How life works
Interesting data: Belarusian drivers began to spend on average twice as much time at the pump than 15 years ago. Of the stalls with tight toned glass gas station turned into a big shopping malls where you can buy as cud, and garden furniture. Now many refills aim to provide related services, such as a car wash or dry clean the inside. But one thing remains the same: first of all motorists go there for fuel. Where network stations take gasoline and diesel fuel, check whether its admission and how to construct the filling inside, read our reportage.
- For the seventh 92-all - stretches 200,000th bill driver.
Usually one, about the phrase limited all communication between the client and the station operator. At no more. Rhythm of work here on the highway. At peak times per minute service 3-4 visitor! Daily average of 1200-1300 motorists refuel, 500 people make purchases, and 250 decide to eat. These are average figures for Minsk: somewhere flow more somewhere - less.
Such a demand for single gas station is indirect evidence about the lack of places where you can refill the tank car. In Belarus, on social standards should be built about 400 filling stations. What to say if their deficit is felt even in Minsk! The strategic plan, perhaps, every company - to expand the network. However, the best places - on the outskirts of the capital - is already taken. At one of these refills and we were.
Now it's hard to imagine that the gas station can when something is not working. Round the clock there is someone: night shop and café, of course, closed, and the operator are paying through the window armored. But the day shift working two operators, two sellers, two bartenders, employee car, as well as the administrator and manager. This kind of response to the demand: now filling not just a place where you can fill the tank car. But more on that below. Now just arrived with a fuel tanker truck and there are more important things to do.
If someone watched a fuel tanker, he had to pay attention to the number of digits on the tank: 10900, 9000, 6840, 3910 ... They indicate the amount of sections. Please note that the compartment and DT-92 - the biggest. This is still the two most popular types of fuel in our country.
- 10,900 liters of diesel fuel will be merged half an hour. It should be enough for a day - says the director of the ACP-2 United Company Tatiana Bakunovich.
But before we get into the tanks, the fuel passes control. Directly at the gas station operator verifies the documents, and then climbs on the tank and reveals the seal. First, check the fill level. Secondly, take the sample.
- The sample was poured into the flask. Using a hydrometer, like a thermometer, check the fuel density. Roughly speaking, we find out, not whether it was diluted - explain specialists.
The next step - check metroshtokom. It is designed for measuring the filling level of the fuel tank. In addition, by using a special paste and metroshtoka measure the presence of "outside" of water that could accidentally fall into the tank (condensation, rain).
Only after all of these mandatory procedures pipe connected to the tanks and drain starts. By the way, if the operator makes a mistake, confuse compartment and diesel fuel mixed with 92 octane? Faulty fuel system - is the least that can threaten in this case.
- On our gas stations it is possible automation: The system simply block off the fuel supply, - says Tatiana Bakunovich. - In this case, the human factor intentionally minimized. Price this error is too great to risk.
Automation is designed to prevent the ingress of contaminated fuel in the column. Already in the tank, the system checks the density and temperature of the fuel. See how it works, you can not. Device "string-M" is under the ground. The operator only sees indications on the small screen, he does not even have to get out of the workplace. Actually, all this is checked for acceptance by another tank farm, which belongs to a network of filling stations. However, the checks at all stages - a common practice.
You can often hear the opinion: this gas station, they say, better fuel, and on the other - is worse. Most interesting is that all network stations fuel comes from two refineries in Belarus. When we checked in the past year, gasoline in the independent Russian laboratory, experts have concluded that the three samples, according to the indicators, as if from a single tank. It's like apples from two sellers, bought from a farmer. Of course, there is always a question of what happened to them afterwards?
- For example, AI-92 and diesel fuel supply to JSC "Naftan". A gasoline AI-95 - production Mozyr Oil Refinery - told representatives of the company. - No additives, just pure fuel, reputation is more important to us.
- They say that the 98th had recently imported almost from Finland ...
- This is true. But a few years of the 98th petrol we deliver from Lithuania, it is produced at the company Orlen-Lietuva.
