What are the dangers of regular bread? Eating bread is fraught with...

My family has always respected bread, remembering relatives who died during a hunger strike. How can you not love bread or refuse it? Used to eat with different dishes fragrant slices, used to make sandwiches. One grief. shop-bread Recently it has become quite different in taste, quickly deteriorates, not the same smell.

Turns out, thermophilic yeast, which are now used in bakery, can affect the quality of bread and harm human health! Thanks to these yeast, the dough is suitable for an hour, and once bread was cooked on yeast from hops and it came up for about a day!

In addition, fungal diseases are now extremely common. Almost everyone has them: 80% of the adult population and 95% of children. Moreover, these ailments can not always be cured by pharmacy means, or drugs give a short-term effect. Mycosis of the skin of the feet and nails, fungus of mucous membranes - well, who has not heard of this now?

It is very difficult to give up purchased bread, but there are good reasons to do so. It's dead food. The yeast that we consume with bread falls into gluten capsules. They are released from these capsules in the intestine, begin to multiply there and disrupt the microflora, irritate the mucosa. Also, yeast parasitizes in the blood, consuming vitamins and trace elements!

Yeast settles in the intestines, and their secretions kill off useful myclofloranecessary for its normal functioning. As a result, the processes of digestion, absorption of useful substances are disrupted. Immunity becomes weak, metabolism is disturbed, and a person sharply gains weight!

It is worth learning to bake homemade bread or buy yeastless. As soon as you stop eating shopping. yeastYou will notice positive changes in your body. The condition of the skin and hair will improve, digestion will improve, a couple of extra pounds will immediately disappear!

If you have ever had any fungal diseases in your life, you should definitely stop eating bread from the store to prevent relapse. Tell your friends about it!


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