What knowledge was obtained from the chef of the famous restaurant
Have you ever tasted a dish in a restaurant, found a recipe, cooked it, but it turned out not so tasty? And it's not about special products, because you bought the best. The secret lies in the simple tricks that chefs often use.
Editorial "Site" He'll show you 15 geniuses. cookerySo you can cook like in a restaurant.
Culinary advice
These little secrets can greatly enhance your cooking skills. Don't forget to share life hacks with your friends!

Editorial "Site" He'll show you 15 geniuses. cookerySo you can cook like in a restaurant.
Culinary advice
- If you use raw onions in a dish, soak them in ice water. It will become less sharp, and most importantly - will not leave an unpleasant aftertaste.
- If you buy too strong coffee, which has a very bitter taste, do not worry. Before brewing, add a pinch of salt and a little cinnamon to it. This trick will give your drink a softer taste and divine aroma.
- If you make a salad of fresh juicy vegetables, salt it before you make it. That way you can't make soup instead of salad.
- So that the meat has a silky texture and is moderately fried, fields are chopped slices with a mixture of corn starch and egg white. This trick will help you prepare a very juicy and meatIt will melt in your mouth.
- To make the perfect over-the-counter pastry, mix an equal amount of flour and sugar, and you need to take the same amount of eggs as butter. Keep in mind that this does not mean the volume of products, but their weight. The maximum difference in the ratio of eggs and oil can be 20%. So it is useful to stock up on kitchen scales.
- Always add some salt to your baking dough. Just half a teaspoon can enhance the taste of other ingredients and spices. You can use absolutely any kind of salt.
- Add a teaspoon of peanut butter or mustard to the sauces so that they have a more pronounced taste and aroma. It is especially good to use this trick if the dish needs to be stewed.
- If you're tired of fried eggs and you don't want to bother with poached eggs, then this trick is for you. Break the eggs into a sauté or pan as if you were going to fry them, but instead of vegetable oil, pour water and put the sauté on the fire. In the end, you will get perfect eggs with liquid yolk.
- Add some vodka to the cake dough. After baking, you get a very crispy layer crust. Do not be afraid, during cooking, the alcohol will evaporate, so that the taste of baking it will not spoil. You can add brandy or rum to give pies spiciness.
- If you like to make iced tea with fruits, add a pinch of soda to it. It neutralizes the tannin in the tea.
- Another trick to getting the perfect fried meat. Wet the raw meat with a napkin so that it is dry, salt and lay out on the pan without cluttering it. Keep in mind that it should already be well-heated. It is better to use a pan of stainless steel or cast iron.
- Add some breadcrumbs to the meatcake. So they will better keep in shape and turn out to be slightly crispy.
- Always heat or cool the dishes for serving on the table to the temperature of the dish. This will help the oven and refrigerator, respectively. Especially this trick saves when you set the table for guests: so the food will retain its original temperature and taste longer.
- Make chili sauce thicker you will help crushed chips, if there is no corn flour at hand. To prepare such a sauce, mix first flour (chips) with beer, and then add pepper.
- Add some. cornstarch c scrambled eggs or omelets to make them more airy and tender. In addition, this trick will save the dish from burning.
These little secrets can greatly enhance your cooking skills. Don't forget to share life hacks with your friends!