From tanks to fuel enters the pipe system to the speakers. Usually, drivers are not especially wonder that, for example, means the letter "K" in this notation - AI-92-K5-Euro. But this time, Volvo driver asked. The answer: an ecological class. The higher it is - the cleaner fuel. This is primarily achieved by reducing the sulfur content.
- Owners of more expensive cars tend to purchase fuel environmental class above, but for many more fundamental value - recognize tankers. - According to some sources, cleaner fuels can resist corrosion. By the way, the disappearance of the H-80, according to our estimates, experienced pretty painless, even at the periphery.
Filling "to a full tank" we often resembles a game quest: first you need to give the bill, then refuel and only then return to the surrender. All this time the car is near the column, while the driver is separated into two lines. Meanwhile, even in Russia now on some gas stations have introduced the practice of postpay - first refueled, and then settled.
- You know, because we have the same was in the beginning - says Tatiana Bakunovich. - However, many drivers who are not used to this system, simply leave. Then we looked for the video, the search begins forgetful motorists caused traffic police. It was uncomfortable, and our customers come back. Apparently, people were still not ready. So after multiple cases when drivers left without paying, we had to go back to traditional payment methods.
Videofiksatsii system helps in situations of conflict. More often - when motorists forget to get the gun out of the fuel tank neck and leave. All filling equipment is insured, nevertheless make out what happened as an accident. The photos when on the road going car with a hose sticking out of the gas tank, gas station employees called speculation. Usually in such cases forgetful motorists passing only a couple of meters. They say such incidents - 1-2 per month.
Next to the column is a self-service washing systems, about which we are told with great pride. They say that it can operate at minus 25 degrees Celsius while the driver even dunk shoes. After payment choose the right program, you take into the hands of the high pressure hose and ready. "Some manage to wash marshrutchiki minivan in 4 minutes - say staff filling stations. - But this is the express car wash. For inveterate dirt that is not washed off a month or more, you need a more thorough shower ».
This is not the first self-service car wash in Minsk, but the fact that they appear in the city - a definite plus. Just look how dirty car rides in the stream. Many are not willing to spend a few hours in the day to bath procedures for the car (on the normal washing is often a queue), and is a good alternative. However, most have to work hard. Such rapid wash is usually set at the gateway to European cities. This is a hint, they say, a dusty car is no place on the streets, if you please - spend a couple of minutes and go neat.
Large network of filling stations abroad generally have the same structure: a standardized check-in at the gas station, the location of bathrooms - directly in front of the entrance, on the left - a bar, right - the shop. We search for the exit door with the inscription «WC» or arrival on the territory of refueling often turn into an adventure. "Where is your toilet" - this is probably the most common question from visitors.
- Each of our projects is developed individually. Rigid rules or no single brand book - explains the specialist public relations company United Company Catherine Aleshkevich. - Three years ago this place was a round building with an area of 55 square meters. Now this is a real complex. Here's a fact: for cafe cakes makes its own pastry shop, and a lunch menu changes every quarter. Modern rhythm makes adapt to the interests of the citizens. Many simply do not have time to specifically go to the cafe, and they make daily activities along the way.
In the conversation turned on the girl-bartender. She argues that there are even regular customers who come specifically to eat. The staff of the cafe as they communicate with old friends, "Hey, I'm as always».
In five of the most popular items that are bought in the store filling stations in winter, includes "nezamerzayki", wipers, scrapers (they already offered 25 species), antifreeze and kerosene (it is added to diesel fuel). In the summer of greater demand for drinking water, firewood, grill for grilling, charcoal and furniture. In general, people actively go on giving.
Especially for these customers even opened the garden center. This is somewhat beyond the scope of the sale of related products for motorists. But if the demand is there ... However, if you turn into a gas station or a supermarket great service, it will also be probably wrong. When the gas station parking lot filled with cars, traffic jams form, which could affect its attractiveness. That is why it was decided to abandon the tire, which worked for a while in the territory of refueling.
- The use of "green" technologies at the pump - a new trend - sums up Catherine Aleshkevich. - It has been estimated that we even advantageous to use alternative energy sources.
Source: auto.onliner.by

