This Is What Happens If You Eat 3 Eggs a Day Amazing...
Weight loss, improved vision, strong bones and teeth – all this, and not only. If you include three eggs in your breakfast every day, it will improve your health and provide protection against a number of diseases. Eggs are a really wonderful product!
Benefits of eggs for the body "Site" There are 9 good reasons for this. super-useful It's in your daily diet.
Eggs are one of the healthiest foods that protect your health and beauty. Using 3 eggs a day, you'll pick health and beauty!
Eat it every day and feel great!
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Benefits of eggs for the body "Site" There are 9 good reasons for this. super-useful It's in your daily diet.
- Cholesterol?
Frequent disputes about the benefits and harms of eggs are explained by the presence of cholesterol in this product. However, this product contains only 180-186 mg of lipids (fats), while the liver produces about 1000-2000 mg of cholesterol every day. Eggs can actually replace harmful cholesterol with healthy ones. In addition, the increase in cholesterol in the blood is prevented by lecithin contained in the egg. - Strengthening bone and teeth
The composition of eggs includes vitamin D, necessary for the body to absorb calcium and maintain the health of teeth and bones. Egg yolk is one of the few foods that are a natural source of this vitamin. - Energy value
Nutritionists recommend daily consumption of eggs, and this is not for nothing. Nutrients and amino acids support important functions of the body. The irreplaceable benefit of this “solar” product is its energy value, which is needed by all people leading an active lifestyle. - A storehouse of vitamins and minerals
The benefits of eggs are explained by the presence of vitamins necessary for a person. Such as: A, D, E, B3, B6, B12, folic acid, choline. As well as minerals and trace elements: iodine, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. For example, the trace element selenium supports the function of the immune system and thyroid gland. - Slim figure
Eggs have a low calorie content. Thanks to lecithin and choline, they contribute to the removal of fats and cholesterol from the body, which is important for people who care about their figure. High quality protein obtained from eggs allows you to feel full longer and thus contributes to maintaining a normal weight. - Great breakfast.
According to the American College of Nutrition and the International Journal of Obesity, eating eggs during breakfast can reduce the intake of unnecessary foods you consume daily. Eggs for breakfast accelerates weight loss and at the same time allows you to maintain energy in the body during the day at an optimal level. This breakfast will be delicious and satisfying! - Maintaining and strengthening vision
Egg yolks contain large amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, necessary to maintain normal vision, and they also help prevent cataracts. Eggs are also rich in vitamin A, a deficiency of which causes chicken blindness. - Squirrel
The egg is primarily a natural source of protein, which makes it an indispensable food for all of us. Protein is very important for weight loss, muscle formation, hypertension control and bone health. One large egg consists of 6 grams of protein. The amount of protein in three eggs is equivalent to one serving of meat. - Helper in the work of the heart, indispensable during pregnancy
Modern scientists conducted an experiment and claim that eating eggs will help get rid of cardiovascular diseases. The content of folic acid in the egg contributes to the normal functioning of the hematopoiesis system and the proper development of the fetus during pregnancy.
Eggs are one of the healthiest foods that protect your health and beauty. Using 3 eggs a day, you'll pick health and beauty!
Eat it every day and feel great!
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