I used to fill up a car a couple of liters from time to time, now only to a full tank.
Savings vary. Sometimes an attempt to save on an extra liter of gasoline can turn into an expensive repair of the entire car. Riding on a gasoline reserve does not benefit the car, although, of course, it will not stop immediately. When the fuel arrow goes down, there is still a chance to travel 50 or even 90 kilometers. But what does that mean for the engine?
Peels Edition "Site" I decided to look into it. And tell your reader, how to refuel a carSo that the tank is full and the wallet is not empty.
Mechanics recommend always keep a fuel reserve of about a quarter of the tank. After all, any mechanism does not like to work in a stressful state. Low fuel levels are stressful for the car and its owner.
Water particles enter the fuel tank along with gasoline. In the future, it turns into condensate in the fuel tank of the machine. If the tank is empty, this condensate gradually begins to corrode the metal and rust forms. Rust particles get into the fuel and when gasoline is supplied through the injection system clog the fuel filter. Rust is the first and main enemy of the machine, both outside and inside.
Every part of the car has its own reserve. With proper operation, the detail can not be changed for a long time. But any reserve runs out. When there is little fuel in the car, air enters the fuel pump. This causes the pump to lose its lubrication and become unusable.
In winter, mechanics recommend filling the tank completely. At low temperatures, the fuel freezes, so it will take longer to start the car. But that's not the most important thing. During heating inside the tank, steam is formed, which at low temperatures turns into ice crystals. This ice immobilizes the filter and fuel line.
What about a car that runs on gas? Many owners of cars on a gas mixture pour a minimum amount of gasoline. It's just enough to start the car. However, according to experts, this is not the best practice.
With such operation of the car in the winter period, big problems with the start of the car begin. And in the warm season, the owner of an empty fuel tank faces all the above problems.
Diesel cars are also at great risk of driving with a half-empty tank. And if the old models of the car still have a sufficient margin of safety, then the new cars simply refuse to ride on the fuel reserve. In such machines, the fuel pump is the first to fail.
Incomplete tank lovers often have to top up the oil and repair their iron horse. Thus, saving on refueling ends with huge bills at the car maintenance station.
Our editors wish you reasonable savings. And do not forget that the car is not a luxury, but only a means of movement. And it requires attention and the right attitude.
Share in the comments how you manage to save fuel. And how often, with such savings, the car undergoes repair and replacement of parts?

Peels Edition "Site" I decided to look into it. And tell your reader, how to refuel a carSo that the tank is full and the wallet is not empty.
Mechanics recommend always keep a fuel reserve of about a quarter of the tank. After all, any mechanism does not like to work in a stressful state. Low fuel levels are stressful for the car and its owner.

Water particles enter the fuel tank along with gasoline. In the future, it turns into condensate in the fuel tank of the machine. If the tank is empty, this condensate gradually begins to corrode the metal and rust forms. Rust particles get into the fuel and when gasoline is supplied through the injection system clog the fuel filter. Rust is the first and main enemy of the machine, both outside and inside.

Every part of the car has its own reserve. With proper operation, the detail can not be changed for a long time. But any reserve runs out. When there is little fuel in the car, air enters the fuel pump. This causes the pump to lose its lubrication and become unusable.

In winter, mechanics recommend filling the tank completely. At low temperatures, the fuel freezes, so it will take longer to start the car. But that's not the most important thing. During heating inside the tank, steam is formed, which at low temperatures turns into ice crystals. This ice immobilizes the filter and fuel line.
What about a car that runs on gas? Many owners of cars on a gas mixture pour a minimum amount of gasoline. It's just enough to start the car. However, according to experts, this is not the best practice.
With such operation of the car in the winter period, big problems with the start of the car begin. And in the warm season, the owner of an empty fuel tank faces all the above problems.

Diesel cars are also at great risk of driving with a half-empty tank. And if the old models of the car still have a sufficient margin of safety, then the new cars simply refuse to ride on the fuel reserve. In such machines, the fuel pump is the first to fail.
Incomplete tank lovers often have to top up the oil and repair their iron horse. Thus, saving on refueling ends with huge bills at the car maintenance station.

Our editors wish you reasonable savings. And do not forget that the car is not a luxury, but only a means of movement. And it requires attention and the right attitude.
Share in the comments how you manage to save fuel. And how often, with such savings, the car undergoes repair and replacement of parts?
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