- For the seventh 92-all - stretches 200,000th bill driver.
Usually one, about the phrase limited all communication between the client and the station operator. At no more. Rhythm of work here on the highway. At peak times per minute service 3-4 visitor! Daily average of 1200-1300 motorists refuel, 500 people make purchases, and 250 decide to eat. These are average figures for Minsk: somewhere flow more somewhere - less.

Such a demand for single gas station is indirect evidence about the lack of places where you can refill the tank car. In Belarus, on social standards should be built about 400 filling stations. What to say if their deficit is felt even in Minsk! The strategic plan, perhaps, every company - to expand the network. However, the best places - on the outskirts of the capital - is already taken. At one of these refills and we were.

Now it's hard to imagine that the gas station can when something is not working. Round the clock there is someone: night shop and café, of course, closed, and the operator are paying through the window armored. But the day shift working two operators, two sellers, two bartenders, employee car, as well as the administrator and manager. This kind of response to the demand: now filling not just a place where you can fill the tank car. But more on that below. Now just arrived with a fuel tanker truck and there are more important things to do.

If someone watched a fuel tanker, he had to pay attention to the number of digits on the tank: 10900, 9000, 6840, 3910 ... They indicate the amount of sections. Please note that the compartment and DT-92 - the biggest. This is still the two most popular types of fuel in our country.
- 10,900 liters of diesel fuel will be merged half an hour. It should be enough for a day - says the director of the ACP-2 United Company Tatiana Bakunovich.
But before we get into the tanks, the fuel passes control. Directly at the gas station operator verifies the documents, and then climbs on the tank and reveals the seal. First, check the fill level. Secondly, take the sample.

- The sample was poured into the flask. Using a hydrometer, like a thermometer, check the fuel density. Roughly speaking, we find out, not whether it was diluted - explain specialists.

The next step - check metroshtokom. It is designed for measuring the filling level of the fuel tank. In addition, by using a special paste and metroshtoka measure the presence of "outside" of water that could accidentally fall into the tank (condensation, rain).

Only after all of these mandatory procedures pipe connected to the tanks and drain starts. By the way, if the operator makes a mistake, confuse compartment and diesel fuel mixed with 92 octane? Faulty fuel system - is the least that can threaten in this case.

- On our gas stations it is possible automation: The system simply block off the fuel supply, - says Tatiana Bakunovich. - In this case, the human factor intentionally minimized. Price this error is too great to risk.
Automation is designed to prevent the ingress of contaminated fuel in the column. Already in the tank, the system checks the density and temperature of the fuel. See how it works, you can not. Device "string-M" is under the ground. The operator only sees indications on the small screen, he does not even have to get out of the workplace. Actually, all this is checked for acceptance by another tank farm, which belongs to a network of filling stations. However, the checks at all stages - a common practice.

You can often hear the opinion: this gas station, they say, better fuel, and on the other - is worse. Most interesting is that all network stations fuel comes from two refineries in Belarus. When we checked in the past year, gasoline in the independent Russian laboratory, experts have concluded that the three samples, according to the indicators, as if from a single tank. It's like apples from two sellers, bought from a farmer. Of course, there is always a question of what happened to them afterwards?
- For example, AI-92 and diesel fuel supply to JSC "Naftan". A gasoline AI-95 - production Mozyr Oil Refinery - told representatives of the company. - No additives, just pure fuel, reputation is more important to us.
- They say that the 98th had recently imported almost from Finland ...
- This is true. But a few years of the 98th petrol we deliver from Lithuania, it is produced at the company Orlen-Lietuva.

From tanks to fuel enters the pipe system to the speakers. Usually, drivers are not especially wonder that, for example, means the letter "K" in this notation - AI-92-K5-Euro. But this time, Volvo driver asked. The answer: an ecological class. The higher it is - the cleaner fuel. This is primarily achieved by reducing the sulfur content.

