Matrona of Moscow said that she would see us, hear us and help us when she was gone.
Despite the fact that the famous Matrona of Moscow was born blind, in fact she saw more than any of us. Already at the age of 8, the girl gained a strong faith and was able to predict the future in order to warn humanity about future troubles. But assistance of Matrona of Moscow It didn't end there. At the age of 17, her legs were taken away, but she herself tirelessly continued to pilgrim, heal the seriously ill and help people with other good deeds.
In adulthood, after the October Revolution, Matrona practically did not sleep. Since she led a sedentary lifestyle, and it was dangerous for her to move around the country for political reasons, the saint began to receive people at her home in the suburbs. They say that during the day she was addressed to fifty local residents, whom she predicted the future life. The rest of the time Matrona spent on daily prayers.
Like many seers, Matrona was not limited to predictions for her time. It tells us a lot about future decades and even centuries. I mentioned the upcoming cataclysms that will fall on the age of future generations. We also know what awaits us in 2023.
Unfortunately, her predictions on this score were not optimistic. She predicted that the material world would prevail over the spiritual. And that people will have to go through "many troubles." “The people will plunge into darkness, and instead of sunlight there will be total darkness. People will sleep on the ground and wake up under it.”
The first prayer to Matronushka “Holy Righteous Mother Matrona!” You're a helper to all people.
Help me in my troubles, too.
Do not leave me with your help and intercession.
Pray to the Lord for the servant of God.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In addition, Matrona of Moscow spoke with concern about the global crisis of emigrants. She said there would be times of famine and many people would have to leave their homes to be safe and around their children. So that they can feed them and not starve themselves.
The spiritual world will confront the material world. As a result, the rich and the poor will come into conflict. Due to the material appetites of the rich, a huge chasm will open between them and ordinary people. There will be no one in the middle, only fat cats and beggars. Such tragic events can be expected by the middle of 2023.
The Second Prayer to Matronuska “Holy Righteous Elder Matrona”
Pray God for us!
But don't give in to despair. Matronushka Moskovskaya very often repeated that the light, in the end, must win. Many problems will be solved sooner or later. In particular, the Church will help. People will conquer in themselves base passions and vices. Over time, not immediately, but it was and will be.
Many people in the church will realize that they were wrong. They did not live a righteous life, but were like the last sinners. And this will also be a great impetus to a happy and pious life.
But for that, you have to overcome yourself. Together, with God’s help and hope. It will be necessary to remove the shackles of hatred and slavery. You have to face your fears and not give in to any persuasion of liars coming from the powerful above. This is the only way to find yourself again and end this time of evil and suffering.
The third prayer to Matronushka “Blessed Elder Matrona”,
Our intercessor and petitioner
before the Lord!
You look at your spiritual eyes.
Both in the past and in the future, everything is open to you. Remember the name of God’s servant.
Give advice, show the way to solve the problem (talk about your problem)
Thank you for your saint's help.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Even before her departure, Matrona of Moscow promised that she would continue to help all of us in every possible way. It will guide us and guide us to the path that leads to the light and the good. So you can not indulge in heavy thoughts. As they say, not everything is lost if there are such clear and spiritual forces behind us. It's gonna be okay.

In adulthood, after the October Revolution, Matrona practically did not sleep. Since she led a sedentary lifestyle, and it was dangerous for her to move around the country for political reasons, the saint began to receive people at her home in the suburbs. They say that during the day she was addressed to fifty local residents, whom she predicted the future life. The rest of the time Matrona spent on daily prayers.
Like many seers, Matrona was not limited to predictions for her time. It tells us a lot about future decades and even centuries. I mentioned the upcoming cataclysms that will fall on the age of future generations. We also know what awaits us in 2023.

Unfortunately, her predictions on this score were not optimistic. She predicted that the material world would prevail over the spiritual. And that people will have to go through "many troubles." “The people will plunge into darkness, and instead of sunlight there will be total darkness. People will sleep on the ground and wake up under it.”
The first prayer to Matronushka “Holy Righteous Mother Matrona!” You're a helper to all people.
Help me in my troubles, too.
Do not leave me with your help and intercession.
Pray to the Lord for the servant of God.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In addition, Matrona of Moscow spoke with concern about the global crisis of emigrants. She said there would be times of famine and many people would have to leave their homes to be safe and around their children. So that they can feed them and not starve themselves.
The spiritual world will confront the material world. As a result, the rich and the poor will come into conflict. Due to the material appetites of the rich, a huge chasm will open between them and ordinary people. There will be no one in the middle, only fat cats and beggars. Such tragic events can be expected by the middle of 2023.

The Second Prayer to Matronuska “Holy Righteous Elder Matrona”
Pray God for us!
But don't give in to despair. Matronushka Moskovskaya very often repeated that the light, in the end, must win. Many problems will be solved sooner or later. In particular, the Church will help. People will conquer in themselves base passions and vices. Over time, not immediately, but it was and will be.

Many people in the church will realize that they were wrong. They did not live a righteous life, but were like the last sinners. And this will also be a great impetus to a happy and pious life.
But for that, you have to overcome yourself. Together, with God’s help and hope. It will be necessary to remove the shackles of hatred and slavery. You have to face your fears and not give in to any persuasion of liars coming from the powerful above. This is the only way to find yourself again and end this time of evil and suffering.

The third prayer to Matronushka “Blessed Elder Matrona”,
Our intercessor and petitioner
before the Lord!
You look at your spiritual eyes.
Both in the past and in the future, everything is open to you. Remember the name of God’s servant.
Give advice, show the way to solve the problem (talk about your problem)
Thank you for your saint's help.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Even before her departure, Matrona of Moscow promised that she would continue to help all of us in every possible way. It will guide us and guide us to the path that leads to the light and the good. So you can not indulge in heavy thoughts. As they say, not everything is lost if there are such clear and spiritual forces behind us. It's gonna be okay.
I used to fill up a car a couple of liters from time to time, now only to a full tank.
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