. There, the air is so fresh, and vegetables and fruits growing on the beds directly ooze with vitamins.

Unfortunately, to come to Grandma with the whole family at another time, and even with gifts, few are eager. And it's actually sad. Consumer attitude towards parents is a sad topic, although quite common. It is not surprising that parents themselves, being pensioners, do not always play by the rules. Conflicts between fathers and children, what can you do?

I understand my mother’s motivation, but I do not support her actions towards her son, my brother. Because I believe that no matter what disputes between relatives, relatives will always be closer than others. Especially my own son. I’m a mother of a five-month-old baby and I can’t even imagine a situation where I wouldn’t be on my baby’s side.

The thing is, a little over fifteen years ago, my father left us. Dad left the family because he was tired of constant reproaches from his mother. He worked in a factory, plowed like an ox. When he came home, his wife and two children were waiting for him. Everyone should be dressed, dressed and fed. My mother did not hesitate to demand more from my father than he could bring.

She believed that a man only needed a whip. And let the carrots remain for a woman or children. This way a man will be more motivated and will be more successful. At some point, Dad couldn’t stand it and found another woman. I went to live with her. He left the apartment and everything else to us. Thank you for that.

Now, based on my experience, I would say that if I were my mother, she would try to get her father back or start looking for a new man. But she just took the initiative and went to another country to work. For me and my brother. They have never seen their father since then.

I don’t know what she went through while she was looking for work in another country, affordable housing and trying to assimilate. I think it was hell. However, after a while, she still managed to get her way, and the process began. A couple of years later, she came home, handed over all the debts and even gave some money to our grandmother for safekeeping.

When I got married, my mother gave me an apartment. It was a shock. Even more shocking was his brother, who also received a gift from his mother housing. We had no idea it would turn out like this. My husband and I still live in a gifted apartment and are very happy with that.

And here's brother. He's divorced. Or rather, he left the family. Yeah, like Dad was. Only Dad left for obvious reasons. And the brother found some minor and got into his head that she was “the one”. He left his wife and child for an unfamiliar girl. At first he wanted to live with her in his mother’s apartment. But my mom didn't let him. There was a huge scandal, at the end of which the brother was forced to move to rented housing.

My sister-in-law is a pretty good woman. With its pros and cons. To be honest, my mom didn't like her at first. From a village family, simple, without ambition. Of course, to my mother, she was a burden. But that brother's act turned the situation on its head. After that, the mother treats the daughter-in-law as her own daughter. But the real son in her eyes just disappeared.

Once a month, my mother sent me and my brother several hundred euros as a gift for the family. It wasn't a burden to her. And with our salaries and ever-increasing prices, it helped us breathe more easily. She continues to transfer money to me. For which I am very grateful, but... My brother has lost that support.

It's easy to guess who's getting his money now. Ex-wife. When I found out about it, I was not even surprised: my mother's style, nothing to add. But I recently met my brother's ex-wife, and the conversation somehow turned to this topic. She's doing well, and so is the baby. But what surprised me was that my ex-daughter-in-law's mom sent more money than me, her daughter. Can you imagine?

I don't know what my mom's new whim is. She seems to have one daughter, and that's me. Let’s be honest, she has a son too. Yeah, he didn't act nicely, not like a man. But he's native. Unlike his ex-wife. So, maybe it's time to forgive him or at least have a heart-to-heart conversation? Maybe he has something to say, too?

As you can see, the situation is rather ambiguous. And everyone can understand. But how do you reconcile a stubborn woman and her son? Are they located many miles away from each other? It won't be like this all the time. Honestly, the apartment also interests me. Is Mom going to give it to a stranger without consulting us? I don't even want to think about it. How is she better than her father?


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