- Owners of more expensive cars tend to purchase fuel environmental class above, but for many more fundamental value - recognize tankers. - According to some sources, cleaner fuels can resist corrosion. By the way, the disappearance of the H-80, according to our estimates, experienced pretty painless, even at the periphery.
Filling "to a full tank" we often resembles a game quest: first you need to give the bill, then refuel and only then return to the surrender. All this time the car is near the column, while the driver is separated into two lines. Meanwhile, even in Russia now on some gas stations have introduced the practice of postpay - first refueled, and then settled.

- You know, because we have the same was in the beginning - says Tatiana Bakunovich. - However, many drivers who are not used to this system, simply leave. Then we looked for the video, the search begins forgetful motorists caused traffic police. It was uncomfortable, and our customers come back. Apparently, people were still not ready. So after multiple cases when drivers left without paying, we had to go back to traditional payment methods.
Videofiksatsii system helps in situations of conflict. More often - when motorists forget to get the gun out of the fuel tank neck and leave. All filling equipment is insured, nevertheless make out what happened as an accident. The photos when on the road going car with a hose sticking out of the gas tank, gas station employees called speculation. Usually in such cases forgetful motorists passing only a couple of meters. They say such incidents - 1-2 per month.

Next to the column is a self-service washing systems, about which we are told with great pride. They say that it can operate at minus 25 degrees Celsius while the driver even dunk shoes. After payment choose the right program, you take into the hands of the high pressure hose and ready. "Some manage to wash marshrutchiki minivan in 4 minutes - say staff filling stations. - But this is the express car wash. For inveterate dirt that is not washed off a month or more, you need a more thorough shower ».

This is not the first self-service car wash in Minsk, but the fact that they appear in the city - a definite plus. Just look how dirty car rides in the stream. Many are not willing to spend a few hours in the day to bath procedures for the car (on the normal washing is often a queue), and is a good alternative. However, most have to work hard. Such rapid wash is usually set at the gateway to European cities. This is a hint, they say, a dusty car is no place on the streets, if you please - spend a couple of minutes and go neat.
Large network of filling stations abroad generally have the same structure: a standardized check-in at the gas station, the location of bathrooms - directly in front of the entrance, on the left - a bar, right - the shop. We search for the exit door with the inscription «WC» or arrival on the territory of refueling often turn into an adventure. "Where is your toilet" - this is probably the most common question from visitors.

- Each of our projects is developed individually. Rigid rules or no single brand book - explains the specialist public relations company United Company Catherine Aleshkevich. - Three years ago this place was a round building with an area of 55 square meters. Now this is a real complex. Here's a fact: for cafe cakes makes its own pastry shop, and a lunch menu changes every quarter. Modern rhythm makes adapt to the interests of the citizens. Many simply do not have time to specifically go to the cafe, and they make daily activities along the way.

In the conversation turned on the girl-bartender. She argues that there are even regular customers who come specifically to eat. The staff of the cafe as they communicate with old friends, "Hey, I'm as always».

In five of the most popular items that are bought in the store filling stations in winter, includes "nezamerzayki", wipers, scrapers (they already offered 25 species), antifreeze and kerosene (it is added to diesel fuel). In the summer of greater demand for drinking water, firewood, grill for grilling, charcoal and furniture. In general, people actively go on giving.

Especially for these customers even opened the garden center. This is somewhat beyond the scope of the sale of related products for motorists. But if the demand is there ... However, if you turn into a gas station or a supermarket great service, it will also be probably wrong. When the gas station parking lot filled with cars, traffic jams form, which could affect its attractiveness. That is why it was decided to abandon the tire, which worked for a while in the territory of refueling.

- The use of "green" technologies at the pump - a new trend - sums up Catherine Aleshkevich. - It has been estimated that we even advantageous to use alternative energy sources.

Source: auto.onliner.by